Chapter Twenty-Eight

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While his wife went upstairs to nap with their son, Elliot went to search for his niece. Or his half sister. He didn't know what was going to come of this, and he didn't know what Beatrice would want to be referred as either. She may not even want to be in his life or Lisa's life.

Elliot sat in his car and did some research on his phone and located one Beatrice Monroe in the area around his grandmother's residence. So he decided to go and see if that Beatrice was the one Lisa had given up thirty years ago.

"Hello?" A young girl asked, as she opened the front door to a very cute brick house about two hours outside of the city. 

"Hey, uh... I'm looking for Beatrice Monroe. She's thirty." Elliot spoke. The girl looked Elliot over before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Elliot. Elliot Stabler. I'm just trying to-"

"Regina? Why are you answering the door?" A brunette asked as she moved to the front door. Elliot made eye contact with the woman and noticed that she had the same blue eyes of every Stabler kid. 

"Mama, this guy is asking for you. He even knows your age." The girl sighed, as she narrowed her eyes at Elliot and looked him over.

"Go play, Regina. I'll talk to him." Beatrice sighed. Regina hesitantly left the door and her mother took her spot.


"I go by Bea."

"Oh, sorry. Uh, Bea, I'm Elliot."

"Okay? Why are you here?" She sighed, as if she expected for Elliot to try and make her join his religion.

"Because we have been looking for you." 

"For me? Like... because I'm adopted. Huh?"

"Yeah... can we talk real quick?"

"My parents gave me up for adoption thirty years ago. They have raised me from birth, and I really don't want to meet my birth parents. Sorry but-"

"I'm your uncle. And your..."

"And my what?" Bea sighed.

"Your half brother."

"What?" She asked, as her face lost all of it's color. Elliot frowned before running his hand over the back of his neck.

"Bea, your conception was messy. Your mother, Lisa... she's amazing. She's my big sister and she was fifteen when you were born if that tells you anything."

"Y-your father is my father?" She breathed, and Elliot frowned before nodding slowly.

"Yeah. I'm sorry that I'm the one breaking the news to you. But your mother-"

"Birth mother. She isn't my mother." Bea growled. Elliot nodded again before giving her a gentle smile.

"Lisa wanted to find you. So my wife and I are doing the research to find you. After everything our family has went through recently, we wanted something happy and good. You are the good."

"Our father?" Bea breathed.

"He passed away on your birthday. He's a monster, so I wouldn't blame you if you wanted absolutely no information on him."

"Who says I want to meet any of you?"

"Well, I guess you might not want to be involved in what was happening. So I'm going to leave you with my number. If you want to get in contact with your birth mother, then just give me a call. I'll be on paternity leave in the next few weeks, so keep that in mind." Elliot spoke, before pulling the sticky note from his pocket and passing it to Bea.

"What does Lisa look like?" Bea asked, as Elliot started to turn around.

"I can show you a picture if you'd like. She is my half sister, so she doesn't have the same blue eyes as you... but you two share the same complection."

"Am I part-"

"Your maternal grandfather's family is from Cuba. He's still alive if you wanted to meet him too." Elliot smiled.

"Just let me see my birth mother and then I'll decide."


Elliot got home later that night and found his wife out back with Rory. It was getting dark, but with the back porch light Rory was still able to enjoy swinging.

"Aren't you two tired?" Elliot chuckled, as he came out back and smiled at his wife and son.

"I am, but Rory still has a lot of energy... but I'm too pregnant to chase him around the backyard." Olivia yawned.

"Let me take over here. You can go lay down."

"No, I'm not gonna go to bed. I think that I'd like to find out what you found." Olivia spoke, before lifting Rory from his swing and letting him loose.

Elliot grabbed his wife hand led her back to the porch before helping her onto the swing. 

"Rory, keep close!" Olivia called, and Rory sighed before coming back into his parents' view.

"Okay, Mama!"

Once they watched Rory for awhile, Olivia turned to her husband smiled at him.

"You seem at ease tonight. Is it because you found Beatrice?"

"She goes by Bea, and yes. I found her and she has the Stabler blue eyes but looks like Lisa."

"What did she say?" Olivia asked softly.

"She said that she would think about contacting Lisa. And I'm not going to get in contact with Lisa until she tells me if Bea talked to her."

"So now you are going to be keeping an eye on your phone at all times to see if she messages you." Olivia spoke.

"Yeah, probably... but I'll always be keeping close to you because this is our second baby and we might need to make a quick run to the hospital." Elliot spoke, as he reached over and splayed his hand across his wife's stomach.

"Alex is going to hang out here tomorrow with me and Rory. So get through your shift and then come home and babysit me." Olivia grinned. Elliot went to start kissing his wife, but stopped himself when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He pulled it out before looking at the screen with wide eyes.

"Bea and Lisa are having lunch tomorrow afternoon... that was a message from Lisa thanking me." Elliot smiled.

"Well make sure to tell her that I did all the research." Olivia huffed, but she was smiling. She was happy that something good was coming from all the bad that Joseph Stabler had done.

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