Chapter 5- Get back here

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"Anything else happened at the mall" Aidan said

"No" I said quietly

"You know we don't like lying" he said stern

"It's nothing" I said a bit louder

"You have one chance to tell us, or there will be consequences" Aidan said

"It's nothing, seriously guys" I said now getting mad. Can't they understand it was a small argument and doesn't have to be a big deal.

"Well I guess there will some consequences, but first Andrew please tell the whole table what Alexis did today" he said

"Well, we went to one of the stores she wanted to go, she was trying on shorts but the one she picked out was way to short. She decided to first cuss out at me, secondly talk back to me, and lastly she bought it behind my back anyway, not only once but three times." He said mad

"First of all, you wouldn't let me get shorts, and you said half my ass was out but it was not. Secondly I would wear more revealing clothing, and my parents didn't care, and I didn't cuss you out, and lastly I used my own money, so you can't make me return it." I said loudly and standing up from my chair.

"Alexis sit down" Aidan said very loud and mad

"No" I shouted

"Ok, well guess what, your punishment is no part, no going out and no allowance for a month. I'm cutting you off" Aidan yelled

"You know what I wish you never took me in" I said shouting tears running down my face. while running out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

I ran towards the door, and opened it. I ran out of the house, ran past the gate and ran like a dog was chasing me. It was also raining which was worse. I started slowing down, and I saw a park so I decided to stay there for a while. I didn't realize I haven't eaten for a while so I walked to a complex and found a in-n -out. I got some food and left. I decided to eat at the park since everyone was looking at the a drenched girl. I was still crying from what happened before, and I kept crying. I finished my food, and saw my phone blasting with text messages and calls. It was from all the guys, wondering if I'm ok. I ignored all of them.

It was hard living with them and it's not even been a week. I missed my family so much, it hurt so much they weren't here. I hated my brothers, and I wish I had my parents back, my life back in New York with all of my friends. At this point I was sobbing, and the rain got harder. I needed someone here for me, so I called Jenna.

(J is Jenna and A is Alexis)


A-JENNA I'm so happy you picked up

J- I would always pick up your call

A- did I wake you up?

J- no you're fine

A- ok, but I need you right now

J- what's wrong?

I filled her in what happened and let's just say it involved a lot of yelling and tears

J- I swear to god Alexis I'm gonna hurt your brothers

A- please do, and please get me out of here I want to be in New York again

J- I promise I'll try getting you out, I love you so much. Hang in there, I'll talk to you later.

A- thank you, and I love you too, bye.

I hung up the call and saw the time, it was 3am. I was debating whether to go home or stay at the park. I decided to stay at the park, to teach them a lesson. I saw a basketball and a court so I practiced a bit even in the rain. Time flew by and it was around 6:30am. I decided to get breakfast, so I got some ihop. I payed with the debit card my brother gave me. I left ihop and decided to go back home. I walked back, and it was still raining. I finally reached the gate, it was surprisingly open. I walked in and saw only 1 car. Thank god, hopefully I can slip in without anyone knowing. I got to the door about to open when, someone opened it for me.

Aidan's p.o.v. Of last night

"Tell us what you did, or face the consequences" I said very mad

"It was nothing" she said getting louder

"Fine, I guess the consequences it is but Andrew why don't you tell the whole table what she did" I said

He explained what we did and I was furious.

"First of all, you wouldn't let me get shorts, and you said half my ass was out but it was not. Secondly I would wear more revealing clothing, and my parents didn't care, and I didn't cuss you out, and lastly I used my own money, so you can't make me return it." She said loudly and standing up from her chair.

"Alexis sit your ass down" I said furious at her behavior

"No" She shouted

"Ok well guess what, your punishment is no party, no going out, and no allowance for this month. I'm cutting you off" I yelled at her

"You know what I wish you never took me in" She said shouting tears running down my face. while running out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

Next thing I know I hear the front door opened and closed. Shit she just ran away.

"Fuck, she just left, ok everyone go in your car and go find her, now" I yelled

They all got into their cars driving around the neighborhood, to find her but no luck. We searched until 5 am when we were all exhausted.

"She will come home, don't worry she just needed to blow off some steam" Jaden said

I was so mad at myself, I should have never let this happen. She's out in the world all alone, because of me. She was my responsibility and I already lost her. Was I being harsh on her, she just did lose her parents, but so did I. I didn't know them that much but she was my mom. I lost my little sister, what am I going to do.

"Hey can you guys park your car inside the garage" I said to them

"Yeah" they said at the same time

While they parked their car, I issued men to go look for her, I need to keep her safe.

I decided to head out and go look for her some more, but when I opened the door I saw her.

A/n hi guys hoped you liked the chapter. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. If anyone has an idea please tell me so I can add it in the book and I will obviously give you credit. See you next time.

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