Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Not long after those words left Elliot's lips, Joseph started to breathe heavier and his face grew much paler. Elliot looked at his father for a moment before moving out of the door after a few nurses and a doctor rushed in.

"Elliot!" David yelled when he saw his younger brother moving down the hall as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"He's just about to die, David. You shouldn't be wasting these last minutes with me. You should be spending them with your idol." Elliot sighed, as his other siblings moved around them.

"Why the hell are you even here? He doesn't want you-"

"Don't act like he is still a good man, David. I heard what you said to Lisa. How you told her that she had a thing for him. But she didn't. He had a thing for her. That's why she was fifteen and having a kid. That's why our half sister is running around somewhere and we will never know who she is or what she's doing." Elliot spat.

David came at Elliot and went to shove him, but Elliot quickly moved out of the way. David fell to the floor and Elliot sighed as he squatted down beside his brother and rolled him over onto his side as David mumbled.

"Stop denying what you already know and stop acting like our father. David, you are better than him... but won't be for long. You are going to end up just like him. Abusing your children just like him if you don't get your head out of your ass." Elliot smiled, before patting his brother's back.

Elliot stood and walked down the hall as he heard a doctor say his brother's name.

Elliot stopped by the elevator and finally got to hear the words he had been waiting to hear. It may seem bad, but it was a relief.

"I'm sorry. He's gone."


Elliot got home and found his wife and sister sitting on the porch swing in the backyard. He slowly moved to join them as he thought about what to say.

"Hey, where did you go?" Olivia asked, since Lisa was too numb to tell Olivia about what had been happening.

"The hospital... the call was from David... uh, Lisa?" Elliot breathed, and his older sister looked up from where she was holding Olivia's hand and looked into her brother's blue eyes.

"Y-yeah?" She whispered.

"He's gone. He passed away after I got to yell at him." Elliot spoke. Lisa broke into sobs as she stood slowly. She quickly moved to her brother and clung to him.

Olivia left her husband and his sister outside, and she went inside to update Lisa's husband and to check in on Rory.

Once the door was shut, Lisa leaned away from her brother before sighing softly.

"Elliot... my daughter is thirty." She whispered, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah, she is-"

"No, today. Joseph died on the same day that I had our daughter... I hate saying that it was our child, but in reality it is."

"Lisa, go find her. She's old enough to know about what happened, and I know that you are old enough to really approach her." Elliot spoke, before getting smacked by his sister.

"I'm not that old." She sniffled, as a weak and shaky smile graced her lips.

"You are an old hag, Lisa." Elliot teased. They chuckled for several moments before Lisa wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Would you mind helping me?" Lisa asked.

"Huh?" Elliot questioned.

"Would you mind helping me find my daughter?" Lisa questioned, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Of course I'll help, Lisa. I also think that Olivia could be of some help."

"I don't want her to hate me." She whispered.

"Olivia couldn't hate you, because you are the only sibling of mine that has actually loved me."

"That'll never changed, El. Now, you should probably go tell Olivia what exactly happened. I'm going to go home. See if I can convince my sons to at least hug me."


Over the next several weeks, Olivia, Elliot, and Lisa all worked hard to find the girl that Lisa had given up thirty years ago. Olivia used her maternity leave to do research since she and Elliot already had the nursery set up for their little girl.

"Elliot!" Olivia exclaimed, from where she sat in the kitchen on her laptop. Elliot ran from upstairs and into the kitchen where he expected to find his wife in labor. Instead, she just hadn't felt like getting up to tell him what she found.

"How far apart are the contractions?" Elliot panted since he ran down the stairs and had jumped over several toys just to get to his wife's side.

"Huh? I'm not in labor." Olivia replied.

"Okay, so why did you scream?" Elliot replied, as he sank down across from his wife and ran his hands over his face.

"Oh, because I'm thirty-eight weeks pregnant and didn't feel like hauling my ass upstairs." Olivia smiled.

"Gotcha. Now spill the beans."

"I was following the leads that we have about your niece... half sister... Lisa's daughter. And I finally got an email from the adoption agency. The girl's adoption records were unsealed twelve years ago. She is going to send them over." Olivia spoke.

"So we have to wait?" Elliot frowned.

"Or I can tell you the name that she gave me."

"Okay, stop dragging this out Stabler." Elliot grumbled. Olivia smiled as she waited a few moments longer before speaking.

"Her name is Beatrice Monroe. Go from there." Olivia spoke. Elliot nodded before standing. He walked around the table before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his wife's lips softly.

"I love you, baby. Thank you for the help. Now, go sleep."

"I'm not tired." Olivia replied, and Elliot chuckled as he shut his wife's laptop before helping Olivia to her feet.

"Rory is in our bed. He has had his bath and is sleeping. Go enjoy cuddling with our kid before our other kid needs most of your attention."

"You are going to see Lisa, huh?"

"Nope. I'm going to talk to Alex and see if she can possibly help me at all in finding my... Beatrice Monroe. I'll be home later."

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