Chapter 125-You are gonna be on the runway

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It was now Saturday, the day of the dinner. I've been lying in bed doing nothing

"They are gonna be here at 6pm" Aidan yelled

It was 3pm, I decided I would get out of my bed at 4pm

After staying in my bed till 4pm I decided to drag myself to the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready. I put on a skirt and a cute top. I did my makeup and hair.

I stayed in my room until the people came.

The doorbell rang and Aidan called me

I reached the stairs and the people were here

"Lexi this is Christian and his son josh" Aidan said

"Hi, nice to meet you" I said shaking there hands

"You too" Christian said

"Come on in, dinner is about to be served" Aidan said

They stepped inside and headed towards the family room

How's the dinner-Noah

Boring, they just arrived-Lexi

If I was there would it be fun-noah


"Lexi put the phone away" Andrew whispered to me

I put it away and sat on the couch

"So Lexi, what do you like to do?" Christian asked

"Well I like to play basketball, but due to my injury I no longer can. I also like to design outfits and model them" I replied

"Oh wow, that's cool" josh said

"Yeah" I replied

"Anyone you're seeing?" Josh asked bluntly

Why does it matter

"Yes actually I am, I have a boyfriend" I replied

"Oh" he said confused

"Was that not what you expected" I questioned

"No, it's just Aidan told us something different" josh said

"He told you I was single?" I asked

"Josh not now" Christian said

Why would Aidan tell them I was single, when he knew I had a boyfriend

"Dinner is ready" the chef said

We headed to the dining table, I sat in between Aidan and Andrew, across from me is josh

I grabbed some food and started eating

My phone started ringing and Kathy was calling me, it was probably to tell me that I have a photo shoot tomorrow.

I ignored the call and continued eating.

She kept buzzing my phone and I checked the text

Lexi, I need you to pick up my call-Kathy

Lexi, I need you at this address, they need you for a runway-Kathy

Lexi, this will expose you to the industry

I was gonna be on a runway, holy shit

I dropped my fork and got up

"I-I gotta go" I said

Luckily I already had my hair and makeup done, but usually runway they make it a lot more drastic if it's a drastic look

"Where are you going" Aidan asked

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