Chapter Seventeen

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"What?" Hanson asked, as he stood slowly and kept his hand shoved into his pants pocket. Inside he had a ring box with a very expensive ring inside, but it was nothing compared to the ring that Elliot gave her.

"Elliot proposed to me, Hanson. He did it last night." Olivia said with a shaky smile. She was so excited to be engaged, and it made it even better that she was engaged to Elliot and not Hanson.

"Why would you say yes? Olivia, we are meant to be together! Clearly God had a plan for us because he let us have Rory!" Hanson exclaimed.

"Hanson, you were an okay boyfriend, but nothing more than that for our whole relationship. I'm so thankful for our little guy... but I'm never going to want to be with you again. You will always be too selfish to be more than a boyfriend to me... that's why I said yes to Elliot. Because he's ready to be my husband and we are so ready to be together forever." Olivia breathed. She moved and sat Rory on his bottom in his playpen, before turning and looking at Hanson.

"I'm going to get full custody of Rory... Elliot isn't the type of man that should be raising a kid. You'll pay for this." Hanson growled. Olivia quickly grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Then I'll get a lawyer and prove that you aren't the type of man that would be a good father. You are single, and I know that you drink more than you should. That you get grabby when you have too much whiskey. That you couldn't pick up a box of diapers last week because you had some 'unexpected' expenses come up. You are a doctor and you make more money in a year than I may be able to in my whole life. So are you getting so many prostitutes that you-" Olivia spat, before getting cut off by Hanson quickly placing his hand over her mouth.

"Okay! I won't sue you for full custody... but I don't want you marrying Elliot! I don't want Rory to grow up thinking that Elliot is his father! I'm his father! If it wasn't for my swimmers, you wouldn't have him!" Hanson yelled. Olivia quickly pulled Hanson's hand from her mouth before getting right up in his face.

He wasn't going to get away with threatening to take her baby from her.

"If you want to see Rory at all, you need to grow up. You need to know that Elliot was here for me when you weren't. Now, get the fuck out of my house and stay away for a while. Next time I'll make sure my fiance is here to kick your scrawny ass." Olivia growled, before shoving her ex and stomping towards Rory.


When Elliot got home, he expected to find Olivia and Rory napping on the couch together. But instead, he found Rory sobbing in his playpen and Olivia wasn't around.

"Hey, what's wrong bean?" Elliot cooed, as he lifted his baby up and held him close. He swayed a bit, before smelling what was bothering his baby. He quickly headed upstairs and into the nursery. He changed his son, before laying him in his crib. Then Elliot went to find his fiancee.

"Olivia!" Elliot called.

"I'm done! I'm going to kill him!" Olivia yelled as she came out of the bedroom.

"What?" Elliot asked with wide eyes.

"He came here and proposed! He said that we are meant to be together since God gave us Rory... but I don't want to be with him! I don't want to be anywhere near him and I don't want him near Rory either!" Olivia yelled.

"Okay, babe... just relax for a moment. I need to know what happened between me leaving this morning and coming home to Rory sitting in a dirty diaper and crying." Elliot frowned.

"Shit," Olivia grumbled, as she quickly went to go downstairs, but Elliot stopped her.

"His diaper is changed and I laid him down for his nap. Liv, we need to talk." Elliot spoke. Olivia swallowed hard as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"He told me that I can't marry you. He doesn't want Rory to grow up and think that you are his father. He wants Rory to only know him as his father. This is beyond dumb. Because he couldn't just be happy that you and I were engaged and that I was happy... no, he had to be a jackass about everything." Olivia huffed.

"Of course he won't be happy because he still doesn't accept the fact that you and I are happy and in love. He is still angry... so pissed off that he doesn't have what we have. So Liv, let's just see how things play out. If it ends up with us having to get married quickly and to file for complete custody of Rory, then we will do that. If not, we can figure out how to make this co-parenting thing can work so that Rory is surrounded by people that love him." Elliot smiled softly.

"Let's get married," Olivia spoke quickly.


"No. If we have a few months or weeks of being married under our belt, then the court will know that we didn't do it just to look better. But because we love each other! Elliot, we can do this!" Olivia exclaimed. 

"I want you to get married the way you want too. In a big poofy dress, or maybe even a silky white pantsuit... I just want you to get married in the way you want and not because you are scared." Elliot spoke gently.

"When you and I met, I knew that I wanted to be with you forever... then we broke up because you cheated... but you aren't that same kid anymore. I have seen you with bean... and you are amazing. You are the best father to our little boy. Now, I think we should make things official. Let's get married and really get our life going. And being married might set my mind at ease."

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