Chapter Thirty-One

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"Death threats?" Olivia breathed as she looked at Lisa. She couldn't believe that the Stabler kids were really going all out in regards to protecting their father's name. Joseph's funeral was coming up soon, since it was postponed for several weeks because of a bunch of different things, and they clearly didn't want Lisa going and telling the truth.

"Yeah, and I need to talk to Elliot about them. Uh, I'm going to leave. Just tell him that I was here, okay?" Lisa spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Just don't let them get to you, okay? They can't stop you from telling the truth. Okay?"

"They will do what they want, Olivia. Trust me... Joseph is their idol. I'm just the bastard child that they all hate."


Olivia didn't know why, but she packed up Raven and drove over to the last address that Elliot had for David. She wasn't scared of him, and she would kick his ass for what he said to Lisa.

With Raven strapped to her chest, Olivia made it to David's front door and pounded on it. She knew that someone was here, and she was praying that it was David.

"Hello?" A woman asked after she opened the door. Olivia looked at her for a moment before slowly letting her breath go.

"Is David Stabler here?" Olivia asked.

"No, he's with his siblings. Why?" She asked, and Olivia took another slow breath before speaking again.

"Because I'm his little brother's wife. Olivia Stabler." Olivia spoke, before reaching her hand out to her.

"Uh, I'm Jean... I'm also confused. Why am I just now finding out about you?" She sighed.

"Because David doesn't like me. Just like the he and the rest of his siblings, minus Lisa, hate my husband. Now, are you sure he isn't here?" Olivia spoke, and Jean nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm pretty damn sure that he isn't here. So unless I can help you with something, please get off of my front porch."

"Do you know what he's been saying to Lisa?"

"David doesn't talk to Lisa. She's not even his full sister. Bernie was a whore and-"

"Bernie wasn't a whore. She slept with Lisa's father because she loved him. Joseph fucked his step-daughter because he was a sick piece of shit." Olivia spat, as she rubbed Raven's back while she continued to sleep against her mother's chest.

"Oh my god! How can you-"

"I believe Lisa because she was fifteen when her step-father decided to rape her. At fifteen, you can't consent. At fifteen, she wasn't strong enough to report him or to yell no. Especially since her mother wasn't there to protect her. All because Joseph raped her too." Olivia huffed.


"Jean, I will come back and beat the crap out of your husband if he continues to threaten Lisa's life. Call the police if you want, but all you have is what you heard me say. Lisa has messages, emails, voicemails, and she has proof that she was fifteen and raped by her step-father. Let's see who wins."


When Elliot got back home with Rory, he found that his wife wasn't even there. He grew worried because if she wasn't there, Raven wasn't either. He was wondering if their daughter's few sneezes turned into something.

"Where is Bug?" Rory huffed, as he looked at his father. Rory was only calling Raven by her nickname at this point, and mostly because he couldn't exactly say Raven all the time.

"I don't know. I'm going to call Mama. Why don't you go grab a movie and I'll put it in for you while we wait."

"I wanna hold Bug!" Rory huffed.

"I know! You'll be able to hold her soon. Please, go get your movie while I call Mama."

Once Rory was down the hall and looking at their bookshelf full of movies, Elliot called his wife. He kept looking out the window to see if she'd pull in, but she didn't. Eventually she picked up, and in the background of the call, Elliot heard phones ringing.

"Liv? Where are you and Raven?" Elliot questioned.

"Uh, the police station. Lisa is here with me." Olivia spoke.

"What?" Elliot asked quickly, as he walked over to the door and grabbed Rory's jacket.

"Lisa wants to tell you. We are just waiting for a detective to come back. Here she is." Olivia spoke, and Elliot heard some muffled noises before his sister spoke.

"Hi, El."

"Hey, Lisa. So what's happening?" Elliot asked.

"David and the others have been threatening me. They have been telling me that if I talk about the rape that they'll kill me. They want me to just leave the city because they are too scared that I'll tell everyone about what happened."

"Lisa, do you want me to come down and help you out?" Elliot asked.

"No, Liv is here with me... she convinced me to go to the police. They can't do anything about the rape though... but at least I can tell someone."

"If you need me at all, call me. Okay? I love you, Lisa. And I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks, El. Uh, the detective is coming back."

"Tell Olivia to call me on her way home."

"Will do, little brother."


Olivia came home after being at the police station with Lisa for almost six hours. She walked into the house and put Raven down before sitting down on the sofa and raking her fingers through her hair.

"Liv?" Elliot yawned. It was late, and he and Rory went to bed without seeing Raven and Liv.

"Hey. How was Rory tonight?" Olivia asked quietly.

"He was angry that he didn't get to see Raven before bed. And he missed you too."

"I'm sorry. There was just a lot for Lisa to go through, and then they had to ask me a few things."

"Like what?" Elliot asked.

"Like if Lisa has been suffering since she was raped. I told them that I have known her for less than a year, but in this year she's been depressed and anxious and she had to take medical leave because she couldn't stand going to work." Olivia sighed.

"I can tell them how she changed. I may have been young, but my big sister was completely different when she came back home after being away for a year. After she gave up her baby."

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