Chapter Fourteen

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Rory really did bring Elliot and Olivia's relationship to a different and more mature level. They worked together to take care of the sweet little boy that brought them both so much happiness. By the end of February, Elliot was back at work, and working early morning shifts so he could spend the day with his girlfriend and their little man. Rory was two weeks old, and still loved both of his parents but really did reach a new level of calmness when he was held in Elliot's arms.

"Hanson." Olivia breathed, as she stood at the open front door. Rory was getting put down for his nap, so Elliot wasn't downstairs to answer the door and talk to Hanson.

"Hey, Liv... Uh, I came to help." Hanson smiled, as he reached out to grab her hand. But Olivia moved and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hanson, you haven't contacted me in almost two weeks. You didn't even tell me what was going on. I was expecting to have you here with us... but instead, you fell off the face of the Earth again. Also, you lied to me." Olivia sighed.

"I lied to you? Olivia, I had to go back to Boston and get transferred back here. I am doing this for you and Rory. By the way, why did you name him Rory?" Hanson spoke.

"Because I like the name Rory." Olivia growled. She quickly stepped back and slammed the door and locked it. She turned around and saw her boyfriend on the stairs with his shirt off.

"Who was that?" Elliot asked.

"Hanson... why is your shirt off?" Olivia sighed.

"Our baby spit up on me... but I'm fine with it. I'm okay with dirty work that comes with being a dad." Elliot smiled.

"I'm glad that you are fine with it because Hanson is a jackass," Olivia grumbled. She walked over to her boyfriend before running her hands over his chest.

"I can't tell you what to do in regards to him... but maybe you should give him one last shot. He might just be having a hard time adjusting to having a kid in his life." Elliot spoke, before gently kissing his girlfriend's forehead. He moved past her, but she followed him closely.

"I expected you to be all excited that Hanson isn't involved. That you are going to be Rory's only father." Olivia breathed, and Elliot stopped and looked at her.

"When we got back together... even when we were just friends, I knew that there is another man in your life and he'd always be in your life since you two were having a baby together. I accepted that months ago because I knew that if I could be anything to you, I'd have to play nice with your baby daddy. So, yeah I'm a little excited about being Rory's only Daddy, but I'm also okay with sharing him if it comes to that." Elliot breathed. He stepped close and kissed Olivia's lips softly, before going to start laundry.

Olivia turned around before looking at the door and still seeing Hanson standing outside of it.

"I'm going to make him sweat it. Make him feel my anger."


Elliot was just finishing up his shift when his manager came back and told him that he had a visitor. Elliot wiped his hands off on his apron before moving to the front of the restaurant. No one was eating there at the moment, but Elliot was in the middle of helping to prep for the dayshift.

"Hanson... how did you find out I worked here?" Elliot asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I need your help getting Olivia to let me into Rory's life. I want to know my son... I really do. It's just hard to think that I'm forty and I'm just becoming a father."

"What do you want me to do? Because Olivia is pissed off at you, man. About you just disappearing for a week, and then not showing up again for yet another week. She's also pissed off that you told her lies about me." Elliot sighed. Hanson frowned as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"I love Olivia... and I'd like it if you let us be a family. Let me take care of my family. There are other people out there for you. And these are my people. Rory is my son and Olivia is meant to be my wife." Hanson breathed. He did look desperate, but Elliot wasn't going to give up his soulmate for a man that he knew wouldn't stay around for long.

"I have known Olivia since she was eighteen and I was twenty. We went through a lot together. Like her mother kicking her out. I was a bad man before and cheated on her, but I've grown up. I've matured and I'm ready to be a father. To be her boyfriend... and hopefully her husband one day. I can see that you aren't mature enough to be a father. To be a husband. So maybe grow up before coming around again. Rory needs a real man to be his father, and I'm that right now. Not you." Elliot spoke. 

"But they are my family! I'm the one that helped Olivia create Rory!"

"Being a dad doesn't necessarily mean you were the one that helped create the kid. You have to stand up and be there for the child. You have to push away your wants and needs to take care of the baby that can't take care of its self. Rory... Rory is my boy. He's my son. I was there when he was born. I cut the cord. I have been around him for the two weeks he's been in this world. I've changed diapers, been up late at night to take him from Olivia after she's nursed him, and I've been covered in more vomit, crap, and piss more than you have your whole life. But I'm happy. I don't mind the messy stuff." Elliot spoke.

"I can be a dad to Rory... I will be better than you." Hanson growled.

"Prove it."

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