Chapter Nine

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Alex came around as often as she could to spend time with Olivia before her baby was born. Elliot took on some more hours to make up for the time he was going to be taking off right after Olivia welcomed her baby.

"So you decided to wait on everything, huh?" Alex teased, as Olivia packed her hospital bag. She was three days shy of her due date and had been having weak contractions for the past week. Her doctor wasn't worried, so Olivia was just waiting out everything at home until her contractions grew stronger and she had them coming closer together.

"I'm doing everything in a weird way, Alex. Like I never did think that when I got pregnant, that I'd be moving in with Elliot and that he and I would be planning the quickest route to the hospital," Olivia spoke.

"You two should just be together," Alex spoke. Olivia's eyes went wide as she turned to look at her friend.

"What?" Olivia asked. She was feeling a mix of confusion and just being completely shocked that Alex would even say that. She had always been so against Olivia and Elliot being together, but now she was telling them to just get it over with and start another relationship together.

"You two... I hate to say this because it freaks me out... but you two are meant to be together. He is taking such great care of you, and it's really nice to see the way he helps you to your feet. Or when you say you are hungry, and he knows exactly what you want. You two are like the missing piece for each other." Alex spoke.

"Alexandra..." Olivia whispered.

"Honey, I think that maybe you should go and see him. Tell him how you feel."

"Maybe I don't-"

"You love him," Alex spoke, and Olivia blushed as she nodded slowly. She zipped up her bag before moving to the bathroom.

"He isn't in there-"

"If I'm going to tell Elliot that I love him and want to be with him, I'm going to look nice. I've been living in sweats for the past two weeks, so I'm going to surprise him with clothes that aren't his." Olivia smiled.


Elliot went outside for his first break at around nine. He sat down with his dinner and was just starting to eat it when he heard his name breathed. Elliot sat his sandwich down before turning and looking at the end of the alley where he saw Olivia standing in a dress.

"Liv? What are you doing here? You are usually asleep." Elliot spoke, as he stood and moved to Olivia. 

"I love you," Olivia spoke tearfully.

"I love you too, and you know that... Honey, did something happen?" Elliot asked.

"No, Elliot... I love you. I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend and I want you to sleep in the bed with me because it's what a boyfriend and girlfriend do. I know that this baby isn't yours, but I want you to be it's Daddy... not it's uncle." Olivia whispered. Elliot watched as a few tears slipped down Olivia's cheeks. He dropped his bag onto the cold cement before wrapping his arms tightly around Olivia's swollen body.

He leaned down and started to kiss her until his lips felt numb. He leaned back and smiled at Olivia.

"I'd love to take care of you and this baby. Because I love you both so much." Elliot breathed.

"So I'm your girlfriend again, right?" Olivia asked, and Elliot chuckled and nodded.

"You are my girlfriend, babe." Elliot smiled. He hugged Olivia close again and rocked her back and forth a bit before releasing her.

"I need to get back home... I'm exhausted." Olivia smiled.

"Okay. I'll be home at three. You better be sleeping when I climb into bed." Elliot grinned. He helped his girlfriend back to her vehicle, before kissing her one last time before letting her climb in and drive away.

Elliot hadn't talked about dating Olivia in awhile. He was just going to let things work themselves out. And if that meant he was nothing more than Olivia's friend, then he was okay with that. But he was way happier that he got to date her instead.


Elliot went home that night earlier than he told Olivia because they had been slow. It was officially Valentine's Day when he left, but no one celebrating super early so he was allowed to leave. When Elliot got to the house, he parked and noticed that Alex's car was still there. He walked in and stopped by the front door when he heard a deep moaning coming from the kitchen. Elliot quickly dropped everything and went running to the kitchen. 

He found his girlfriend gripping onto the edge of the counter as Alex gently rubbed her back.

"What's happening?" Elliot asked with wide eyes.

"She's been having contractions every ten minutes and she can't talk through them. She refused to head to the hospital until you got home. So I'm going to go call her doctor and we need to get going." Alex spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"Did she get the bag packed?" Elliot asked quietly, as he took over rubbing Olivia's back.

"It's upstairs. I'll grab it while I call her doctor." Alex spoke before quickly leaving the kitchen.

Olivia's moaning stopped, and she slowly moved back into the standing position. 

"El?" Olivia whispered, and Elliot smiled as he helped her turn around.

"I'm here, Liv. Alex is calling your doctor and getting your bag. And I'm in charge of getting you out into the car. Are you ready for this kid?" Elliot smiled, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her towards the front door.

"Don't leave me, El... Please don't leave me." Olivia cried.

"Hey, why would I leave you? You told me that you want me to be this baby's father, and I'm not going to give up that opportunity." Elliot spoke.

"Hanson left me... and I'm just scared. I'm scared and in pain. I've seen women give birth before when I was working on the maternity floor, but I guess I really didn't realize that these fucking contractions hurt so bad." Olivia groaned before doubling over again. Elliot held Olivia through her contraction before reassuring Olivia.

"I'm not going anyway, Olivia. You are my life, baby."

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