• Breakfast •

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After Moody had came to anne yesterday she was trying to think of a great way to ask ruby if she liked him . Which Anne already knew the answer , but she can't just tell Moody. She had to stay loyal to ruby and not spill her secret. Anne was thinking about all of this on her way to Gilbert's house. Yesterday he had invited her over for breakfast.

Anne didn't know if Gilbert would be up or still sleeping. After all it was very early. Anne knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. She heard someone yell 'I got it' . When the door opened she saw Bash standing on the other side.

"Hello Miss Anne. How are you today?" Bash greeted Anne with a smile and welcomed her in.

"I'm great thank you. How about you? Oh and thank you so much for allowing me to have breakfast here. Gilbert was very insisted that I came" Anne chuckled and wondered where Gilbert was. Probably just getting ready.

"Yes well when he told us about it he was very insisted you came too." Bash walked over to the staircase and yelled "Blythe! Breakfast is ready on the table". Then he walked back over and took a seat. He pointed to a spot on the end of the table for Anne.

"He should be down any minute. You might not know this but he's not a morning person" Anne learned something she didn't know about him. When Anne didn't like Gilbert that much he would always try and walk wit her to school , in the morning. He seemed like a morning person to her. When she turned her head she heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

Gilbert leaned against the wall still half asleep , He was still in his pjs and his hair was all messy. Messy as in curly. "Who's not a morning person?" He asked with a smile.

"You ! Now come eat , Anne's here and she's waiting" once Gilbert heard Anne was here he almost slipped on the wall. But he caught himself and tried to stand up straight. "Um would you hold on a second Bash?"

Bash furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at Gilbert. "Blythe I've been waiting for you , now come on. I'm starving" Gilbert scoffed and just said

"Start eating , im gonna - go - uh . I'm gonna change now." Gilbert rushed back upstairs which made Bash chuckle.

"Hm , he never gets changed before breakfast. You certainly make him do odd things" Anne laughed and started to eat her eggs. Mary walked in with Delphine in her arms. She placed her in her little seat and gave her some baby food. She fed her and grabbed a plate of eggs for herself.

"Good morning Anne" Mary sat down at the table very happy. Bash was half way done his food when Gilbert came down.

"Morning Bash , Mary" he turned to anne and smiled. "Good morning Anne" Anne smiled and waved at him. He poured her a glass of milk and handed it to her and kissed her cheek. He didn't care if Bash and Mary saw.

"My my Gilbert. You've grown into a fine gentlemen indeed" Mary said with a little bit of shock. Gilbert shook his head and laughed. Anne found it pretty funny that Gilbert went up and got changed once he heard she was here.

Once they finished up with their food they got their things ready and headed off to school. Gilbert couldn't wait to tell anne about what he was planning , but he needs to wait until he tells the whole class. That way it won't get out , because knowing Anne she'll get so excited she'll just blurt it out .

"I don't remember if I thanked you for inviting me to breakfast . Thank you" Anne saw a white flower , she bent down a picked it and handed it to Gilbert. Then she decided to put it behind his ear and dared him to wear it for the whole day. Of course Gilbert accepted and the two laughed and talked their whole way to school.

When they arrived billy came up to them and gave Gilbert a look. "Whatcha got there bud?" Billy teaser Gilbert , But Gilbert didn't seem to mind.

"A flower , it's a white calla lily if you may know and I think it's beautiful. Maybe if you had a brain you'd understand" Anne loved standing up to billy , plus it was pretty funny when he rolled his eyes and walked away. Gilbert chuckled and pulled Anne into the coat room.

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