Chapter 33-Get ready we are leaving

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"shit" I shouted getting startled

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" Ryan said

I knew he was going to tell me to go inside.

"I'll go inside, just let me grab my stuff" I said

"Hey, it's ok keep playing I won't tell Aidan" Ryan replied.

"Thanks" I replied

"Wanna play one on one" Ryan asked

"Sure" I replied

We played for a bit until we got tired.

"Damn you're a tough competitor" Ryan said

"Thanks, I try" I said.

We started walking inside

"Thanks for not telling Aidan" I said

"Well you took the fall for the party's so I mean I'm just paying back the favor" he said

We both went into our own rooms.

Ryan p.o.v

I went to the kitchen to grab some water, and I saw a shadow at the court. I went outside and I saw Lexi playing basketball. She wasn't allowed to but I saw a smile on her face. She hasn't done that in a while and I didn't want to ruin it.

"What are you doing out here" I said

"shit" she said

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" I replied

"I'll go inside just let me grab my stuff" she said. I could see the sadness in her eyes. I know that all she felt was sadness, she was cooped up in this house. She wasn't excited to get her cast off. The day that Aidan told us what her punishment was, we all disagreed. We knew he was too hard on her, we tried telling him, but he didn't listen. We tried to cheer her up throughout the days but she didn't want to be near us.

"Hey it's ok, I won't tell Aidan" I said

"Thanks" she said. I saw a her eye filled with happiness.

"Want to play one on one" I asked her, I knew basketball gave her show and she loves a good competition

"Sure" she replied

We played one on one and she was good, really good. We both got tired and sat down.

"Damn you're a tough competitor" I said. She was really good.

"Thanks I try" she said

We walked back inside

"Thanks for telling Aidan" she said

"Well you took the fall for the party so think of it as paying back the favor" I said

We both went into our own rooms. I felt so bad for her, I knew she needed to get out of here. Not just to the backyard but out of this gated community. Only logical thing to do was sneak her out.

I knew Aidan was going to be out all night, and Andrew was asleep, and Jaden was out.

I knocked on her door, and entered. I saw her on her phone

"Hey I was wondering, if you wanted to go out. Like maybe on a drive or something" I asked

I saw a shocked look on her face, and a smile.

"Umm won't they find out, I'm not trying to get in more troubles" she said

"Aidan has work, Jaden's at a friends house and Andrew is asleep, soo no one will find out" I said

"Ok, I'm down" she said

"Ok get ready and meet me by the door in 20" I said

"Ok" she replied

I knew this would brighten up her mood.

Back to Lexi's p.o.v

I was excited to get out again. Hopefully tonight would go fine.

I changed into a tank top and pajama pants. I grabbed a sweatshirt if it gets cold. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

I saw Ryan on his phone next to door.

"So which car you wanna take" he asked

"I don't know any" I said

"Well follow me" he said

We went to the garage and I saw soooo many cars.

"So which one" he asked

"Umm you can choose" I said

We got in his Ferrari, and drove. He put the window down and blasted music. It felt amazing, the wind in my hair, listening to music. Ryan sped down pch and screamed on the top of my lungs. The rush of speeding and the music combine was everything. All of my worries were gone. We ended up at the beach, and we got out of the car. We sat on the sand and watched the waves. It was peaceful and fun.

"Hey I'm sorry for what happened in the last month. We all told Aidan that it was too much but he didn't care. We really tried but we couldn't stop him" Ryan said

"It's ok, I guess" I said

We watched the waves for a bit more then got back in the car. We stopped to get some ice cream on the way back. After eating the ice cream we drove back home

Oh yeah
Take me to your best friend's house
I loved you then and I love you now
Don't take me tongue tied
Don't wave no goodbye

We both screamed on the top of our lungs. I felt free, it felt amazing. I saw the street to where the guard was and I knew my fun adventure was coming to an end. We reached home and it was time to get back to reality.

"Thanks for taking me out, I couldn't be cooped up in here anymore" I said

"Yeah of course, I'm happy you got out, I could tell this place was making you depressed" he said

Depressed, that's what I've been feeling lately, but not much anymore

"Haha yeah, hopefully it will get better" I said

"It will don't worry" he said.

We went inside and went to our rooms. I texted my friends saying what happened. A wave of exhaustion hit, I was exhausted, I turned off my light and fell asleep.

Ryan's p.o.v

Throughout the ride I saw her smile. She was happy and free. Tonight brought something familiar to her face.


We both had a fun night. I got to see her again, after being cooped up. Her smile brought me a smile. I fell asleep after coming home. Tonight was fun


Hope you liked this chapter, you go to see Ryan's point of view and how he didn't like how she was treated. Did all the boys feel like that or just him. Find out next time, see you later byeeee

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