Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next day, Elliot went to work after Alex showed up to babysit it his wife. Everyone was on baby watch, and Elliot was thankful that Alex could take a shift. Elliot had his plate very full at the moment between work, his family, and his sister, that he needed to get out of the house for a shift to just focus on something for a bit instead of many things at once.

"Someone is here for you, Elliot." One of the waitresses spoke when she came back to get an order. They were slow at the moment, so Elliot used this time to see who was there.

"Lisa." Elliot smiled when he saw his older sister sitting at a table in the middle of the dining room.

"Hey, El... I hope that it's okay that we came here. I wanted to know that I had someone that I knew around here." Lisa sighed softly.

"Of course... so is Bea on her way?" Elliot asked, as he brushed a few stray crumbs from the tablecloth.

"Yes. She texted me and told me when she left her house. I'm so freaking nervous." Lisa breathed.

"She's a lot like you. I'm sure that everything will be fine, Lisa. Now, I'm going to go back into the kitchen. But if you need me and we are still slow, just ask for me again." Elliot smiled, but his smile faded when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

He pulled it out slowly, before his eyes went wide.

"What's wrong?" Lisa questioned, and Elliot took a shaky breath before untying his apron.

"Olivia's in labor. I've been ordered by her blonde bestie to head to the hospital... call me later and tell me how things go!"


Elliot got to the hospital about an hour after he got the text from Alex. He was a little less shaky this time around compared to when Olivia was in labor with Rory, but he knew it was because it was the second time around.

"Hey, why aren't you with her?" Elliot asked, as he walked down the hall and to where Alex stood out in the hall.

"She's getting checked right now. She's my best friend, but down there isn't an area I need to see. Are you nervous?" Alex asked, and Elliot nodded.

"A little bit. I'm just so excited to meet my daughter."

"Yes, the unnamed second child." Alex teased, as the door to Olivia's room opened.

"She has a name... We just didn't want to tell you. We hate you." Elliot smirked, before he dodged Alex's elbow as he walked into the room.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Olivia smiled tiredly from her bed.

"Messing with each other. Now, how are you feeling?" Elliot asked, as he moved over to the bed before kissing his wife softly.

"I'm still avoiding the epidural..."

"Baby, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted some sort of pain relief. But whatever you decide, I'll support." Elliot smiled.

"Can you do me a favor?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Of course."

"Can you call Casey and check in on Rory? I want to come home and find our son alive... Casey and the guys may lose him somehow." Olivia breathed.

"I'll do that, Liv. Keep your husband, since no one else wants him." Alex grinned, as Elliot rolled his eyes. He was going to respond back, but the way his wife grabbed his hands and squeezed them made him know that now was not the time. Now was the time to support his wife through every contraction.


Hours went by and eventually Olivia got up to walk the halls. Elliot kept an arm wrapped around her waist and stood strong when Olivia leaned against him. He was going to try his hardest and be everything Olivia would need during her labor, even if he had to forget about his own needs.

"Why is Lisa here?" Olivia yawned, as they stopped for a moment.

"Huh?" Elliot questioned quietly.

"Lisa. Your sister. She's walking towards us." Olivia replied with a sigh.

"Oh, uh... I have no idea. She had her lunch with Bea this afternoon so maybe she's just here to update us." Elliot replied softly. As Lisa got closer, another contraction hit Olivia. Lisa noticed so she kept her distance and waited for her sister-in-law to open her eyes again and relax.

"Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt this." Lisa whispered.

"Don't apologize. Steal your brother and take him to get something to eat. He hasn't left my side since he got here." Olivia spoke, before kissing her husband's cheek and moving back to her room to grab Alex.

Once Lisa and Elliot were in the elevator and heading down to the cafeteria, Lisa started to speak.

"She accused me of the same things that David did." Lisa whispered, as she grabbed on tightly to her little brother's arm.

"What?" Elliot asked weakly.

"Bea said that I gave her up because I regretted my decision to fuck my step-father. She said that it was all my fault... that I clearly wanted Joseph but didn't want her." Lisa whimpered as the elevator doors opened. 

Elliot helped his sister out before hugging her tightly.

Elliot was sick and tired of everyone refusing to hold Joseph accountable for what he did. Just because he is dead, doesn't mean that his side of the story is true compared to what Lisa was saying. Elliot knew that after all this time, that Lisa wasn't lying. If Joseph had been capable of beating the shit out of Elliot, he was capable of raping and abusing Lisa too.

"I will talk to her-"

"There is no point, El. My daughter doesn't want me around and I can't say anything else about it... I just wanted to give you an update face to face and so I could hug you after the day I had."


Lisa left as soon as she made sure her brother got something to eat and then made his way back upstairs to where his wife was. Olivia was still walking the halls when Elliot returned, but Elliot made sure not to tell her what was going on with Lisa. 

It was two full days after Olivia was admitted to the hospital, and a total of almost fifty hours of labor before Elliot and Olivia's daughter was born.

Compared to her brother, Raven Alexis was small but fiesty. She had a full head of hair and an already noticeable birth mark on her left temple. Everything about her was completely different from what her parents expected, but everything was exactly what they wanted. 

"This was so worth it." Olivia whispered, as she laid on her side in her hospital bed. Elliot laid beside her and his chest was currently the only place where Raven would fall and stay asleep.

"I'm so sorry that your labor was so long, Liv..." Elliot breathed, as he reached out and brushed a tear from his wife's cheek.

"I'm not... it just made her arrival all the more amazing..." Olivia smiled.

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