Chapter Twenty-One

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"Daughter in law?" Joseph huffed.

"Don't act so surprised. Now, if you are here to be an asshole to Elliot then you might as well leave. Because I'm not allowing that." Olivia spoke, as she rested her cheek against Rory's thin brown curls.

"You aren't his mommy. You don't have to protect him. So just let me see him!" Joseph yelled. Olivia turned around and sat Rory down before turning back around and stepping close to Joseph.

"You may be taller, stronger, and older than me. But I will kick your ass. You are a jerk and I won't allow you to hurt my husband. He's a better man than you have ever been, and I don't want you to ruin that. So get the hell off my deck before I kick you in your balls. Do you understand?" Olivia growled as she got into Joseph's face.

She wasn't too scary, but Joseph knew if he hurt her that he'd really be going to jail. So he slammed his hands against the doorframe and watched her jump before turning around and stomping towards his truck. 

Olivia took a shaky breath before stepping back and shutting the door. She locked and dead-bolted it before turning around and looking for Rory.

"Bean?" Olivia breathed tearfully.

"Mama!" Rory exclaimed from where he had plopped down behind the couch with his trucks.

"Baby, you scared me!" Olivia exclaimed as tears slipped down her cheeks. She walked to her son and lifted him up before holding him tightly to her body. She kissed his hair and tried to keep the tears from dripping onto his skin but she couldn't prevent that.

Meeting Elliot's father was scary. She didn't even know if she could have kicked Joseph's ass if it really came to that. Or if she'd be the one getting hurt.


Elliot got home and found that the front door had it's chained on along with the dead-bolt. Elliot had to go through the garage to get into the house and even when inside he couldn't find his wife or son.

"Liv! Rory!" Elliot called, as he tossed his keys into the bowl by the front door before heading to the stairs. He ran up them and smiled when he found his family in Rory's room.

"What are you two doing up here?" Elliot asked, but he didn't get an answer before his wife was clinging to him.

Elliot wrapped his arms around Olivia's body before pressing several soft kisses to her temple and cheek.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Just feel really clingy..." Olivia breathed. It wasn't the complete truth but part of it. She felt clingy because she was still freaking out.

"What happened, Olivia? Because I don't want to have you beg you to tell me." Elliot frowned. 

"Your father showed up... He was asking for you so I told him off... but I think he would have killed me if he had the chance." Olivia mumbled into her husband's shoulder. Elliot wrapped his arms tighter around Olivia's body and squeezed her tightly.

"That won't happen."

"Elliot, he's a monster and he knows where we live! He knows about me and Rory! I'm scared to death because he could probably break me if he wanted too!" Olivia sobbed, as she pushed her husband away before raking her fingers through her hair.

"He won't lay a finger on you or Rory! I'm your husband and his father, and I will protect you both! I will go deal with my father because I don't want you to be scared all the time! So please, just relax!" Elliot exclaimed before stepping close and pressing a firm kiss to Olivia's shaking lips. He lifted Rory up and hugged him tightly before forcing him into Olivia's arms.

He was going to go and find his father. He wasn't going to drag this out and cause more stress to develop in Olivia's life. In their life.


Elliot parked outside of his childhood home. Inside he could see his father pacing and Elliot didn't know if he was calling someone or just pacing because he was a freak. Elliot eventually got out of his truck and walked up the path. He was getting flashbacks of his life living here and all of the pain he felt.

Like the last time his father kicked him out. He was seventeen and wasn't even done with school yet. He lived in a shelter for awhile before his football couch let him stay with him and his family until he graduated. But then once he graduated, he was on his own again and hated his father still. Yet more intensely than he had before.

Elliot walked up to the dented wood door before pounding his fist against it a few times. The door swung open only seconds later and Elliot was face to face with his father.

"Oh look. It's the boy that hides behind his very tiny wife." Joseph laughed bitterly.

"Fuck off." Elliot spoke calmly.

"You aren't strong so don't act like it!" Joseph boomed. Elliot didn't even think twice before stepping forward and grabbing his father by the throat. He pushed him into the house before slamming the door and shoving his father. 

Joseph fell to the floor gasping, and Elliot squatted down beside him and smiled.

"I'm not the kid you used to beat. The one you kicked out of the house ten times before I was seventeen. I'm not the kid that you blamed for everything, just because I took Mom from you. I'm an adult. I'm strong. I'm brave. I'm going to protect my family. So leave us alone. Why don't you just drop dead." Elliot growled.

"Why would I leave you alone? It's fun to see you pretend like you aren't a fuck up when we all know you are!"

"Old man, shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you." Elliot spat. He kicked his father's legs before moving to the front door. He swung it open before slamming it shut behind him.

He stomped back to his truck before opening the door. He was just about to get in when his father started to yell profanities at him.

"I didn't kill Mom! You were the one that beat her and raped her! You were done after all of my other siblings until you got her pregnant again! You killed Mom, not me!" Elliot screamed.

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