Chapter Seven

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Elliot waited up late for Olivia to get home. He kept walking to the front window to see if she was there, but she never was. He started to grow extremely worried, but as he was going to get into his car and find Olivia, she pulled in.

"Hey," Elliot spoke, as he moved out onto the front porch and watched as Olivia got out of her car. She looked exhausted and was clearly dead on her feet.

"Sorry that I'm so late. Alex showed up at work and we got into it... I ended up sitting in my car for an hour crying." Olivia spoke hoarsely, as she walked up the path and to where Elliot stood.

Elliot was going to move out of her way, but instead, Olivia wrapped her arms around Elliot's waist and hugged him tightly. Elliot's arms slowly encased Olivia's body as he held her close.

"We should go inside. I'll run you a bath and warm up your pajamas in the dryer for when you get out. Then you can climb into the freshly made bed and get some sleep." Elliot smiled softly. Olivia looked up at him before giving him a weak smile.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me... I don't deserve it but I very much appreciate it." Olivia whispered. Elliot locked eyes with his true love, before letting his eyes travel to her lips. 

"You can kiss me if you want too... I won't fight you." Olivia breathed, but Elliot shook his head as he resisted. He wanted to kiss her so badly but knew that she was in a bad place and didn't need anything else to cloud her mind.

"C'mon. Let's go inside."


Olivia took her bath, before drying off and getting into her fluffy pajama pants and a t-shirt that was a little too tight. She was just climbing into Elliot's bed, the one that they used to share when Elliot knocked lightly on the door.

"Liv?" Elliot asked quietly from outside the closed door.

"You can come in. I'm dressed." Olivia said with a weak laugh. Elliot opened the door and smiled at Olivia before carrying a cup of tea to her. He held it until she was under the sheets before passing it to her.

"I don't really remember what flavor of tea you like, so I just grabbed whatever the green bag was... it smells like toothpaste so I'm assuming it's mint," Elliot said nervously. Olivia took a sip before nodding.

"It tastes very good, Elliot. Thank you. Uh, so are you really going to sleep on the couch?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"I am. Before I go to work, I'll clean out the spare room for the baby. I'll even set up what furniture you have  for the baby." Elliot smiled.

"You can sleep in your own bed, Elliot. And the baby doesn't need its own room. I can get a twin-sized bed and share a room with the baby... and you need to tell me how much rent you want me to pay." Olivia yawned. Elliot settled down onto the edge of the bed before gently tucking some of Olivia's dark brown hair behind her ear.

"You can stay here without paying rent. It's not something that you should worry about right now... and my couch is comfy. You should know that because you picked it out." Elliot breathed since he noticed Olivia had tears running down her cheeks.

"I don't deserve you..." Olivia whimpered.

"I don't deserve you, Olivia. I don't deserve to have you as my friend or to be able to love you. What I'm doing for you is out of the goodness of my heart. Because I love you. You deserve to have a place to sleep, a place to raise your baby, and a place that you feel safe. You deserve this all, Olivia." Elliot spoke. He leaned close and pressed a kiss to Olivia's forehead before standing to leave.

"Can you sleep in here tonight? I promise that I won't ask again." Olivia croaked out. Elliot stopped for a second and thought about if it was a good idea before turning and nodding.

"Let me go grab a few things from downstairs and then I'll be back."


One night sleeping in the same bed turned into an every night thing. Olivia was taking everything hard in regards to her fight with Alex, and she liked being able to wake up in the middle of the night and grab Elliot's hand. She liked it when he held her at night, and somehow always managed to get the baby to settle down at night.

But nothing romantically happened between them. They no longer kissed, sex was strictly off the table, but hugs and forehead kisses were very much welcomed by Olivia.

"So why did you decide against finding out what your baby is?" Elliot asked as he pushed a cart through a baby store. Olivia was thirty weeks pregnant to the day, and since she didn't feel like having a baby shower she needed to get clothes and a lot of diapers for her baby.

"I want to be surprised. The moment that I finally get to hold my baby, I want to be surprised when the doctor says if it's a boy or a girl. I don't have names picked out either, because I want to look at my beautiful baby and decide then." Olivia spoke, as she looked over at Elliot and smiled. He chuckled as they moved further into the store.

"Can I guess?" Elliot asked and Olivia rolled her eyes as she moved and looked through a rack of small baby clothes.

"Guess all you want, but no one will know what this baby is until he or she is here." Olivia smiled. 

"I think it's a boy." He spoke, and Olivia stopped before looking over at him.

"You do?" She breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"I do... but even though many things remained unknown, I do know that you are going to be an amazing mother... and do you want to know what else I know completely?" Elliot smiled.

"Yeah..." Olivia trailed off.

"I'm going to be the best uncle," Elliot smirked.

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