Chapter 86-Why are you up early

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I woke up early and put on my basketball clothes, I went downstairs and ate breakfast. I grabbed my keys and headed towards the door

"Umm Lexi, why are leaving so early?" Aidan asked


"I have a project and my group and I want to go over it before we present" I said

"What's with the basketball clothes" he ask

"It involves basketball, we have to dress up so we get the points" I replied

"Ok, good luck" he said

"Thanks" I replied

I went to the car and drove to school. We finished practice and I changed into my uniform. I put on my makeup and fixed my hair and went to class

"You ready for the big game today?" Noah asked

"Yeah but a bit nervous" I replied

"Don't worry you're gonna crush it" he said

"Thanks" I replied

It was now lunch time

"We are all going to be watching your game" jack said

"Thanks" I said

We continued eating lunch I was stress eating. I went to the rest of my class and it was now after school.

I went to the locker room to change. After changing I went to the court and started warming up.

The other team came in and I saw one person


(Recap Sophia was her roommate at the rehab center)

I ran up to her and gave her a hug

"I didn't know I was versing you" I said

"Me either" she replied

"Good luck, you're gonna need it" I said

"No, no no it's the other way around" she said

We both laughed

"I'll see you during the game" I said

"See you" she replied

I went back and continued to warm up. It was now 4pm. The gym was more full than normal. All of my friends and family came.

"Ok girls, we gotta push them. If you get tired I'll sub you out for a bit then put you back in. This is just the beginning to victory" coach Megan said

"Ok, now get out there and kick some ass" she said

I was part of the starting 5 and Lauren tipped the ball. One of my teammates got the ball and started dribbling. She was fast so she quickly made a layup.

We continued playing and Sophias team was hard to crack. We tried finding open windows and shoot whenever we have. We were neck and neck most of them time.

It was now half time. I ran out of water.

My dad waved me down and pointed out he had water

"Coach can I grab my water from my dad real fast" I said pointing towards him

"Yeah, quickly" she replied

I ran to him to get the water

"You're doing amazing out there, you've been doing a lot of layups, so switch it up and take your threes they won't know it's coming" dad said

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