Chapter Eighteen

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Elliot still wasn't sure that he wanted to marry Olivia so soon. He didn't want her to regret marrying him at the courthouse instead of in a ceremony she planned for months with the help of Alex. He wanted Olivia to feel confident enough to leave Rory for a few days so they could celebrate their marriage with a proper honeymoon.

Rory is only six months old, and if Olivia wasn't ready for a date night she most certainly wouldn't be ready to go out of the country or state and leave Rory behind.

"Liv, let's wait," Elliot spoke, and Olivia frowned deeply.

"Do you not want to marry me anymore?" Olivia asked, and Elliot quickly shook his head.

"Olivia, I want to marry you. I want to be your husband more than anything else. But I just think that you might regret marrying me now because this will be your first and last wedding and it should mean something. It should be exactly how you want it." Elliot spoke.


"But nothing, Liv. Let's just see if Hanson tries anything. If he does, then we can take the next step. But he might not try to sue us for custody if he knows that I could break him like a stick." Elliot smiled. Olivia swallowed hard before stepping close and hugging her fiance tightly.

"I'm just so scared and angry. I hate that he was pissed off we were engaged and decided to threaten me. I don't even want him around Rory anymore."

"Maybe tell him how you are feeling. Tell him that if he plans on pulling that shit again, he won't be seeing Rory without a court order."

"But what if he gets Rory for more hours than we do?" Olivia whispered.

"That won't happen. Now, do you wanna nap? Rory is sleeping so we should probably get some shut-eye too."

"Will you lay with me?" Olivia whispered.

"Of course. But I get to be the big spoon." Elliot teased.


Six Months Later

They didn't decide to get married that week or the week after, but they did decide to get married a year after they started to date and a year after their lives were changed completely by the birth of their little bean.

"I'm so glad we are doing this." Olivia smiled, as she and Elliot got ready for their small wedding in their backyard. It was a warmer February than they have had in a while, so they decided to do the wedding outside and to have dinner inside afterward. Then they didn't have to waste money on a fancy venue for just eight people.

"I am too. Today is going to be in the top three of the best days of my life." Elliot spoke, as he fixed his tie. 

"Top three? What are the other two?" Olivia questioned, as she turned to look at him. 

"The day that you and I moved in together and the day Rory was born." Elliot smiled.

"You are too sweet." Olivia smiled. She moved to Elliot and wrapped her arms around him tightly before pressing several kisses to his lips.

"I love the jumpsuit, Liv. It makes your ass look amazing." Elliot spoke, as he stared at his fiancee through the floor-length mirror.

"My ass always looks amazing." She laughed as she hugged him tightly. They stayed like that for several moments before a knock sounded on the bedroom door.

"Who is it?" Elliot questioned with a soft sigh.

"Alex and Rory!" Alex spoke loudly through the door. Olivia quickly moved to the door and opened it before smiling when she saw her baby.

"Hey, bean! How was your nap?" Olivia cooed, as she took her baby into her arms and held him close. He rested his head in the crook of her neck before shoving his pudgy little thumb into his mouth.

"I'm assuming it was good since he is still very much out of it." Elliot chuckled.

"Elliot, can I get some help downstairs?" Alex asked, and Elliot looked at her for a moment before nodding.

"Sure. Uh, Liv, why don't you and Rory chill for a bit and come down when you are ready to get hitched." Elliot smiled, before moving from the room with Alex.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked once the door was shut.

"Hanson is outside. I know we didn't invite him and I can't get him to leave." Alex breathed. Elliot nodded as he played with his cufflinks.

"I guess I'll be kicking some ass, huh?"

"The guys are ready to back you up if you need it," Alex spoke.


Elliot went outside and walked down the steps of the deck before moving towards where Hanson stood.

"You aren't welcome here anymore, Hanson. We made that clear."

"It's my son's first birthday. I should be here." He spoke.

"Rory's birthday won't be celebrated until after Olivia and I get married. So why don't you just leave." Elliot spoke.

"I've missed the last six months of Rory's life because you had to go and ruin everything."

"You think I ruined everything, Hanson? I've been the one supporting the family you made with Olivia, the one you decided that you wanted nothing to do with. So leave. Now." Elliot ordered. He was preparing himself to punch Hanson, and he was figuring out how he could do it without getting blood on his suit.

"I'm not leaving this-" Hanson's words were cut off when Elliot punched him. He stumbled back before falling hard on his ass. 

"I will get a restraining order against you. I will get your parental rights removed. I will make your life a living hell if you don't leave us alone. Olivia will be my wife in just a few minutes and you will be nothing to her once again. Rory knows me as his only father now because you've been fucking around for the last six months. So, get the hell out of my driveway and stay away. This is your last warning and next time I won't be nice at all. I will make you bleed more than you are right now."

"You don't-"

"I know I scare you, Hanson. I scare you shitless. Now, get off my property."

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