Chapter Ten

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Olivia's contractions continued to take their toll on her as they drove to the hospital. Elliot drove since they had done practice drives to the hospital before, so he knew the fastest way to get Olivia to where she needed to be.

"How are you doing, baby?" Elliot asked, as he anxiously tapped on the steering wheel as he waited at a stoplight.

"Her contractions are about 5 minutes apart now," Alex spoke quietly since Olivia was working through a strong contraction.

"Okay. Well, uh... we will be there soon. Hopefully before the next contractions." Elliot spoke, as he hit the gas quickly and sped towards the hospital. He tried to not listen to the moans and cries that left Olivia's mouth, but it was hard because he loved her. Because he knew that she was good with pain, but he still hated to see her in pain.

Once Elliot turned into the parking lot of the hospital, they could see Dr. Manson waiting outside with a wheelchair for Olivia. Elliot parked in front of the ER, and he quickly climbed out and walked around the car to help Olivia out.

"How far apart are her contractions?" Dr. Manson asked as Olivia took a few small steps before lowering herself into the wheelchair as tears slipped down her cheeks and she kept a hand to her mouth because she was starting to feel sick.

"Five minutes apart. She's been complaining about feeling sick to her stomach too." Alex explained as she followed Dr. Manson and Olivia into the hospital.

"Okay. That's completely normal. Alex, wait down here for Elliot. We are going to take Olivia upstairs and examine her and start to monitor her and the baby. She'll be in room 206." 

"I can't come-"

"Alex, Elliot might get lost. Olivia has told me time and time again that she wants Elliot with her when the baby's born, so it wouldn't be wise if he gets lost."


Once Elliot and Alex made it to Olivia's room,  Olivia was already pacing the room with her hand on an IV pole and her free hand holding her stomach. 

"Hey, honey," Elliot spoke gently, as he moved over to Olivia and gently ran his fingers through her knotted hair.

"Get him out of me." Olivia huffed.

"What?" Alex and Elliot said in unison.

"I'm exhausted, sick to my stomach, and in so much pain. My hands are freezing from my IV, and all I want us to just hold my baby. I don't want to be in pain anymore. I just want... Elliot." Olivia started to sob. Elliot quickly wrapped an arm around Olivia's waist and supported her as she turned into him.

Elliot looked at Alex, and saw tears on her cheeks.

"She's okay, Alex. She'll be perfectly fine," Elliot whispered.

"I need to go call our friends..." Alex whimpered before she quickly turned and left the room. 

"I can't do this for much longer." Olivia sniffled, as she looked up at her boyfriend.

"Do you want me to see if you can have any medicine? You'd have to sit down, right?"

"It's too late. Dr. Manson said I'm six centimeters dilated and everything is progressing pretty quickly." Olivia explained weakly.

"Do you want to pace some more? We could do a few laps around this beautiful room." Elliot smiled, as he tried to keep everything light.

"I don't know." Olivia panted a bit. She moved away from Elliot and sat on the edge of her bed before reaching for her bag. Elliot quickly moved it closer to her before digging through it and grabbing her hairbrush and a hair tie.

"These?" He asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Can you put my hair up for me? I don't want to rip out my IV." Olivia explained.

"Babe, you don't have to tell me why you can't do something. Just ask me and I'll just do it."


Several more hours went by, and Olivia's labor slowed. She was still progressing, but not as fast as she had been at first. The baby was still doing amazing, but Olivia was getting weak and exhausted. Dr. Manson decided that Olivia still had plenty of time for an epidural, so she gave her one and then left Olivia to sleep until she had to check her again.

Elliot stayed by Olivia's side and only left two times. Once to eat something and the other time to run to the bathroom. Alex had made calls, before joining them again once she had calmed down mostly. All of the friends came up and waited for news that their weird family had grown by one.

"I didn't want to spend Valentine's Day like this." Olivia pouted when she woke up. She felt more rested, but that wouldn't last for long. She was so close to being ready to push, that this energy she gained would be used up before anyone knew it.

"Yeah, but every Valentine's Day will be super special, babe. It will not only be the day that we get to celebrate the love we have for each other, but also the day that your baby was born. He is going to be so special as it is, and now his birthday is special too." Elliot grinned. Olivia nodded slowly before sinking down a bit again and closing her eyes. Elliot moved closer to her before caressing her hair until she fell back asleep. It lasted for maybe a half-hour before stuff started to move again.

Alex and Elliot stood next to Olivia's bedside and couldn't help but feel absolutely amazed by how strong Olivia was. Her pure strength came through when Dr. Manson told her it was time to do something to really bring her baby into the world. 

After twelve hours of labor, it only took a half-hour before Olivia's baby was lifted up as it took it's first breaths and cried.

"Olivia, here's your son!" Dr. Manson smiled, and Olivia started to sob, as silent tears fell down Alex and Elliot's cheeks and Olivia finally got to meet her baby. She got to hold him against her chest as she fell madly in love with her baby.

"Hi, buddy." Olivia sniffled in between kissing her son's bald head.

"So, do you know what you want to name him yet?" Elliot asked before he kissed Olivia's temple.

"Uh, yeah... I know exactly what I want to name him. I knew that I'd figure it out as soon as I met him." Olivia smiled.

"Can we know?" Alex smiled as she brushed tears from her cheeks.

"Rory... Rory Alexander Benson."

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