Chapter Fifteen

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As Rory got older, Hanson came around more often. He was really going to prove to Elliot that he was the better option for Rory, but Elliot knew he was. He was the right man to be a father to Rory, and he was completely confident that Rory knew that even if he was just a baby.

"Happy six month birthday, bean." Olivia cooed gently, as she looked down into her son's crib. He was a very chunky baby, and Olivia always just wanted to squeeze her son's cheeks, arms, and thighs.

"Is he awake?" Elliot whispered, from where he was standing in the doorway.

"He is... and god is he the cutest baby." Olivia smiled. She leaned down and lifted her baby boy up before cuddling him close. Rory rested his head against his mother's shoulder, but his eyes were focused on his father.

"Hey, bean. How did you sleep?" Elliot asked, as he came up behind his girlfriend and rested his hand against her lower back while using his free hand to caress the thin curls on top of Rory's head.

"When I woke up to see if he needed to be nursed, he was still sleeping... so I'm assuming good. But now he has to be hungry."

"Do you want me to leave you to that and make breakfast?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I'd love pancakes..."

"Anything for you, Livvie. I'll see you when this little guy is fed."


Not only was it's Rory's half birthday, but it was also Olivia and Elliot's six month anniversary. Olivia didn't really remember because the night they started to date was also the night she was in an incredible amount of pain. But Elliot remembered and he had a plan. He was having Alex and, unfortunately, Hanson over to watch Rory while he took Olivia out to dinner and to do something special.

"Hey, so did you get it?" Elliot asked when Alex showed up. She was there more than anywhere else, and it was like Elliot and Olivia were feeding another child since Alex was always over there eating.

"It's in my jacket. I looked and it looks perfect." Alex smiled. She walked over and grabbed the stack of plates and started to set the table.

"Good... uh, she doesn't remember that today is our anniversary, so please don't tell her. I don't want her to feel bad that she forgot." Elliot breathed.

"She'll feel bad when she sees that-"

"Alex, do you even have a house anymore?" Olivia questioned, as she came into the kitchen with Rory cuddled in her arms.

"I do, but I like this house better. I like being around you guys more than being alone." Alex smiled. She finished setting the table, before going over and stealing Rory from his mother. She covered his face in kisses and didn't stop until he was giggling like crazy.

"So, I think Alex is going to watch Rory tonight and you and I are going out for dinner," Elliot spoke, as he flipped a pancake.

"Why?" Olivia asked, and Elliot shrugged.

"I don't know... maybe because we haven't been on a date since we got back together. Maybe because I want a night with you where we don't talk about baby stuff or talk in baby voices. Maybe it's because I love you and I want to show you that I love you." Elliot spoke.

"Do you think Alex can handle Rory for a few hours? I think that she might need help." Olivia breathed.

"That's why I texted Hanson. He'll come over and help, and I promise that we will be home by ten at the latest."

"Ten?! Elliot, when do you plan on leaving?" Olivia sniffled, as she looked away from her boyfriend and at her baby instead.

"I was thinking around six. Four hours isn't that long, and there is plenty of milk in the freezer for our baby. So please, just trust me." Elliot breathed. He put the last few pancakes onto a plate before taking it to the table.

"I haven't been away from Rory since he was born... I don't want to go out on a date tonight." Olivia breathed, and Elliot frowned before nodding slowly. His plans were going down the drain and it made him a little angry.

"Of course... Uh, I think that maybe I'll go out tonight. I'll do the big grocery shopping tonight." Elliot frowned, as he left the kitchen.

"Liv." Alex sighed.

"I don't want to leave Rory... and Elliot understands."

"He may understand, but that doesn't mean that you turning him down doesn't hurt him."


Elliot canceled the reservation and he went to do a big Sam's Club run instead. 

"Do you really think I hurt him?" Olivia sighed, as she and Alex took Rory out for a walk before he went to bed. The fresh air always helped him relax enough that he could fall asleep.

"Liv, he had a night planned for you. It's your six month anniversary, and he wanted to make things special."

"What? It's not-"

"Six months ago you went to the restaurant and asked Elliot to be your boyfriend and then promptly went into labor," Alex spoke. Olivia stopped and looked at her friend before frowning deeply.

"Do you know what he had planned?" Olivia breathed.

"I know of one thing, but I'm not at liberty to say. So, do you want to walk another lap and go home? I think bean needs his diaper changed." Alex spoke, but Olivia shook her head.

"No... I need to find Elliot and apologize. Can you take care of Rory for a little bit?" Olivia asked, and Alex nodded.

"Of course." Alex smiled.


Elliot was just getting back to his truck when he noticed Olivia standing next to the tailgate.

"Liv, what are you doing here?" Elliot asked, as he stopped the cart and started to unload items into the back of his truck. He had a tarp that he secured over the top so nothing flew away.

"I'm sorry that I messed everything up tonight... I forgot about this being a kinda big anniversary... please forgive me and tell me that I didn't mess everything up."

"You messed every single thing up." Elliot sighed.

"Baby-" Olivia spoke, and Elliot frowned as he reached into his pocket and grabbed the box before passing it to his girlfriend.

"Happy six month anniversary. That is the ring I was going to propose to you with." 

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