Chapter 58- The power went out

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The whole house was total darkness


It all happened so fast.

The lights were turned on and people screaming happy birthday. It was a surprise birthday party.

"Wait did you guys do this?" I asked turning around to my brothers

They all nodded

"How" I asked

they were all with me the whole day

"We had people set it up and Jenna and James invited your friends." Andrew said

"Thank you guys so much" I replied

"You're welcome Lexi" Aidan said

I ran to my friends and hugged them.

"Thank you guys so much" I said

"Of course Lexi, we love you" Jenna said

Everything was set up outside, we all go out. It was a somewhat big party. It was a bunch of my friends, Ryan and Jaden's friend. I saw a couple college kids, Im guessing it was Ace's and Andrews friends.

"Hey Lexi" someone said

I turned around and saw Noah

"Hey Noah" I replied

"Happy late birthday" he said

"Thank you" I replied

" here I got you a present" he said

" no you shouldn't have" I replied

" well it's your late birthday at least you should get a present" he said

" seriously Noah you didn't need to get one" I said

" well you're getting one anyway" he said

We went inside where it was more quiet. We sat on the couch and he pulled out a box. I open the box and it was a bunch of snacks, candy, and movies.

"I know you like watching movies so I made a little gift set full of snacks, candy, and movies you can watch" he said

" Noah you shouldn't have" I said

"Well I wanted to" he said

"Thank you so much for this gift, I'll definitely invite you over to watch a movie" I said

"Well I hope you do" he said

We gave each other a hug. He was towering over me but I'm used to it since all of my brothers are tall. I put the gift away and went outside.

I was dancing with my friends and hanging out. It was amazing


The power went out

They were a bunch of groans and people annoyed


"Your neighbors power is still on, the fuser must have overloaded" Jenna said

"Ohh probably, I'll text you later. Get home safe" I said

They all left, it was just all 5 of my brothers and I in the backyard.

"The backup generator should be starting any minute" Andrew said

We waited couple minutes and no generator. All of my brothers started getting worried. It's just a power out.

"Umm Lexi, go to your room, lock your door and hide" Aidan said

"Wait why" I asked

"LEXI JUST GOO" Aidan yelled.

I grabbed my phone, turned out my flashlight and quickly went upstairs. I locked my door, hid into my closet and locked the closet door. I didn't know what was going on.


WHAT THE FUCK, I'm too young to die. Oh god someone help me. I quietly got up and got something hard and sharp on my room. I grabbed the rod that holds my hangers.

My anxiety kept going up, the gunshots didn't stop. I'm too young to die, I haven't gone to college or get proper job, or have kids or anything. Only good thing is seeing my parents on the other side.

I fidgeted with my necklace, I couldn't calm down. I couldn't hear anything. Until someone trying to enter my room.

FUCK FUCK FUCK, I'm going to die

I gripped the bar more and more ready to attack. I heard my door breaking open.

IM GOING TO DIE, FUCK. This is my last day, I guess it was fun.

I heard multiple people entering my room. They were not my brothers. I covered my mouth from letting out a sob. I was going to die and I didn't get to say goodbye

I grabbed the bar ready to fight, my closet door starting to shake. Someone was trying to get in. I hid behind clothes and boxes.

I saw my closet door ripped open. There were 3 men, looking through my closet. They came closer and closer to me looking through. They moved boxes, clothes, and tossed them on the ground.

One guy starting ripping away the boxes and he spotted me. He gave me a devilish grin. I quickly swing the bar and hit him the shin. He quickly fell down, the other two men started coming towards me. I starting swinging the bar around hitting them.

The first guy got up and grabbed me. I started swinging and trying to get out of his hold. Instead one of the other guys grab the bar.

I kept thrashing and trying to get out of the hold.

"Say night night princess" the guy who's holding me whispered. He quickly put the cloth over my nose and mouth, I kept fighting it and trying not to breathe into it, but I gave in.

Everything started becoming black and I becoming heavy. The last image I saw was the two men with the devilish grins.

I was now out.


Y'all really thought lexi's life would go back to normal. What do you think happened? Is Lexi ok? Find out next time, comment and like. See you next time byeeee

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