Chapter Thirty-Two

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Since Joseph was dead, he couldn't be charged with raping Lisa when she was only fifteen. He also couldn't be charged because it had been too long since he did the horrible act to what was supposed to be his step-daughter. 

But in regards to the Stabler kids that had been harassing and threatening Lisa, they were all punished in some way. Restraining orders were put into order and none of them could contact Lisa or be anywhere near her and her family. David, who did the most harm to Lisa, ended up going to jail for a year. Once he was out, he and Jean left the state and never looked back.

Lisa was still struggling, but she felt better knowing that she couldn't be contacted by her siblings and that she wasn't wondering about Bea anymore.

While everything was going down with Elliot's siblings, he and Olivia's lives changed for the good. Elliot was given the opportunity to be the head chef at a brand new restaurant in the heart of the city where he got to continue doing what he loved.

They welcomed another baby a year after Raven was born, and she took a new addition better than Rory had when it came to her.

"Roland, Raven, and Rory are all asleep. It took so long to get Rory to actually fall asleep tonight." Olivia sighed as she walked into her bedroom and to where her husband had gotten settled on his side of their bed.

"He seemed really anxious tonight. I don't know why, but I wish that there was something we could do to help calm him down a bit." Elliot frowned, and Olivia nodded as she turned on the baby monitor before climbing into bed beside her husband.

"I think that maybe we should look into therapy. Maybe it can help him relax a bit. There must be something that he isn't telling us." Olivia spoke, and Elliot nodded as he reached over and pulled his wife close.

"Let's just watch him and make sure he knows we are here for him. Then if things get worse we can always look into other options. He's only five. Maybe this is just a phase." Elliot yawned.

"Hopefully. Now, let's get some sleep before Roland decides that he wants to sleep in here... or Raven. I don't want to get kicked by her all night."


The next morning Olivia was up early with Rory. He had been crying and just wanted to be held by his mother. So that is exactly what Olivia did. She held her son and caressed his messy curls as he dozed off in her arms. She was worried because he rarely woke up crying anymore, but he was really different now.

"Do you want some warm milk?" Olivia asked a little after six that morning. Rory couldn't fall back asleep, so now he and his mother had to waste an hour until the rest of their family woke up.

"Mama, why can't I sleep?" Rory whispered, as Olivia carried him into the kitchen. He was getting a little too big for this, but Olivia didn't plan on stopping until the absolute last second.

"I don't know, bean. Is something happening at school?" Olivia asked, as she finally sat her son down on the island as she went about to warm up milk for her little boy.

"Maybe." He admitted weakly.

"You can tell me about anything and everything, Rory. I'm your Mama and I'm always here for you."

"I saw him." Rory breathed.

"Saw who?" Olivia asked with confused brown eyes. She was worried because even if David had left the state with his wife and family, he had still gotten angry with Elliot and Olivia.

"The guy."

"Rory, I need more than that. What guy?" Olivia sighed. Rory awkwardly jumped off the island before grabbing his mother's hand and leading her from the room. He took her to the storage area under the stairs before opening the door.

"Rory is there-"

"Where's the box of pictures?"

"I'll grab them. Give me a moment." Olivia spoke slowly. She turn on the light and moved a few things before grabbing a box of photos. She carried it out and sat it on the coffee table before her son went digging through them.

At the very bottom was a bag that was marked with Hanson's name. Olivia had planned to get rid of them, but Elliot insisted that they keep them just in case Rory ever wanted to see what his biological father looked like.

"Mama, I saw him. The guy in these pictures. He's with you in these, but he was with another lady when I saw him..." Rory breathed. Olivia bit her lip as she took the bag before opening it slowly. She pulled out a picture of Hanson before passing it to Rory. He took it into his small hands and nodding as he lifted his eyes and looked at his mother.

"This is him, Mama... Who is he?" Rory asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she wiped a tear from her cheek. It had been four years since Olivia had seen Hanson. He had left the city and maybe even the state and had gotten engaged. She had just assumed that he'd stay away and start a family with his new wife, but for some reason he was back.

"Give me a moment, Rory." Olivia whispered, before going through a few stacks of pictures. She then stood and found Rory's baby book before returning back to her son.

She flipped through a few pages before finding a page with pictures of herself when she was pregnant with Rory. 

"These are from when you were in my belly." Olivia breathed.

"Okay? Is Daddy behind the camera?" Rory mused, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, Aunt Alex was taking these pictures of me because I hadn't gotten back together with Daddy yet... That guy is the guy that helped me make you... but he wasn't ready to be a Dad so your Daddy stepped up and we fell in love again."

"Mama, so this is my Daddy?" Rory asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No. He's just some man that used me and then left... I'm so sorry that I'm just telling you now, but we didn't know what to do."

"I saw him at school, Mama."

"Why was he at school?"

"I don't know... but I don't want him to see me. Not after he didn't want me." Rory sniffled, as he tossed the picture down.


"Make him stay away, Mama!"

"Oh baby, I'll try my hardest. Okay? Please, just-"

"Leave me alone!"

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