Chapter Six

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Alex and Olivia didn't speak the rest of the night, nor did they speak much the next morning. Alex had been up all night labeling her items so Olivia couldn't use them, and she even started to draft a contract so Olivia had to pay more of the bills than they had agreed on. Alex was beyond angry at Olivia for trying to do whatever she was doing with Elliot, and for not listening to her.

"Uh..." Olivia trailed off, as she looked for something to eat before work. Every item in the kitchen had Alex's name taped to it. Olivia never went grocery shopping because she was always working, but she did pay rent for staying at the house and gave Alex money for groceries, but that didn't seem to matter.

"I guess you will have to get something on the way to work," Alex spoke coldly, before slamming the contract onto the counter. Olivia turned around slowly as she rested her hand against her stomach, as she made eye contact with Alex.

"What's that?" Olivia frowned.

"Since this house is in my name, I'm changing up our agreement," Alex spoke. Olivia's eyes went wide, as she moved closer to the counter before taking the contract into her hands.

She read through it slowly, as anger built up inside of her. Alex was asking for a hell of a lot more than they had agreed on, and she was asking more of Olivia too. It was as if Alex didn't care that Olivia worked at least 60 hours a week, and barely had time at home to do more than sleep.


"We are no longer friends, Olivia. I'm not going to waste my time caring about you. And since you are bringing a baby into this house, your share is being increased. I need your rent check today, by the way." Alex smirked.

"Alex, this is more than half of my paycheck! I have to pay for my car, my student loans, all of my medical bills that my insurance doesn't cover. Why are you doing this all of a sudden?" Olivia whimpered.

"Because I'm done being your friend. So either work with this or get out!" Alex yelled. Olivia swallowed hard before nodding slowly.

"I guess I'm out then..." Olivia trailed off before moving out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.

Alex knew that Olivia wouldn't be happy, but even if she told her to get out she didn't think that Olivia would actually leave.


Olivia didn't tell Elliot about what was happening. She just packed her stuff up and shoved what she could into the back of her car. She told Alex that she'd get the rest of the stuff at the end of her shift, but she had no idea where she'd be storing it.

Olivia made it halfway through her shift, before finally getting a break. She went outside, even if it was cold, and she sat and sipped from a bottle of orange juice. 

"It's freezing out here, Liv!" Elliot exclaimed, as he carried a bag over to the bench and sat it down before moving to slip his jacket off to give to Olivia. She stopped him as she patted the spot beside her.

"I'm fine, Elliot. Leave your jacket on and tell me about the interview." Olivia breathed.

"It went amazingly. I start tomorrow night." Elliot grinned. Olivia looked at him and smiled weakly before gently grabbing his hand.

"Congrats, El... you are going to do amazing there," Olivia spoke.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked.

"Nothing." Olivia lied.

"Liv, I know you. I know when something is wrong. So what happened?" Elliot questioned. Olivia swallowed hard before looking down at his hand. She looked down at a scar on his hand before looking back up at Elliot as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Alex gave me a new rental contract today. She wants me to pay a shit ton of money every month just because I'm pregnant and she doesn't like me anymore..." Olivia whimpered. Elliot quickly looped his arms around Olivia's body and drew her close.

"I'm so sorry, Olivia... if you need me to do something, just tell me," Elliot spoke gently, as he rubbed Olivia's back as she cried.

"Can I borrow your truck? I need to get my mattress out... along with my dresser and all of the furniture I have for the baby already..." Olivia whimpered.

"She kicked you out?" Elliot asked with wide eyes, and Olivia shook her head.

"No... uh, I decided to not pay the extra rent because I can't afford that! Everything is so fucked up right now, and I just don't understand why she can't just let me be my own person..." Olivia sobbed. Elliot pushed Olivia back a bit, before settling his forehead against hers.

"Come live with me." He breathed.

"Huh?" Olivia sniffled.

"You and the baby are more than welcome at my house. I can clear out a spare room for your kid, and I can crash on the couch. We can make this work." Elliot spoke.

"I'm not going to kick you out of your room," Olivia whispered.

"Honey, I don't care. I just want you to have a place to sleep. Okay?"

"Elliot..." Olivia frowned.

"I'll go pick up the furniture right now. Just don't forget that you are going to be coming home to my house, instead of Alex's." Elliot smiled. He kissed the tip of Olivia's nose gently, before passing her the food.

"Thanks..." Olivia breathed.

"Anything for you, love. I'll see you tonight."


Elliot went straight to Alex's house as soon as he left the hospital. He backed into the driveway before heading up the path and to the door. He rang the doorbell, before standing back. Alex came to the door after a while before groaning deeply when she saw Elliot.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Alex huffed.

"I'm here to get Olivia's stuff."

"No." Alex spat.

"Alexandra, Olivia is leaving your house and you can't stop her. You also can't stop her from getting her items. So either let me get this all out as fast as possible, or you'll have to deal with me and Olivia later." Elliot growled. 

Alex stepped out of the way and Elliot started to move things out. He stopped a few times to break down items so they could fit easier in the back of his truck. As he finished strapping Olivia's mattress to the back of his truck, Alex came out of the house.

"If it wasn't for you, Olivia would still be living here." Alex breathed.

"Alex, I'm not the problem. You are." 

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