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I didn't know he would be home


"Heyyyyy Aidan" I said

"What the fuck is happening here" he asked with a calm face, too calm

"Well we were making waffles and Noah doesn't know how to properly make it" I said with a little laugh

"And it ended up having a little flour fight" I said tried hiding my laugh

"Umm who's Noah?" He asked

"This is Noah, one of Ryan's friend" I replied

"Hi I'm noah" Noah said shaking his hand

"Where's Ryan and jaden" he asked

"I think they are still sleeping" I replied

"Ok, well sleepover is over so Noah you can show yourself out" he said

"Ok, I will see you later I guess" he said waving to me and grabbing his stuff. He left and drove home. Aidan grabbed two pots and started making his way to Ryan's room first. I followed him towards the room

He started banging all the pots

"EVERYONE GET YOUR ASS UP AND GET OUT" he yelled. All we heard after were a bunch of shits and grunts. Aidan then went to Jaden's room and did the same thing. After 5 minutes all the guys left the house.

We all went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Someone wanna tell me what the hell happened last night" he asked

Before I can say anything Ryan spoke first

"We had a guys night, all of our friends came over and we hung out and they slept over" Ryan said

"Is this true Lexi?" Aidan asked

I had an amazing poker face.

"Yeah it's true, I didn't want to watch the movie since it was horror, so I just stayed upstairs pretty much the whole time" I replied

"Ok well next time tell your friends not to make a mess in the kitchen" Aidan said

Jaden and Ryan gave each other confused looks then look towards me.

"Sorry it's not my fault Noah doesn't know how to make waffle batter." I replied raiding my hands up like it's not my fault.

"Just go help Lexi clean it up" Aidan said

They both groaned and helped me clean up.

"Why was Noah downstairs" Jaden asked

"I don't know he came downstairs I guess he was hungry" I replied

"Were you guys alone?" Ryan asked

"Yeah, no one was awake" I replied confused

Ryan and Jaden gave each other a look.

"Next time don't be alone with one of our friends." Ryan said

"Why?" I asked confused

"I don't trust these guys, they were saying stuff about you last night" Ryan said

"Well Noah seemed nice compared to the other guys" I said

"Well you've never met him then" he said with a smirk

We cleaned the mess and split up. I went into my room and changed into clothes. My foot was hurting even more but I already took my medicine. Maybe the cast isn't helping anymore from the pool or the meds aren't working. I went downstairs and saw Andrew on the couch on his phone

"Andrew you're back" I said trying to crutch fast towards him

"Hey kiddo," he came to me hugging me

"It felt like eternity since I've seen you" I said while sitting on the couch

"It was a day" he said

"Nope more like two" I replied

"How did you like it being home with Jaden and Ryan" he asked

"The first night it was fun, I love being home alone. The second night was also fun they had a p- I mean they had there friends over so I pretty much stayed in my room" I replied hoping he didn't hear me almost slipping about the party.

"That seems fun, they might happen more in the future" he said

"Well I don't mind, unless the boys become annoying then I'm beating them up" I said

"Haha I know you'll be able to beat them up" he said with a little laugh

"Umm Andrew, my foot is starting to hurt more, and I've been taking my meds. I accidentally fell into the pool so could it be that or do I need to up my pain medication." I said

"Huh that's weird maybe I should make an appointment with doctor O'Shea" he said

"Ok" I replied

He made an appointment for 3:00 pm

I waited until 2:45

"Ok Lexi lets go" he said

"Ok" I replied

We sat in the car and jammed out, until we reached the office.

We went to the office and filled out some forms. We waited until the doctor called us to the room.

"Ok what's the problem little missy" doctor O'Shea said

"My foot started to hurt more and I've been taking my and I accidentally fell into the pool, before it started to hurt more." I replied

"It possibly that it had water damaged and the cast weakened. Let me see" he said

He checked the cast and it was fine, but he wanted to be safe and put on a new cast.

"It seems like the pain meds aren't enough, we can up the dosage or switch it" he said

"Let's up the dosage and if it doesn't help we will switch it" Andrew said

"I can't switch it, you know I can't" I said to Andrew

"I know but that's only if nothing is working" Andrew said

"Ok I guess" I replied

He changed the dosage and gave me the medicine. We were own our way back home. We reached home and went inside. I went into my room, and watched some Netflix. Couple hours later it was dinner time.

I went downstairs and saw everyone, we had pasta for dinner.

"So someone wanna tell me who allowed you guys to throw a party?" Aidan asked

Oh shit


I hope you liked this chapter. Couple chapters after the next one is gonna be a time jump, to when school starts to watch out for that. How do you guys think Aidan found out? See you guys next time byeeee

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