Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Olivia was silent for the next two days. She still felt miserable, but kept quiet about her pain because she didn't want to worry her husband more than he already was. 

"Hey, why are you dressed?" Elliot asked, as his wife came out of the bathroom.

"I'm going to work." Olivia breathed. She slowly made her way over to her dresser before grabbing a pair of socks.

"Liv, you shouldn't go to work right now. You are still bleeding and cramping."

"I'm just going to think of it as my period. Just go to work and force myself through this pain." Olivia breathed. She sat down on her side of the bed and pulled her socks on before closing her eyes tightly and running her hands over her face.

"You are in pain, baby."

"I need to get out of the house. If I get worse, I'll go to the ER and see if they can help me out." Olivia sighed weakly. She felt as her husband gently ran his fingers over her back, and she swallowed hard as tears slipped down her pale cheeks.

"Elliot, I love you. Thanks for taking care of me. But we still aren't completely together... we are separated because of everything that has happened and how bad everything has been between us lately. So I'm going to go... tell the kids that I love them."


Olivia got to work at her usual time. She went to the locker room and put her stuff away, before grabbing her sweater and moving from the locker room. She made it to her floor and started with her usual checks. She made sure that all of the kids had clean diapers or were helped to the bathroom. Then she went to the nurse's station and sank down onto a chair before logging in.

"Hey, Olivia. Feeling better?" One of the night nurses asked, as she walked from a room and smiled at her replacement.

"I'm okay." Olivia lied. She felt weak and had gotten sick on the side of the road before she could even get to the hospital. She was worried that she had an infection, but didn't want to tell anyone else that she had been pregnant but was suffering from a miscarriage.

"You don't look great."

"I'm just not feeling good... you can head out now. Get some sleep."

"I have only been on for twelve hours. Do you want me to just cover for you? You could-"

"Thank you, but I'm okay. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

The trade off went smoothly, and once Olivia got into her tasks she started to really forget about what was happening. Olivia was sent down to the ER to help out on a trauma, and while retrieving supplies she started to feel faint. She couldn't ignore everything that was happening, and her heart started to pound hard in her chest and she started to feel hot and cold at the same time.

Olivia sat down her supplies and grabbed onto the edge of one of the shelves before drawing in a sharp breath before black dots developed in her vision.

"H-help." Olivia struggled to breath, before everything went black around her.


"Diapers." Elliot spoke, as a sat a box of diapers in his cart. Rory read through the list before marking it off.

"Check!" Rory smiled, as he walked beside his father.

"Now, wipes. How many does Mama have listed on the list?" Elliot questioned, as he dragged the cart down the aisle.

"Four things... these two are messy." Rory sighed, as he looked at his baby brother and sister.

"We aren't!" Raven huffed, and Elliot frowned as he grabbed the wipes before trying to calm his daughter down before she threw a fit unlike any that her brothers could.

"Raven, it's okay. Your brother was messy too. Please don't cry." Elliot frowned, as he smoothed his daughter's curls.

"I hate Rory." She huffed, and Elliot shook his head as he kissed Raven's forehead.

"You don't hate him. You love him. Don't let him get to you... now-" Elliot was cut off when his phone started to buzz. He pulled his phone out before starting to push the cart out of the aisle.


"Elliot! It's Alex." 

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

"Olivia fainted at work."

"W-what?" Elliot asked, as he froze in his spot.

"They were trying to call the house, but couldn't get you. So they called me. I'm on my way to the hospital right now. Do you know what was happening with her?" Alex asked, as Elliot quickly reached into the cart and lifted his kids up after tucking his phone in between his ear and his shoulder.

"She started to have a miscarriage two days ago. She insisted that she was good to go to work. That she was sure she had passed everything and just needed to get back into her routine." Elliot spoke, as he looked at Rory.

"I'll meet you there. Okay?" Alex breathed.

"Yeah. See you soon." Elliot sighed, before sitting Raven on her feet and hanging up. He went back to the cart and grabbed the diaper bag before turning to the two kids that stood by each other.

"What's happening, Daddy?" Rory questioned, and Elliot frowned as he looked between all three of his kids. 

"Mama is sick. We have to go to the hospital and see her. Auntie Alex is going to meet us there."

"How sick?" Rory asked.

"It's not good, buddy. We gotta go."


Elliot and the kids made it to the hospital about half an hour after Alex called him. He sat the kids together on a bench before walking to the front counter.

"I'm looking for my wife. Olivia Stabler. She's a nurse here and she fainted." Elliot spoke quickly.

"Yeah, she's in surgery."

"Can you tell me what happened?" Elliot asked weakly.

"Sir, I'm going to let her doctor tell you. It's-"

"I know that she was having a miscarriage. She kept telling me that she was fine. That she was good enough to come to work today, when I knew she wasn't."

"She has a very extensive infection. They... aren't sure if they will be able to save her uterus... or even her."

"W-what?" Elliot breathed.

"Why don't you go sit down and I'll tell her doctor that you are here."

Elliot turned around slowly and walked over to where Alex had joined the kids. He couldn't really believe what he just heard.

Would Olivia ever come home with him and their children?

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