Chapter Thirty-Three

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Olivia didn't know what to say or feel when she found out that Hanson was back in town and that Rory saw him at his school. So she went upstairs and checked on her youngest two kids before waking up her husband.

"Elliot." She whispered, as she gently ran her hand over his bare chest. Elliot groaned a bit before opening his eyes and finding his wife.

"What's wrong? Is Rory sick?" He yawned, since he remembered Rory running into their room and waking Olivia up last night.

"No. But he saw Hanson at his school and he was scared."

"He saw... what?" Elliot questioned. He didn't know if he was just hearing things, or if Olivia really did just say that their eldest son saw his biological father at his school.

"Rory woke me up and couldn't fall back asleep. So he told me that he saw the man. I asked him what man, and he made me get into our box of photos we had out a while back. I found the bag of photos from when I was with Hanson, and he said that was the man he saw. Rory found out early this morning that Hanson is his biological father." Olivia sniffled as she got to the end. She was heartbroken as she thought about her little boy finding out so young that his Daddy wasn't really his father.

"Olivia! Why the fuck would you tell him?!" Elliot boomed as he quickly climbed out of bed and grabbed his robe.

"How else was I supposed to tell him?! He asked if you were the ones taking all the pictures of me when I was pregnant! I told him that Aunt Alex was!"

"Olivia, you are so dumb! He doesn't need to know! He's only five!" Elliot screamed, before storming past his wife. He was going to find Rory and try and reverse some of the damage his wife had caused.


Olivia went to work that morning and asked Alex to meet her for lunch. Once Alex arrived for lunch, she was hugged tightly by her best friend.

"Hey, what's happening?" Alex asked softly, as they sat down at a table.

"Elliot hates me. Rory hates me... even the littles wouldn't let me hold them this morning." Olivia sniffled.

"What? What's happening, Liv?" Alex frowned, as she reached across the table and grabbed her friend's hands.

"I think that Hanson might be enrolling a kid at Rory's school. Rory saw him and was freaking out early this morning because seeing him scared him. I ended up telling Rory that Hanson was the man that I was with and that he's his biological father. Rory got even angrier and now he hates me. Everyone in my house hates me... Roland wouldn't even let me change his diaper." Olivia sniffled.

"Oh, love." Alex frowned.

"I knew that this would happen eventually. But I hate it! Elliot is angry at me because he said that Rory didn't need to know... but Rory can tell the differences in our family. He doesn't look exactly like his siblings. He's going to be extremely tall, and Elliot and I are just average."

"Liv, I get where Elliot is coming from-"

"So you are angry at me too... I was exhausted, Alex! Elliot doesn't help out when the kids get up in the middle of the night! So I guess I'm just a horrible fucking mother!" Olivia sobbed, before standing and quickly leaving the cafeteria. 


Elliot stayed home that day since Raven and Roland were extremely fussy and didn't want anything to do with anyone but himself. So he took care of the kids and brought them along to pick Rory up after his school day.

Elliot and the kids stood by the front of the school and waited for Rory to come out. About five minutes before the bell rang and dismissed the kids, Hanson came out of the school with a little boy on his hip as they headed towards the crosswalk.

"So you really are back in town!" Elliot spoke loudly. Hanson swallowed hard as he turned around and eyed Elliot and his two youngest kids.

"Yeah, I am... are you stalking me or something? This is my son's school." Hanson spoke, as he sat his son down before grabbing his hand and moving towards Elliot.

"This is Rory's school. He saw you here and it scared him." Elliot replied.

"Why would I scare Rory? I swear to god that I didn't know that this was his school." Hanson replied slowly.

"Well, now he knows who you are. How he's related to you. Rory's been going here since he was three. So maybe you should try and get your son into another school. Or have your wife get him. Because I don't want my kid to be scared of seeing you here." Elliot huffed.

"I'm not taking my son out of a perfectly good school! C'mon, Billy. We need to get home to Mommy." Hanson sighed, before lifting his son up again as the front doors opened and kids poured out.

Rory was easily seen, but he stopped when he saw Hanson.

"Rory, c'mere!" Elliot called, as he eyed his son.

"Daddy, why is he here?" Rory sniffled, as he pushed past a few students and to his father's side.

"He's here to pick up his son... Rory, he can't hurt you."

"He didn't want me but he wants him?" Rory sobbed, and Hanson swallowed hard as he walked away with his son.

"He doesn't matter Rory. I'm your Daddy. You are my son and I want you so very much. I love you." Elliot spoke, but Rory just shook his head and grabbed Raven's hand.

"Let's go home."


Olivia got home two days later since her shift was one of the longer ones she gets. She walked into the house yawning, and before she could even take her shoes off and head upstairs to shower, her husband stopped her.

"Get out of here, Olivia." He ordered.


"Rory won't come out of his room because you opened your fucking mouth and told him about Hanson. It's your fault that he's so upset. So I don't want you here, and I really don't think that anyone else does either."

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