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"Marilla!" Anne and Marilla were walking around the kitchen . Arguing.

"Anne , I'm fine. Obviously you don't care all that much about Matthew" Marilla scoffed and pulled the chair out for herself.

"Marilla! I do to care. How could you ever say that?" Anne tried to hold back the frustration tears. Marilla stood up.

"Then why aren't you upset? You haven't asked me how I am or anything" Anne never heard Marilla this hurt before.

"I am to upset. I've been trying to stay strong for you , I know you're upset. That's why I haven't asked you . I thought you get upset with me . I know when people are sad they don't want others asking them if they're okay. I've been missing Matthew . Ask Gilbert. He's the only person I can actually break down in front of . If I break down in front of you I feel like you will too , and I don't want you to feel that way. I've hurt like this several times before , i don't want you to feel like this. So sorry for not checking up on you , I've had to do some many things. Tell people I'm engaged. Trying to cope with Matthews death , even thoughts he died a week ago. It's not fair! It's not fair" Anne said crying. She couldn't keep it in anymore . Marilla stood there astonished. She didn't know Anne was keeping all of that in.

"Anne" Marilla tried to speak but Anne butted in.

"Marilla. All I want is someone I can talk to when I feel down. I thought I could come to you . Every time I try to you always make an excuse to not speak with me. Like I'm going to Charlottetown, I'm going to see Rachel. Every single time" Anne cried. She was out of breath .

"Anne . I'm always here for you. You don't have to stay strong for me , I'm you're mother." Marilla said seeing Anne crying. Wiping her tears away from her face.

Marilla walked over to anne and put her hands around her.

"Anne . I'll talk to you whenever. I thought you were mad at me" Marilla said as Anne hugged her back.


Gilbert came downstairs. He took a very long time picking what he wanted to wear. Anne and Him were going for a walk and he wanted to go to Charlottetown to get something for her.

"I see you two are talking again" Gilbert smiled and went over to anne. Anne nodded her head and smiled at Marilla.

"Well we best be off . I'm taking Anne to Charlottetown" Gilbert said when seeing Anne's surprised expression. Marilla smiled.

"I'm going there too. Bash and Mary are helping out with the funeral planning. We could catch the train together?" Marilla asked seeing Anne's head nodding with excitement. Gilbert agreed , today was going to be a blast.


They hopped off the train and waited for Mary and Bash to get off. People were staring but they got used to it. Gilbert hated that people didn't like them , they're human beings with emotions and a heart.

"Okay. So you guys are going to the shops right?" Bash asked the couple. The two nodded their heads.

"Okay , we'll meet you two back here around 6:00 pm" Mary said while Delphine laughed behind her. Delphine was sitting in her baby sling .

"Okay we'll see you soon" Anne said . Still wondering why they were here. Gilbert had a big surprise for her
"Hey , isn't this the coffee shop we went in a couple years ago?" Anne pointed at . Gilbert turned his head and laughed.

"Woah it is!" Gilbert smiled at Anne and opened the door for her. As she walked in she remembered everything. How they argued. She apologized and stared at eachother , she didn't know it back then but that was the first time she ever felt something for Gilbert.

"I think we sat right here" Gilbert said as he walked through the door and pointed to a table. Anne nodded her head and took a seat.

"Okay , I'm going to tell you a secret. You can't laugh or anything" Anne said very seriously. Gilbert nodded his head with furrowed eyebrows.

"This place was the first time I ever thought of you like someone I could like. I know it's silly but it just brings back so many old memories" Anne said as Gilbert had a huge smile across his face.

"What?" Anne asked. She had noticed that Gilbert was just staring at her , no words just looking .

"Oh nothing. It's just weird to think that 4 years ago we sat here , talked without even knowing we'd make it this far. I remember thinking that you were never going to like me then you finally gave in or something as we went outside" Gilbert chuckled . Anne laughed as she remembered the little memory.


Gilbert and Anne had been in a store for a while now. Gilbert was trying to find a surprise for Anne , as she just wondered around . Once Gilbert found it he went up to the cashier and paid for it. He had saved up for a while , knowing that he was going to get something for Anne . The surprise was a little cheaper than he expected so he went back to anne and let her pick something out. Even though she insisted that she didn't need anything Gilbert told her that it was fine.

She picked out a book that she had been dying to read. She had saw it at Miss Josephine's party a couple years ago and had forgotten all about it. Once she saw it in the store she had been eyeing it down.
It was nighttime. Marilla couldn't sleep at all. She kept thinking of Matthew . How upset she was. She missed him so much. Marilla turned in her bed and heard some sobbing. She furrowed her eyebrows and threw the blankets off of her . She got out of bed quietly . The sound was coming from Anne's bedroom. As the door creaked open she saw Anne crying.

"Oh Anne" Marilla said as she walked closer to her. She sat down on her bed and wrapped her arms around her into a hug . Anne sobbed in Marilla arms.

"I miss him so much" Anne cried quietly. Marilla nodded her head .

"We have eachother now . You know I love you so much" Marilla said as she kissed the top of Anne's head. Anne nodded her head . They sat there hugging for a while .

Back at Gilbert's house he took out the surprise for anne. He bought a canvas and a pen. Even though it was quite expensive he did it anyway. He took the pen out and reach into his pocket. He grabbed the tiny piece of paper and placed it on his desk. It was the little note that Matthew wrote Anne . He had an idea to make a little painting.

Even though he doesn't really know how to paint he wanted to do this for Anne.

Okay , so a couple days ago I made a new cover for this book. Here it is

I hope you like it!! Oh and thank you for 10k reads!! And hope you liked this chapter 💗💗

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I hope you like it!! Oh and thank you for 10k reads!! And hope you liked this chapter 💗💗

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