Chapter Twenty-Six

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Elliot didn't really talk much about what Lisa and he discussed. He knew that Olivia gave Lisa the approval to tell Elliot, so he didn't need to repeat everything that was said. He also didn't want to bring up all the nasty details since he didn't want that to stress out his wife even more than she already was.

"Elliot." Olivia sighed as she laid in bed with her husband and listened to Elliot's phone ringing downstairs. 

"Huh?" Elliot yawned as he rolled over and looked at his wife. 

"Your phone is ringing downstairs and I'm too tired to go get it." She breathed. Elliot nodded before quickly climbing out of bed and heading downstairs. He grabbed his phone just before it stopped ringing.

"Hello?" Elliot asked softly.

"Hey, kid. Uh, it's Lisa." Lisa spoke. Elliot frowned, and he knew something was wrong because Lisa never called this late at night.

"Is he dead?" Elliot asked weakly.

"He signed at DNR. David called me crying and I thought you might want to know."

"Thanks for calling me... I just don't know what to say." Elliot frowned.

"Do you want to meet up for coffee after your shift? We can talk... celebrate." Lisa said with a weak laugh.

"You haven't met Rory yet... Olivia doesn't work tonight. Maybe you and the boys could come to dinner." Elliot spoke.

"Okay. Sounds good. We will be there. Just tell us when."

"Will do... I'll see you then." Elliot breathed before hanging up.

He felt weird now. Even if he was a little relieved that his abuser was going to be leaving the world, he was also a little sad. He wouldn't have a parent anymore, but then again Joseph was never really a father to him to start.

"Babe?" Olivia asked softly, as she came downstairs and squinted as she looked at her husband.

"Joseph signed his DNR tonight. He's ready to die." Elliot breathed.

"I'm sorry, El... Are you upset?" Olivia asked, as she rubbed her eyes and moved towards her husband.

"For some reason I kinda am." Elliot whimpered.

Olivia wrapped her arms tightly around her husband as he started to sob. She rubbed his back and didn't let go until she knew he was ready for them to part.

"Love, I know that he wasn't a real father to you... but he is still your Dad... it's going to hurt when he passes."

"I'm going to go for a-"

"No, you aren't going for a drive. Elliot Stabler, get your butt back up to bed. We can cuddle and talk if you want. But I refuse to let you just run away."


Elliot slept in later than his wife did. Olivia had gotten up with Rory, and just kept her son as quiet as possible to allow Elliot to rest and relax.

But when Elliot did get up, he seemed a little calmer than earlier that day.

"Daddy!" Rory screamed when he finally saw his father. He threw his blocks to the ground and ran as fast as he could and flung himself at his father.

"Whoa there, Rory. Calm down, little guy." Elliot chuckled, as he swung his son up before tossing him up a few times. Once Rory was back in his arms, he held him close and pressed a kiss to his hair.

"Daddy, where were you?!" The small boy demanded. Elliot pointed at the stairs as he moved his eyes and saw his wife standing in the kitchen doorway.

"I was sleeping. But now I feel good and I think you and I are going to go for a bike ride." Elliot grinned.

"Bike!" Rory exclaimed before running to get his shoes on, even if they weren't going to match.

"How are you doing?" Olivia asked, and Elliot shrugged.

"I'm okay, I guess. Still kinda tired, but I'm not going to let this get to me. Have you checked my phone yet?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, but Lisa called me and said we were having dinner tonight. She didn't say anything about Joseph." Olivia replied. Elliot nodded before slowly walking to where his phone sat. He lifted it up and let out a small sigh of relief before looking at his wife.

"Is he-"

"Nothing yet. Uh, we can go for a walk instead of a bike ride if you had wanted to join us." Elliot smiled, and Olivia shook her head.

"Nah, I have a few things to do... like plan dinner. You go spend time with the boy."

"Yeah, sorry about that..."

"Don't apologize. Lisa is your only sibling that I like."

"It's probably because she doesn't have Joseph as her biological father."


While everyone sat down for dinner that night, Lisa's phone rang. Everyone went silent, minus Rory, and they stared at the phone.

"It's David." She breathed, before standing and moving from the dinning room. Elliot jumped up and quickly followed his sister.

They went out onto the back porch, and Lisa answered the call and put it on speaker phone.

"Hey, David. What's happening?" Lisa asked.

"Dad is going to be passing away soon. I think that it's time we all get together to say goodbye."

"I'm kinda busy, David." Lisa sighed, as she watched her baby brother crossed his arms over his chest.

"You can't be busy right now, Lisa. Our father is-"

"My father's name is Marco. He is my father. Joseph is just my rapist." Lisa spat. David's side of the line went silent, and Elliot hit the mute button before looking at his sister.

"I'm going to that hospital and I will be the last thing he sees before he dies." Elliot spoke, and Lisa nodded slowly as David started to speak again.

"He took you in, Lisa. Just because you had a thing for him-"



Elliot made it into Joseph's room and stood by the door as he watched his father take weak and shaky breaths. Elliot shut the door and moved over to where his father laid. He sank down beside him, before laying his hand against his arm.

Joseph's eyes fluttered open, and he moved them to where his youngest son sat.

"Elliot." He panted.

"Hey, Dad. I know that you are dying, and I just wanted to say one thing before you leave." Elliot spoke.

"What?" Joseph asked.

"I know that you raped Mom, and then raped Lisa too. I know that you are a predator and a waste of space. The world will be just a tiny bit better with you gone, and even if I was sad last night, I'm happy now. Rot in hell."

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