Chapter 20- I'll book your ticket for next week

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He came in mad, but I don't know why, since I haven't done anything wrong.

"Want to explain to me why did the pharmacist call me saying your birth control prescription was ready" Aidan asked

"I-" he cut me off

"Who let you even get birth control in the first place" he asked again

"I-" he cut me off again

"I swear to god Alexis, if you're screwing around with guys so god help me" he said

"Can I explain without you cutting me off" I shouted

"Im on the pill because I have very bad cramps and other side affects with my period. I've been on for it a while. I asked my doctor from New York to get me a prescription here, and I'm not screwing around" I replied annoyed

Why does everyone of my brothers think I'm screwing around.

"You should have asked me to get it" he said

"Asked, I don't need to ask you for a prescription that I need" I snapped back

"I still have to agree with it, I'm the legal guardian here" he said

"Well you weren't home, and I needed to go back on it asap and Ryan was the only one here" I said

"Why didn't you tell me" he said to Ryan

"Well it slipped my mind" he said

"Well next time be smarter, and text me" he said to Ryan

"It isn't Ryan's fault, he really didn't have a choice since no one was here." I said

"Well he's the one who signed it" he said

"Just stop arguing for one second, it's already done so there's no point in arguing" I replied annoyed

I walked away, and headed upstairs.

"Alexis, we need to talk so get back downstairs now" Aidan said

Maybe it's the apology he owed me. But it's probably not.

I walked back downstairs, he led me down the same hallway they told me not too. I saw these big doors and we walked in. It felt cold, like no one has been in here. There was a huge desk with a big chair on one side and the other side has 3 chairs. I sat in the middle one, and he sat in the big chair.

In the room was a couch near the door, books all over the room, and spare chairs.

"We need to talk about last night" he said

I guess this is not an apology

"Why did you go on the roof last night, when you have a cast on" he asked

"I already told you" I said

"Well tell me again then" he said

"You know what, no, because you never apologized to me about that night I walked into your conversation with Andrew. So why don't you tell me why you really said those things about me" I asked with an angry tone

"You don't get to call the shots here, if I remember I'm the guardian and you're the child" he said annoyed

"Well it seems like your acting like the child, since you haven't brought it up" I said pushing him

"I haven't brought it up because everything I said about you is the truth, and there's no point in saying an apology" he said snapping back at me

I felt this pain in my chest, like someone dropping my heart and stomping on it. The last time I felt this hearing the news of my parents death.

"Then send me back, I rather be there then here." I shouted, while holding back my tears.

"You know what maybe that is a great idea, I'll book your ticket now for next week" he shouted back

"Good, I'll be in a better place" I shouted

"Good, so will we" he shouted back



I stomped out of there, slamming the door when walking out,  i crutch my way up the stairs with tears falling down my face. I walk into my room slamming my door, and locking it. I slid down my door and cried. I put my mouth over my hand and muffled my sobbing. I wanted to scream, I was so angry, I wanted to break everything in my room. I grab my pillow and scream into it. I scream until my dry throat stops me. I screamed until there was nothing left.

There was nothing left of me here.

Aidan p.o.v

I regretted everything I said. She stormed out of here angry and sad. I broke her again. Why do I keep doing this to her. I'm so hard on her, and she doesn't deserve it. I'm a jackass to her.

"FUCK" I yelled

I threw all my papers on my desk onto the floor, I was so angry, I threw the cup on the wall, shattered everywhere. I threw all the books from the shelves on the floor, I was so mad at myself. I hurt her again, no wonder she doesn't want to talk to me. I didn't even apologize for what I said. I didn't even mean to say those things about her, I was just stressed out and mad. It slipped my mouth and she should have never heard those things. I would never want her to leave, and go back to New York. I don't know why I overreacted about the pill, or her on the roof. But the roof one I always have to be ready for anything to happen to her. She's my little sister, and I love her so much. I act like a jackass, and I wish I could restart with her. I have to apologize, she doesn't deserve what I said

Alexis p.o.v

I couldn't stay in this room anywhere, I felt claustrophobic. I needed to get out of here. I head towards the roof, and sat out there. It is way better then my room. I laid on the roof looking at the clouds, they were so peaceful why couldn't my life

*knock knock*

I didn't respond, I didn't hear anything after. Until I heard keys and my door was open.

"Lexi, can we talk" Aidan said with a nice tone


Wow Aidan actually feels bad, I guess he was holding it in and this triggers it. I wanted to thank all my viewers for getting me to 30k it means so much to mean. Sooo I'm officially done with school. I do have 3 assignments due Tuesday but after that no more work. Summer here I come. I hope you liked this chapter, and I want to say there's gonna be a couple of big twist coming soon, so watch out for that. Do y'all like seeing the boys p.o.v? Comment and vote, see you guys next time. Byeeeee

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