Chapter 11- how was your day

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As I was about to open the door, Ryan and I made eye contact. He glared at me with his deep icy blue eyes. I swear it could have killed me at that moment. I looked down and walked towards my room trying not to limp. I pressed my lips together not trying to make any noise coming from the pain. Ryan raised one of his eyebrows, confused.

"Hey Alexis, you ok?" He questioned. Fuck he's on to me

"Yeah of course, why" I replied trying not to show any pain

"Are you lying?" He said but in a more serious tone. SHIT SHIT SHIT, he can't know

"No I'm not, why would you think I'm lying." I said annoyed. I tried keeping my cool, but idk how much longer I can.

"Ok whatever" he said giving me a look.

He walked past me and I walked past him and accidentally tripping on him, but caught myself. Ryan smirked at me almost falling. I wanted to punch that smirk off his face, but I had to pretend I'm fine.

I went in my room, took off my shoes and socks and head to the bathroom so see my foot. When I stepped in the bathroom and sat down to see my foot was super swollen, and bruised up. If I touched it, it would hurt so much. I had to put shirt in my mouth so I can stop myself from yelling from my the pain. I found the first aid kit I had in my bathroom and wrapped my foot. I put on socks and my uggs so they wouldn't be able to see the bandages. Now the only problem is me limping. I knew I needed to get an ice pack and elevate it at least so it could hopefully get better. So I slid out of my room and went downstairs to get an ice pack.

I got downstairs without seeing anyone but I heard voices in the kitchen. Frick, why do they have to be in there now. I had to act like I'm fine, so time to put on my fake face.

I stepped in the kitchen, and saw Jaden and Ryan. Aidan isn't really home that much, he's usually at work, and so is Andrew.

"Hey Alexis" Jaden said to me

"Hi" I replied back with a smile

"So how was hanging out with your new friends" he asked me. Wait how did he knows, I only asked Andrew. That bitch, he told them. Mental note, if one brother knows the whole family knows.

"It was fine, we got to know each other better, and then we played some basketball" I replied, trying to act like my foot isn't on fire.

"Did the guys give any trouble, if so we will gladly beat them up" he said, with a serious face.

"We, yeah right. I told Alexis I'm not gonna help her. She can fight them herself" Ryan said

Ouch that hurt, I thought he would actually protect me. I guess he was keeping his promise. I don't know why I even rely on them. They don't even know me, in New York I didn't rely on anyone except my parents when I needed them. I'm just a person to them who moved in recently, they really didn't care did they?

Jaden nudged Ryan arm, and gave him a "are you serious look". Well maybe Jaden is on my side, who am I kidding, no one is ever. If it were my parents, they would be here backing me up, but they are gone.

I checked the freezer for an ice pack, but couldn't find any. Shit I'm gonna have to ask one of them, and they question my moves 24/7 so knowing them they are gonna question why I need one. My foot was getting worse and I had to ice it.

"Do you guys know where the ice packs are?" I asked

"Yeah it should be in the freezer" Jaden replied focused on the tv

"Well it's not, I checked" I replied, getting agitated

"Well I don't know then, why do you need one" he questioned.

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