Chapter Thirty

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Alex waited a full day to bring Rory up to the hospital to meet his baby sister. Not only did she want to give Olivia and Elliot time to bond with their little girl, she also wanted to sleep and spoil Rory before he realized that he wasn't the only child anymore.

"Where's Mama?" Rory sighed as he looked at his aunt as she carried him down the hall.

"She's in her room with your Daddy and the baby." Alex smiled.

"What baby?" Rory sighed. He really hadn't been too interested in the fact his parents were telling him about the baby. He just really knew that his Mama's belly was getting bigger and that made hugging and cuddling with her harder.

"There was a baby in your Mama's belly. You have a baby sister." Alex smiled. Rory looked at Alex and narrowed his eyes.

"No." He huffed.

"No?" Alex asked, and Rory shook his head.

"No! I don't want a baby sister!" He cried right outside of Olivia's hospital room.

"Rory?" Olivia questioned as she heard her son cry and start to throw a fit.

Alex tried to hold her nephew still enough that he'd calm down, but he just kept punching her and eventually forced himself from her arms.

Alex sat Rory on the floor before grabbing his hand.

"Elliot!" Alex called, and after a moment Elliot came out of the room and lifted his son up.

"We need to have a talk, Bean." Elliot spoke, and Rory shook his head.

"Take her back!" He screamed, and Elliot shook his head.

"We aren't getting rid of your sister. Now, let's go sit down and you can relax."


Elliot took his son down to the cafeteria and got him milk and a cookie before they sat in the far back corner. He waited for his son's breaths to stop coming in hiccups, before passing him his cookie and milk.

"Rory, why are you so upset?" Elliot asked softly, as he held his son's carton of milk so he could drink from it.

"I don't want a sister. I just want you and Mama." He sniffled, as tears welled in his eyes again.

"Buddy, we loved it just being us... but Bean, we love your baby sister so much. And she's close in age to you, so when she's older you two can play. And if you two get along well, maybe we will give you another sibling that you both can play with. Okay?"

"Where would she go if we didn't keep her?" Rory asked, and Elliot chuckled as he reached out and smoothed his son's hair.

"Well, she can't go back where she came from." Elliot spoke.

"Where'd she come from?" Rory asked, and Elliot swallowed hard before sighing.

"That is a story for when you are much older... now, do you want to finish this and go meet Raven?"

"No." Rory huffed, and Elliot frowned.

"If you are a good boy and meet Raven and don't throw a fit, I will get you a new stuff animal on our way home... but you gotta be a good boy."

"But what if I don't want a sister?" Rory huffed.

"You will realize how much you want her, Bean. She's adorable. Just like you."


After about half an hour of Rory and Elliot talking, Elliot brought Rory back upstairs to meet his baby sister.

"Alright, Bean is ready to meet Raven." Elliot smiled. Olivia looked up from Raven and gave her husband a nervous look.

"Are you sure, Rory?" Olivia breathed, and Rory swallowed hard before nodding.

"I guess."

Elliot carried Rory over to where his mother laid. He sat Rory on the edge of the bed before letting him move at his own pace.

Elliot walked over and stood by Alex, as they both watched three of the most important people in their lives.

"Hi, Mama." Rory whispered.

"Hey, baby. Are you okay?" Olivia asked softly.

"I don't want a sister." He whispered, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I heard... but she's amazing. She's very sweet and she is going to worship you."

"Huh?" Rory asked.

"Baby, she's going to think that you are the best big brother and the coolest person she has ever met." Olivia breathed.

"Does she love me?" Rory whispered, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"She loves you so very much."

"I guess I'll love her too." Rory breathed.

"You don't have to like her right now. Soon you won't even remember a time without her."

"Does she have a name?" Rory asked, and Olivia chuckled.

"We've told you her name, honey."

"No! Like, I'm Bean! What's hers?" Rory smiled, as he hesitantly reached out and touched his sister's fist.

"Oh, uh... we haven't came up with one yet." Elliot spoke, as he moved over to his wife and children.

"Soon though, right?"

"Of course."


A few weeks after Raven was born, Olivia was starting to feel more like herself and Rory was absolutely in love with his little sister that he decided to call Bug. He wanted them to have matching nicknames, or at least ones that start with the same letter.

"Lisa?" Olivia asked softly, as she opened the front door. Elliot was out running errands with Rory, so Olivia could relax in between feedings with Raven.

"Hi, Olivia... how are you feeling?" Lisa asked nervously.

"I'm feeling okay. Not as sore as before... how are you doing?" Olivia asked, and Lisa swallowed hard.

"I'm fine." Lisa lied. Olivia knew she was lying, because she said that same lie a million times before. Olivia looked at Lisa and saw the dark circles under her eyes, and the way her cheeks were almost sunken.

"Are you eating?"

"What? Yeah." Lisa breathed.


"Is Elliot here?" Lisa whispered.

"He's out with Rory. I'd like you to come in through. Meet your niece." Olivia smiled, before grabbing Lisa's arm and pulled her into the house. 

"I don't want to impose." Lisa whispered.

"You aren't imposing. I've been on lockdown here for two weeks. Alex comes over and so do a few of our other friends, but it's mostly just Elliot, the kids, and myself."

"What did you end up naming here?" Lisa breathed.

"Raven Alexis. We are keeping up with the same letter thing... I guess." Olivia chuckled.

"It's a sweet name."

"Lisa, has Bea still not-"

"Bea doesn't want anything to do with me. And I've been getting death threats from my siblings. So I'm not in a good place right now."

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