Chapter Eight

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Elliot took a large load of baby things out to his truck, before going back inside to where Olivia was waiting in line to get lunch. They were planning on spending most of the day in town, so then this weekend they could spend time together. Olivia was working fewer hours, and Elliot took this weekend off to help Olivia with the baby's nursery. 

"Whatcha gonna get?" Elliot asked, as he gently placed his hand to Olivia's lower back. She shrugged as she turned to look at him. 

"No idea. I'm not as hungry as I thought I'd be." Olivia replied. Elliot grew worried, and Olivia could tell. She leaned close and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before smiling softly.

"Don't be worried, Elliot. I'm just tired... would you mind getting me my usual? I'm going to go sit down." Olivia said as she fought off a yawn.

"Of course. What do you want to drink?" Elliot asked as he took Olivia's spot in the line.

"Just water," Olivia spoke. She gave Elliot a quick hug before moving towards the tables.

Olivia settled down away from everyone else and leaned back against her chair as she let out a loud yawn. She had been pulling long hours since she found out she was pregnant, but in the last few weeks, anything over eight hours has seemed way too much for her. Going shopping was always too much for her at this point.

Olivia felt someone's shadow take away the bright sun, but when she opened her eyes to see Elliot, she saw Alex instead.

"Liv?" Alex asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she pushed herself up slowly.

"Alex... uh, what are you doing here?" Olivia asked nervously. 

"I'm here getting lunch... and I had to return a few things. Uh, are you alone?" Alex asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No. Elliot is with me. He's just getting us lunch..." Olivia trailed off quietly.

"Cool. Uh, how are you doing? Are you taking your vitamins and going to your appointments?" Alex asked. Olivia looked at her for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Of course I am... I'm taking care of myself and my child..." Olivia frowned, as she saw Elliot walking towards them.

"Liv, can we please talk? Like about the things I said..."

"Alex, you said several nasty things to me... I assume that it's in the heat of the moment but they still hurt." Olivia breathed. Alex nodded slowly before looking over her shoulder and spotting Elliot as he got closer to them.

"Alexandra. Are you joining us?" Elliot asked because he didn't want to make a bad situation even worse.

"No, but thanks for asking. Olivia, please message me if you feel like it. I'd love to talk." Alex spoke. She awkwardly waved at her former best friend before moving away from the table. Elliot sat the tray down in front of Olivia before sitting across from her.

"Are you okay, love?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I'm fine..." She trailed off quietly.


Once at home, Olivia went upstairs to nap while Elliot unloaded the baby stuff. He went back for the last load when he saw Alex's car pull into the driveway. Elliot dropped his arms to his side before moving towards where Alex was now getting out of her car.

"Elliot before you-"

"She misses you, Alex. She doesn't talk about you much, but I know she misses you. Especially when we talk about the baby and she accidentally talks about how amazing an aunt you are going to be." Elliot spoke quietly.

"Did she tell you about what I said during the fight? Because I was so angry at the time and I didn't mean to hurt her." Alex frowned.

"She hasn't told me about it at all. I feel like it's not my thing to get into. Olivia still likes her privacy." Elliot spoke.

"So when did you two start dating?" Alex asked, and Elliot laughed softly and shook his head.

"We aren't dating. Olivia isn't ready for a relationship, so we are just friends. I'm taking care of her, and she's taking care of me. It's nice." Elliot spoke. Alex nodded slowly before looking at the house.

"Can I come in? Maybe talk to her?" Alex asked.

"She's napping right now. But I could use some help with laundry and putting together some new baby things." Elliot spoke.

"Are you really asking me to help you?" Alex asked, and Elliot nodded.

"We might as well be on good terms, just in case you and Liv make up." Elliot smiled, before passing a bag to Alex and leading her to the house.


When Elliot left to go get groceries, he trusted Alex to stay at the house and be there when Olivia woke up. And when Olivia finally woke up, she was shocked to see Alex folding the new baby clothes in the living room.

"Okay, so I'm confused." Olivia breathed.

"I wanted to talk earlier, but Elliot said you were napping. He left to go get groceries, and he didn't want you to be alone so I stayed." Alex spoke.

"Alright... uh, I'm fine being here alone. So you can head out if you want." Olivia breathed.

"Liv, I'm sorry for what I said," Alex spoke.

"You told me that you wished Hanson would take my baby from me and never let me see it. You called me a whore because I was sleeping with my superior and you also said that you understand why my mother decided to drink herself to death." Olivia mumbled.

"Olivia, you were picking Elliot over our friendship. You-"

"You made me decide, Alex.  Because if you could have just realized that I can be friends with both of you, then we wouldn't be in this situation. I don't know why you have been so jealous of what Elliot and I have, but it's just a friendship. And even though I love him and I would love to give our relationship another shot, I'm just not ready and he isn't either."

"Can we please work on becoming friends again? I'd hate myself if I miss out on the rest of our pregnancy, the birth of your baby, and all of her firsts." Alex breathed.

"Elliot thinks it's a boy... I'm kinda hoping so too." Olivia breathed hesitantly as she ran her hand over her stomach.

"I feel like you'd be an amazing boy mom." Alex grinned.

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