Chapter 76-These are your cousins

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I heard the doorbell and quickly ran downstairs. The door was open and a lot of people came in. There were a bunch of kids different age, and I'm guessing my aunt and uncles with bags.

"You guys this is Lexi" my dad said

"Hi" I said waving

"Stop scaring the poor girl" grandma Andrea said

They all came in scattered around the family room

"Lexi, this is Mia my oldest sister and her husband Angel. They 3 kids, gabby who's 21, Lucia who is 18 and Emma who is 16" he said pointing

"Then there's Gabriel my older brother and his wife, these are his kids james and sawyer they are 17" he said pointing at them

"After that there is Giovanni my other older brother and his wife and their daughter makena who is 8" he replied pointing at them

"Then there's my younger brother Lucas and his wife. They have 4 kids, Tyler is 19, Trevor 16, Amanda 11, Ryan 8" he said pointing towards them

"This is Nicola and her husband, and this their daughter Ava who's 10" he said

"And lastly my youngest sister and her husband, and that's Arielle there newborn" he said

"Woah, I never expected this many relatives" I said giggling a bit

Everyone bursted out laughing

"Lexi you're Italian, big families run in the bloodstream" Mia said

"Lexi you're going to be sharing a room with Lucia and Emma" Robert said

"Ok" I replied

"Why don't you show them the room" he said

"Ok" I replied

"And the rest of you, find your room" Robert said

They all nodded and we headed up the stairs.

In my room there was two beds, I already claimed one.

"Umm so how are we going to do this" I asked

"Emma and I can share a bed, we've done it before" Lucia said

"Also you won't get sleep here, you've never lived with the cousins before" Emma said

"What should I expect" I asked

"Loads of drinking, getting high, shopping, sneaking out, and no sleep" Lucia replied

"Hell yes, I've been needing some fun lately. This past year has been SHIT" I said

"Ooo tell us" Emma said

"Umm hold on, give me one minute" I said

I went downstairs, and went to see my dad talking to his siblings.

"Umm can I talk to you for a second" I said to my dad

"Yeah what's up" he said pulling us aside

"Umm do my cousins know about the mafia" I asked

"Yes, there parents were in it but aren't anymore. We all retired" he said

"Ok, can I tell them what happened with me, or should I leave it out" I asked

"It's up to you, it's your story" he said

"Ok thanks dad" I said

"No problem" he replied

I went back upstairs

"Sorry I had to ask my dad something" I said

"Ok, well tell us what happened" Emma asked

"Well, first my mom and my stepdad died, and I was forced to move to California. Then later on I ended up hurting my foot, which I needed surgery, then that surgery didn't help so I needed another one. I had to go in pain medication. Umm I snuck out couple times. And this all happened within 3 months. Then it my birthday, all of my brothers forgot my birthday and that day was my brother football game and they said for one of my friends to drop me off but since they forgot I decided to party with my friends, and my brother found out I never went home. When we reached home they made me go to my room and then they found out it's my birthday. From there I locked myself in my bathroom and my moms friend helped me calmed down and we went to New York. In New York I got things from my parents room, said goodbye to the house, then my brothers decided to come to New York and came to my parents grave and my friend who I was with at the time told them off. After saying goodbye I went to a party and beat up a girl who had a problem with me, I ended up in the ER, Aidan got super pissed off, I accidentally slapped him all my brothers left me. Then I decided to fly to Hawaii because why not. I made a friend who I later hooked up with. My brothers found I was in Hawaii, and that's when I met Ace, the brother I didn't know until that day. Aidan drugged me and brought my back home. He took away everything, Basketball, friends, couldn't go even in my backyard, and took away school. I became numb and I found my pain meds and I used. Umm also that week I met Harry styles" I said

"You met Harry styles" Emma asked

"Yeah, he was amazing" I replied

"Lucky, I want to meet him" she said

"When he goes back on tour you should go" I said

"Yeah I'll try" she replied

"Ok continue" Lucia said

"Ok well overdosed, was in a coma for 90 days, then a rehab center for 30. I came home, my brothers made up for my missed birthday, and that was the day I was kidnapped, and found out about the mafia. Eventually got back home, met my dad. Soon later met my brothers girlfriends, one of them is a bitch and I hate her. Basically Aidan kicked me out of the house, and then I went home packed and now I'm here" I said

"And it hasn't even been a year?" Emma asked

"Yup, life is just great right now" I said

"What about you guys anything fun?" I asked

"Umm, not much. Way less exciting. My parents retired by the time we were born, they didn't want us to be associated with the mafia. We have the occasional sneaking out and drinking and boyfriends" Lucia said

"Ooo spill about the boyfriend" I said

"Ex-boyfriend" Emma said

"Oh shit, what happened" I asked

"Scumbag cheated, he wasn't even cute anyway" Lucia said

"You're better off without him" I said

"What about you Emma" I asked

"Same thing, minus boyfriend" she said

"Ohh, I rather have that, wanna switch" I joked

"You know maybe I'll keep my life" she said

We all laughed over it.

"You guys wanna go to the basement?" I asked

"Sure" Lucia said

We all went downstairs, and all of the other cousins were there besides gabby. Including the younger ones

"So should we let the new girl into our group" Tyler said


Hey guys, do you think they'll let Lexi in the group? What will happen to Lexi? Find out next time, see you later byeeee

Also I wanted to say two things

1. For my 200k I decided for the next 2-3 I'm gonna write as many chapter I can and post them the next day at once instead of uploading them each day. So basically I'll be writing for 3 days however chapters I can, then on the 4th day I'm uploading them. There will be MANY CHAPTERS im expecting 8-10, or more I don't know yet. So no new chapters for 3 days then BOOM you got a ton of new ones the day after.

2. I'm gonna do the q&a after uploading those chapters so I can get more questions.

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