Chapter 73- Stay out of this rachel

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"What the fuck is happening here" someone said

I woke up and realizing I was laying on Noah's chest. I moved away and saw the devil couple

Rachel and Aidan

"We fell asleep while watching the movie" I said confused. I didn't know what time it is and what happened during the movie.

"Doesn't seem like you just fell asleep" Rachel said

"Stay out of this Rachel" I said

"I think not" she replied

"Do you want me to fuck up your face again" I asked her.

"Alexis" Aidan said diverting my attention back to him

"Why is he here" he pointed at Noah

"Well I promised him we would hang out and he was free tonight, and didn't want to be home alone" I replied

"You should asked one of us, and no boys are allowed over when no one is home" he said

"He's isn't just a boy, he's my friend" I replied

"I don't care" he said

"Why do you get to decide who I can hang out, literally nothing was happening" I replied getting angry

"It didn't seem like nothing" he replied

"Forget it, you're impossible to argue with. Your judgement is clouded up from the Rachel bullshit" I said

Noah was awake and fully aware of the convo.

"Noah I think it's time for you to go" Rachel said

"Fuck off Rachel, you don't get to decide" I snapped back

"Actually she can" Aidan said

"No she can't, she's not my guardian" I replied

"Well I am and I saw she can decide things for you" he said

"Oh hell no, I'm not letting this whore decide my life. She's nowhere near family" I replied

"Alexis, don't call her that" he said

"I don't care" I replied

"Umm I'm gonna head out, I'll text you later Lexi" Noah said

"Text me when you reach home" I said. I wanted to make sure he gets home safe.

"Ok, goodnight Lexi, goodnight Aidan" he said

He left the room and went downstairs. After he left I started leaving the room

"Alexis sit your ass down" Aidan said

"No I'm not gonna listen to your stupid argument. Once your brain is actually working again come talk to me" I said

"ALEXIS GET BACK HERE" Aidan shouted

I walked out but was halted by someone grabbing my hair. It was Rachel

"WHAT THE FUCK, you bitch" I yelled

I was about to punch her but Aidan grabbed my fist.

"Lay a hand on her and I will kick you out of this" he said in a very angry tone.

"Actually you know what go ahead, I never liked living here." I said

I got up and went to my room. I locked the door and packed a bag. I grabbed my car keys and went downstairs

"I'll be sending over the emancipation documents. You will no longer be my guardian" I shouted from the stairs

I rather have anyone else in this family my guardian, even Robert.

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