Chapter Thirty-Four

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"You are kicking me out?" Olivia breathed as she eyed her husband.

"Olivia, it's your fault that our kid is so upset. So I don't want you here anymore. Go find somewhere to stay." Elliot spoke, as he pointed at the bags that he had sat behind the sofa.

"Elliot, please." Olivia begged, but Elliot just shook his head and moved to where the bags were. He grabbed them before sitting them in front of his wife.

"Leave before the kids see you." Elliot replied.

Olivia swallowed hard before nodding slowly. She looked down at the bags before at her husband.

"Elliot, I'm sorry for telling Rory when he was so young... but what else could I say? I was up with Rory and didn't even have any help with the situation."

"Olivia, just because you had to be a mother and take care of your child isn't an excuse. I'm a much better mother and father to our kids than you could ever be. So just get the hell out of here and don't come back." Elliot huffed.

Olivia was shocked that Elliot thought he was better than her in regards to taking care of the kids. Because he would have to actually do more than change a diaper every now and again to really be in the running for being the best parent.

"I'm a good mother, Elliot Stabler... I-"

"Get. Out."


Olivia didn't know where to go after her husband kicked her out. She knew that Alex was angry at her too, so she felt like everyone probably wanted her to stay away. Olivia went back to the hospital and sank down into an on-call room as more tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Hello?" Olivia breathed, as she answered her phone. 

"Elliot told me that he kicked you out... I was wondering where you went." Alex spoke, as Olivia closed her eyes tightly.

"Alex, does it really matter where I am? You hate me just as much as my husband and children do. I can't even go and check on Rory and try to make him feel better because Elliot is so pissed off at me... He even said that he's a better parent than me." Olivia sniffled.

"Liv, come out to my house. You can stay in your old room and stay there until something changes." Alex replied.

"Alex, you don't want me there. Just tell me something before you can completely ignore me, okay?"


"Am I really a bad mother? Because I guess being up all night with a sick child and then working a twelve hour shift isn't something a good mother would do. Or you know, be the only one who changes diapers or gives the kids baths... or does laundry and cooks dinner... or everything else I do."

"You are a great mother, just not when you told Rory about Hanson."

"This is just fucking dumb... I'm going to see if I can go back to work. Have fun with my family."


Elliot walked upstairs after his wife left, and he found Rory still laying in his bed. He wouldn't move, and he didn't even eat at this point. He was just incredibly upset, and nothing could make him feel better.

"Rory, you don't have to be scared anymore...Mama isn't going to come back around and make you feel worse." Elliot spoke softly, as he moved over and sat beside his son's bed.

"Mama was here?" Rory whispered, as he turned and looked at his father.

"She was, but not anymore. She isn't allowed back here ever again."

"I want her, Daddy... I want Mama." Rory whimpered, as he sat up and tears started to stream down his cheeks.

"No, you don't. She was a mean Mama."

"I want Mama!" Rory sobbed.

Elliot was shocked, but nodded. He walked over and grabbed some clothes for his son before passing them to him.

"Get dressed. We will go see Mama. I bet she's at Aunt Alex's."

"Okay... but do the babies have to come?" Rory sniffled, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Unless you want to wait until Lucy can come get them."

"Please, Daddy... I just want her."


It was about an hour before Elliot and Rory left the house. They went to Alex's house, but found that Olivia wasn't there. Alex explained to Elliot that she had taken his side over Olivia's, and that Olivia refused to come and stay there. Alex also told Elliot about how Olivia felt about his comment about her parenting.

After leaving Alex's, Elliot called all his friends before going to the hospital. They made it quickly to the pediatric floor, before finding Olivia as she walked from one of her patient's rooms.

"Mama!" Rory cried, as he let go of his father's hand and went sprinting to his mother. Olivia turned around quickly and swallowed hard as she looked at her son.

"Rory? What are you doing here?" Olivia questioned, as she squatted down before hugging her son tightly.

"I needed you, Mama. Daddy said you weren't allowed at home anymore... but I need you." Rory sniffled, as he buried his face into his mother's scrub top. Olivia swallowed hard as she looked up at her husband.

"Rory, I love you so freaking much... I'm sorry for having you tell you about Hanson in the way I did... but I didn't know what else to say. Please forgive me."

"I'm not angry at you, Mama. I'm angry at Hanson... he didn't want me, but he wanted his other son."

"Baby, he doesn't deserve you. You are too good for him." Olivia breathed, before kissing her son's head.

"Are you coming home, Mama?" Rory asked, and Olivia sighed before shrugging.

"If he doesn't want me at home, I can't be there. But I'll come see you soon."

"Liv, can we talk real quick?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly before standing and grabbing Rory's hand. She led him back to where her bags were, before telling him to lay down in there for a bit.

She walked out after a moment, before looking at her husband.

"Come home. Rory needs you... and the I'm sure that the babies want you too. Raven and Roland really love you." Elliot spoke, and Olivia sighed as she eyed her husband.

"You don't want me there. You don't want me around at all. You called me a bad mom, said that I suck at what I do. So if you really think that it's for the best that I stay away... I guess I will have to trust you. Since you are such an amazing parent." Olivia grumbled.

"Olivia, I'm sorry but-"

"But what? I do everything for my family. I stay up all night sometimes because the house needs to be cleaned, or laundry needs to be done, or our kids are sick. Then I come into work. You rarely get up in the middle of the night to help take care of the kids. Even when the babies were newborns, you would just roll over when I asked for help. So yeah, I'm a shitty parent."

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