Chapter Twenty

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"It's so hot here." Olivia groaned as she and her husband got off the plane in LA. Thankfully they were doing better, because if Olivia hadn't apologized neither knew if their marriage would make it a week. 

"You are the one that asked to go to LA for our honeymoon. This is your fault." Elliot smiled. Olivia sighed softly before grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"I hate that February is hot here and it's cold in New York. It's dumb." Olivia sighed. Elliot pulled her to the side before hugging her tightly. He rubbed her back before speaking.

"Liv, don't focus on the weather. Focus on the fact that you and I are on our honeymoon. That we are married and are going to be happy. Even if we fight sometimes..."

"Can we call home-"

"We are going to wait until our kid is up before calling home. Now, smile. We are alone for three days with no interruptions. Only us."

"That does sound good... it will sound better if you promise to get me to the hotel as quick as possible so we can celebrate our marriage in a more... official way."

"Excuse me!" Elliot exclaimed as he moved through the crowd with his laughing bride behind him.


Panting hard, Elliot laid beside his wife and wrapped his arm around her bare body. He pulled her close as he felt her rest her head against his shoulder.

"Was this technically make up sex?" Elliot asked as he ran his hand to Olivia's hip.

"Possibly... I haven't had makeup sex before."

"Really?" Elliot asked as he shifted a bit before placing a soft kiss to his wife's temple.

"When I break up with a guy, it's meant to last. Minus this."

"Huh?" Elliot asked.

"You are the only guy I have broken up with and then got back together with. Does amazing sex cloud your mind?" Olivia teased, as she sat up and looked down at the man she loved more intensely than she loved him when they were young and dumb.

"Hopefully you won't regret marrying me... so I'm going to-"

"Hey, don't do this. I hate when you hate on yourself. You are an amazing man. You made mistakes in the past but so have I. We are only human. We will grow from our mistakes. I know that you have already grown from your mistakes."

"I hate when you have to comfort me." Elliot frowned.

"Why?" Olivia asked.

"Because you shouldn't have to take care of me like you take care of Rory. I'm an adult, but a lot of the time I feel like a kid."

"Honey, if I have to spend the rest of my life reassuring you and taking care of you, then I'll be living a good life. Trust me. Now, lay back down. This is my honeymoon and I'm not ready to get out of bed yet."


Their honeymoon was good. They ended up spending more time outside of their hotel than they thought that they would. They did some sightseeing before hesitantly heading home. Once they made it to JFK, they were more than happy to be home and be with Rory once again.

"So, how did the trip go?" Alex asked as she helped Olivia unpack her bags from the trip. Elliot was upstairs bathing Rory before he was going to put him down for his nap.

"It went great. Elliot and I are on the same page again. He was a little sad at first because he's still angry at himself for hurting Hanson, but after I got him to calm down everything got better." Olivia smiled. She handed Alex a gift, before moving to put all of her dirty clothes into the hamper.

"What's this?"

"Open it and see." Olivia smiled. Alex opened the gift and smiled when she saw a necklace.

"I love it, thanks." Alex smiled. She closed the box before moving to her friend and hugging her tightly.

"Did Hanson show up while Elliot and I were away?" Olivia questioned, and Alex shook her head.

"No... and I hope it stays that way. He just keeps fucking with your life. Rory is happy with Elliot as his father, and he doesn't need to get confused."

"No, he doesn't. And I'll make sure to get full custody of Rory if Hanson tries anything. I'll fight hard... Elliot and I will fight hard to keep our baby. "

"Speaking of-"

"Don't bring up babies, Alex. Because we haven't talked about those yet. When we want to plan on trying and when we hope it will happen."

"Hopefully it will happen soon. And maybe you could have a girl so then I can help dress her in frilly pink dresses and make her wear lots of bows. Rory isn't that fun to buy clothes for, and anyway... he doesn't like to wear more than a diaper most of the time." 


A few months passed and they were doing good. Rory was talking a lot more and he was finally starting to walk. Olivia was back to work but didn't work nearly as many hours as she did while pregnant with Rory. She and Elliot had talked and been actively trying for a baby. Hanson stayed away, and Olivia found out one day that he had been transferred back to Boston and that he was engaged. Olivia prayed that Hanson would start a family and just kinda disappear from her life altogether.

But with Hanson gone, it was like someone wanted to come back. Like they had to fill his position.

"Hello?" Olivia questioned as she opened the front door. Rory was resting on her hip and he was more interested in his mother's necklace than he was the old man in the doorway.

"I'm looking for Elliot." The man huffed.

"Okay? May I ask who you are?" Olivia asked.

"Just tell me where he is." He growled.

"Excuse me? I'm not someone you can order around. So either tell me who the hell you are or else get the fuck off my deck." Olivia spat. The man's eyes went wide, and Olivia knew that he had never been stood up to before.

"I'm Joseph Stabler. Who are you?" He finally managed to speak.

"Your newest daughter-in-law."

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