Chapter Sixteen

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"You were going to propose?" Olivia asked with wide eyes. She didn't open the box, because she didn't want to ruin this moment even more than she already did.

"Olivia, I love you so much that it hurts me sometimes. Like tonight. I had a lot of things planned tonight. I even got us a private room so you could process what had just happened. So no one could pressure you into saying yes... But that doesn't matter anymore. So, I'm going to finish loading everything in and then go home." Elliot spoke.

"El, propose," Olivia spoke, as she shoved the box towards him.

"I'm not proposing." Elliot frowned. He was very disappointed, but he was going to try and get over it eventually. Just not at the moment.

"Elliot Stabler, get on one knee and propose to me!" Olivia cried as she kept her hand out with the box in it as it shook.

"Olivia, I know that you don't want to leave Rory... and honestly I didn't either. But we won't be able to be with him every second of every day." Elliot frowned, as he shut the back of his truck up before turning to look at Olivia.

"Do it. Please... I'll say yes! Elliot, I'm so sorry! Please just propose to me so I can cry for a good reason, instead of how I'm crying right now!" Olivia sobbed. Elliot frowned before slipping closer to Olivia and pulling her into a hug.

"Liv, please stop crying... Okay? I don't hate you. I still love you so very much... but I'm not going to have this be the memory you have of the proposal. I don't want you to think about standing in this parking lot with me on one knee. I want you to think about some romantic dinner where we are both dressed up."

"El... please," Olivia begged as she rested her head against his shoulder.

"I can't do that, Liv. I'm going to give you what you deserve... and you deserve a special proposal. So please, just get in your car and go home. I'll be there soon." Elliot breathed, before pressing a soft kiss to Olivia's flushed cheek.


That night, Elliot sat in the rocking chair in Rory's room and rocked him back and forth. He was just enjoying being with his son and feeling the way Rory would grip onto his shirt with his tiny little fist.

He was so absorbed with his son, that he didn't know his girlfriend was standing in the doorway as she watched them both.

"El?" Olivia breathed gently. Elliot's eyes opened quickly and he looked at Olivia.

"What are you doing up? I thought you were sleeping." Elliot yawned.

"Uh, I couldn't sleep after what happened tonight," Olivia whispered.

"Hey, don't feel bad about tonight... I'll get over it and we will be back to being a happy couple before you know it." Elliot replied quietly.

"Are you sure?" Olivia whispered, and Elliot nodded.

"If I wanna stay with you, I have to get used to you being very protective of Rory and not wanting to leave him. I'll do anything to make sure I can spend the rest of my life with you, even if that means I get let down sometimes." Elliot frowned. He closed his eyes again and rested his cheek against Rory's hair as he continued to rock. After a few short moments, he opened his eyes again when he felt Olivia's hand on his leg.

He saw her on one knee, and tears on her cheeks.

"Elliot Stabler... please marry me," Olivia whispered.

"Liv, what are you doing?" Elliot asked quietly.

"I'm kinda proposing to you... but in the end, I get that ring you got me and you get to take me to bed and do whatever you want," Olivia spoke desperately.

"Olivia." Elliot frowned.

"Please. I want to get married to you. I want to be Olivia Stabler. I want to have so many of your babies that I will probably never get my body back." Olivia smiled softly. Elliot stood slowly before laying Rory in his crib. He gently patted his son's bottom before turning and helping Olivia to her feet.

"Olivia, when I met you so many years ago... I loved you more than I loved myself. I still do. When we reconnected and I saw you were pregnant, I knew that I had to be with you. I knew that I had to either be your friend or your boyfriend. I'm glad that I got to be both. Now, Olivia Margaret Benson, will you be the mother to my children, be my best friend, and marry me?" Elliot asked, and Olivia's face lit up and she smiled as large as she could. Elliot smiled when he saw her little nose wrinkles before she nodded like crazy.

"Yes... fuck yeah!" Olivia cried.


Elliot went into work the next morning, and Olivia was home alone with Rory. She couldn't take her eyes off of her engagement ring, and Rory couldn't either. He wanted to put it in his mouth and kept trying even if Olivia stopped him over and over again.

"Liv? Rory?" Hanson asked after he opened the front door.

"Hanson? What are you doing here? It's not your day with Rory." Olivia spoke, as she stood with her son and walked to the front door.

"I just missed you two. I also needed to talk to you about something." Hanson smiled. He reached out for Rory, but the baby was hesitant with his father.

"What do you need to talk about?" Olivia asked worriedly.

"I want you and Rory to move in with me." Hanson breathed.

"Huh?" Olivia asked with wide eyes.

"Olivia, you are the mother of my son. You should be living with me."

"If you think I should, doesn't mean I want too. And anyway-" Olivia was cut off when Hanson got down on one knee in front of her. Her eyes went wide and she could feel her body start to shake.

"Olivia Margaret Benson, will you marry me?" Hanson smiled as if he had a real shot with his ex.

"Hanson... I'm already engaged... Elliot proposed last night." Olivia breathed, as she held up her left hand and showed off her engagement ring.

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