Chapter Four

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Alex and Elliot walked quickly to where Olivia was. They opened the door, but both stopped when they saw Olivia sleeping in the bed. She had an arm draped over her belly as she recovered from whatever happened today.

"I'll wait outside," Elliot whispered before he turned to leave the room.

"No. You can stay. I'll go find her doctor and see what's wrong." Alex replied. Elliot stepped out of the way to let Alex through before moving to where Olivia laid.

He reached out and gently touched her arm before closing his eyes. He prayed for Olivia and her unborn child, which was a rare thing for him. He never prayed anymore, because he didn't have anything good in his life. And now he had Olivia back in his life again and he was willing to put his faith in God once again

"What are you doing here?" Olivia asked hoarsely. Elliot opened his eyes quickly and smiled at Olivia.

"Uh, Alex called me and I met her here. We are both worried about you." Elliot breathed.

"You don't need to be worried about me, Elliot. I just fainted. It's common." Olivia yawned, as she fanned him away. Elliot didn't move through, because he knew that Olivia just didn't like people hovering over her and trying to take care of her.

"Is it?" Elliot asked as Olivia reached for a cup on the table beside her bed, but she couldn't reach it so she looked at Elliot. Elliot fought off a smile as he moved around her bed and grabbed the cup. He refilled it with water before passing it to Olivia.

She took a few sips from it before speaking again.

"It is. My blood pressure just dropped. They are going to watch me overnight, and then I can come back to work. I've seen pregnant women faint all the time. It's no big deal." Olivia spoke, but it was a big deal to Elliot. 

"You've got a big ass bruise on your cheek. Let alone the fact it looks like you had to get stitches on your eye brow." Elliot spoke. Olivia swallowed hard as she went to move her hair to hide it, but there was no point. Elliot already saw it.

"Elliot, I'm fine. There is no need for you to worry. I'll be fine. The baby is fine!"

"Olivia, you've always been this way. You are always trying to make it seem like when you are sick it isn't a big deal. But it is. Not only are you important to so many people, but that baby is also. So please... please let us take care of you." Elliot plead. 

Olivia looked at him for a moment before swallowing hard. She placed her hands to her swell before looking down at it.

"I was so scared that when I fell... that I hurt my baby." Olivia whimpered. Elliot sat on the edge of her bed before gently caressing her hair.

"Alex is talking to your doctor, so you can know more soon. Do you want me to leave?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head as she grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"No... I'm sorry. Please don't leave."


When Alex came back, so found Elliot pressing a soft kiss to Olivia's forehead. Alex shook her head as she walked over to the bed.

"Get off of her!" Alex exclaimed, and Olivia rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

"Alex, he's kissing my forehead. He's not mounting me." Olivia grumbled. Elliot did climb off the bed though, and he backed himself against the wall.

"I don't care. He may have helped you last night, and I may have called him to be here for you... but I don't approve of you two being together. He isn't the father of that baby and-"

"Oh my god, Alex! I don't care if Elliot isn't the father of my baby! He is my friend and is going to be around so just accept it instead of fighting it!" Olivia spat before she reached out to Elliot but Alex pushed her hand back down.

"No. He's leaving. You are my best friend and I'll make the decisions for you because you are hormonal and not yourself. So Elliot, leave. We will not be in contact." Alex spat. Elliot frowned as he quietly moved to leave the room because he didn't want to lose his chance completely to be with Olivia or at least around her.

But then he stopped. He doesn't know what made him stop, but he did.

"I'm not who I used to be, Alexandra. I'm not going to hurt Olivia again. I love her too much to do that. And even if we only end up being friends, I'd rather have her in my life instead of not having her at all. So, I'm staying. I'm staying here to love and support Olivia, and you can fuck off if you think you can just kick me out of her life. It's her life, not yours."


Olivia was released the next morning, but her supervisor wouldn't let her back until her stitches were out. She had to relax at home and get plenty of rest to make sure that her blood pressure didn't drop again. Because Alex had to work, Elliot spent his days at the house that Olivia shared with Alex to keep an eye on her.

"You don't have to wait on me, Elliot. I'm okay." Olivia spoke, as Elliot handed her a plate with a sandwich on it. She said she was hungry, and he remembered that her favorite had always been a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"I like waiting on you, Olivia," Elliot replied softly. He sat down beside her and she smiled as she looked at the sandwich.

"You cut it in triangles." She breathed, and Elliot looked down as his face grew red.

"I hope that is what you wanted... I didn't know if your favorite has changed since you got pregnant... or got older." Elliot breathed. Olivia shook her head as she smiled at him.

"It's still my favorite. I get picked on for having this as my favorite, but I want what I want... thanks." Olivia smiled. She reached out and grabbed his hand, and Elliot looked down at it for a moment. 

"I'm sorry that I yelled at Alex." He breathed.

"Don't apologize for standing up for yourself. She can be a bully." Olivia frowned, as her fingers intertwined with his.

"They still fit perfectly together." Elliot breathed, and Olivia looked up at him before nodding slowly.

"Elliot, right now I'm not ready for a relationship. I'm trying to focus on my job and my child... but I still can't deny my feelings for you... you and I haven't talked in so long, but you still came to my rescue and take care of me." Olivia breathed. Elliot swallowed hard before leaning forward and kissing her forehead softly.

"I've waited 12 years to be with you, Olivia. I'll wait 12 more if I have too."

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