Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hey guys, this chapter talks about some darker things. If you are uncomfortable with anything related to topics talked about on the show, then please don't read the last section. 

"Elliot, can I tell you what I think about all of that?" Olivia asked, as she eyed her husband.


"We are meant for each other, baby. You and I were born to be together. I think that if they weren't excited about you, it's because they didn't need to be. God had a plan for you, and he made me for you. I know that it seems weird, especially since I'm talking about God... but we are excited about each other and that is all that matters." Olivia spoke.

"Liv, you make me feel better about myself..." Elliot breathed. Olivia smiled softly before nodding slowly.

"It's one of my jobs, Elliot. Now, I have to go finish my shift. I love you, Elliot."

"I love you too, baby. Both of you."


A few months later, after Olivia and Elliot found out that they were expecting a baby girl, someone came to their house in the middle of the night. Olivia had just gotten home from her shift, so she went to answer the door.

"Yes?" She asked quietly, as she kept the chain on the door and looked out slowly. She didn't want someone to try and overpower her without giving herself some sort of chance to get back into the house.

"Hi, Olivia?" The woman asked.

"Who are you?" Olivia asked nervously.

"I'm Lisa... I'm Elliot's older sister-"

"We don't want anything to do with you or the rest of your family. Sorry." Olivia grumbled, before going to shut the door. Lisa quickly shoved her hand in the door and sighed as Olivia stopped.

"I'm not here to talk about my father. I'm here to talk to Elliot about something else... something much more important than our cancer ridden father."

"What else do you have to talk about?" Olivia asked softly.

"None of my other siblings know what my father did to me too. Well, what my step-father did to me since Joseph really isn't my father." Lisa spoke. Olivia's eyes went wide before taking the chain off the door and letting the girl in.

Olivia looked at Lisa and did notice the difference between her and the other Stabler children. She had a darker complection along with dark brown eyes. She smiled at Olivia, before reaching her hand out to her.

"Lisa Hamilton." She spoke.

"Olivia Stabler." Olivia sighed softly. She moved over to the sofa and sat down, while Lisa joined her.

"Is Elliot sleeping?"

"Yeah. I work the night shifts and he works a morning shift so someone is always here with Rory."

"Rory is?"

"Our son... I was pregnant with him when Elliot and I got back together. He is raising Rory as his own. He's an amazing father, and our children are lucky to have him." Olivia spoke.

"Do you know what the baby is?" Lisa asked, since they were talking about everything but what Lisa really came there to talk about.

"A little girl. Elliot and I are still trying to decide on a name for her. It's hard to really decide because this is the first baby we have created together..."

"Is he happy?" Lisa asked.

"I think he is. He goes to therapy to make sure he can talk through his thoughts... he has a ton of bad thoughts thanks to Joseph."

"Do you want to hear what I need to tell your husband? Make sure you think he can handle it?"

"Yeah. I'd appreciate it... Do you want tea? Maybe something to eat?"

"Yeah. I'll help."


Lisa and Olivia got along very well. Lisa left and came back once she knew her baby brother was home from work. She brought a bag of pictures to show him. They were ones she took of him because even if she couldn't protect him, she still loved him since they were both unwanted in their family.

"Lisa? What are you doing here?" Elliot sighed softly, as he opened the front door. He had been wondering why his wife left to do the shopping with Rory and didn't even ask him to come, but now he knew why.

"I came by last night and I talked to Olivia... by the way she is an amazing woman. I'm so glad that you are happy." Lisa smiled.

"Okay? What else?"

"I saw what Joseph did to you. How he treated you. How he beat you and was verbally and mentally abusive to you. I wanted to fight back... but behind closed doors I was also getting hurt by him."

"What?" Elliot asked, as he slowly joined his sister on the sofa.

"Do you remember when you were five and I was fifteen? I was sent to stay with Grandma for the year?" Lisa asked, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Yeah, we all missed you."

"Well, I was staying with her because I was having a baby. Joseph's baby. I stayed with her, had my baby, and then came back home."

"What? Lisa-"

"I'm your half sister, El. Mom fell in love with my father, but since our religion frowns upon divorce, she couldn't leave Joseph for my father. I wish she had though."

"Where's the baby?" Elliot breathed, as tears welled in his eyes.

"I don't know where she is. I just know that she ended up with a good family that wanted her so bad. Elliot, please don't push me away... I believe you, and I love you. I miss you."

"Lisa, this is a lot to take in... why didn't you tell anyone before now?"

"Because I was ashamed. I was ashamed to tell anyone because I couldn't fight Joseph. But I'm done helping him and trying to take care of him. I want him dead just as much as you do."

"Do you know who your father is?" Elliot breathed, and Lisa smiled and nodded.

"His name is Marco. He's amazing. He loves the boys and he is a real father to me. He hasn't gotten married because he still is in love with Mama."

"Lisa... once I have time to think this through... can we try to have a relationship?" Elliot asked quietly.

"Of course, Elliot. Take your time. And while you think through everything... these are some pictures I took of you. You looked happy in them, and I hope that you smile a lot more now than you did when you were younger."

"Olivia, Rory, and our daughter make me smile... I'm not letting Dad get to me anymore. You better do the same."

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