Chapter 19- Why do you need to go

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"So tell me, why do you need to go see doctor O'Shea" he demanded

I sighed and gave up so I told him

"Wellineededarefillonmybirthcontrolandiwasgonnaaskhimtobringafemaldoctorsoshecanpescribemesome" I rambled

"Slow down" he said

"Well I needed a refill on my birth control and I was gonna ask him to bring a female doctor so she can prescribe me some" I said

His face was in shock

"Haha in your dreams" he said

"I'm not letting you get it so you can screw around with guys"

My jaw dropped. How can he think I'm only on it to screw with guys.

"I'm not on it so I can screw with guys" I replied holding back my anger

"Ok yeah whatever" he said with a smirk

"I'm on because I get unbearable cramps, and other symptoms." I replied

"Thats what they all say" he replied

This time I didn't hold back

"Are you dumb, you've never had a sister till now, you wouldn't know the pain because you're a guy. Go through this pain I have for the week then you can talk, but right now I need the refill or this coming week will be hell for all of us" I replied angry

"Nope, sorry" he said

"You know what let me call my doctor and she'll explain it to you"

I called my doctor in New York. I put her on speaker and made sure ryan was listening. She told him the reason why I got it, and how I need it. He finally agreed after hearing a medical professional telling him. It hurts to see my brother doesn't trust me, well I can't trust him anyway so it's fair game.

"Hey doctor Wilson, can you send the refill to the nearest pharmacy" I asked

"Yes of course, and I also sent all my documents and paperwork to doctor O'Shea, is that your doctor in Los Angeles?" She asked

"Yes, but he's only my foot doctor, I'm looking for a new one" I said

Ryan gave me a glare, I didn't need doctor O'Shea it's uncomfortable and easier to talk to a female doctor.

"Ok, when you do tell them to contact us and I'll send the files" she said

"Ok, thank you so much doctor Wilson. It was a pleasure having you my doctor, you were the best" I said

"No problem Lexi, and I hope you do well in Los Angeles" she said

"Thank you" I said

"Bye bye" she said

I hung up the phone and went towards the door.

"I'm getting a new doctor, I don't want doctor O'Shea" I said

"Oh no, you're keeping him, he is the family doctor and we trust him" he said

"Yeah well I don't feel comfortable, I rather have a female doctor" I replied

"Well get used to him, he's our primary doctor" he said annoyed

"You'll never fuckin understand" I mumbled

I wish I had a sister, or another girl in the family.

"I heard that" he snapped

We got to car and instead of being a nice brother he didn't help me and I had to get in the car by myself. Lets just say it was a struggle.

The car ride we didn't talk much, so he put the music on. I just stared out the window, and saw all the building pass by. After what it felt like hours we reached cvs.

"Hi I have a pickup for Alexis whitmore" I said to the nice pharmacist

"Ok give me one second" she said

"Ok I need a form of id from the guardian, your birthdate, and a signature from both you and the guardian" she said


Ryan showed her his I.D and signed the papers, then I signed it. I put my birthday September 9 1998.

"Ok here you go, do you need me to explain when to take it?" She asked

"No I know how to, thanks though" I said with a smile

"Ok, don't forget each month you need a refill" she said

"Ok, thank you"

"No problem, next customer" she said

We walked out and went back to the car. The car ride back was silent with only music in the background. We finally reached home, and of course Ryan left me to go inside. I opened the door and tried getting up but instead falling on the floor and scraping my knee, and hurting my foot a bit.

"Fuck" I said, I grabbed my crutches and crutch my way inside. I needed bandages to clean to wounds. Why did Ryan have to be an ass. I go in the kitchen and say the time 1pm. I swallowed the small pill and drank water. I put a timer on my phone for everyday at 2pm.

After taking the pill I try finding the first aid kit. I found it under the sink. I grabbed it and started my way back to the stairs.

"Shit, Alexis what happened" Ryan asked. Wow he cared for once

"Nothing, just leave me alone" I replied

"No you're hurt" he said

"Yeah and you're the one who caused it so just me alone" I replied

"Like you said before I should be able to handle my own shit, so I am. I don't need your help" I replied with an angry tone. He wanted to help me because he didn't want to get in trouble. I knew him, and he will always be an ass to me.

"Why can't you see I'm trying to help for once" he said with a questioning face

"Help for once, you could have helped me out of the car, so I wouldn't have these scrapes on my arm and leg. You just left me there" I said angry

"Sorry, I thought you could do it yourself" he said

"Does it look like I'm an expert of crutches" I snapped at him angry

"You could have said something" he raised his voice

Then we hear a slam at the door. We both looked and saw him. He was angry


Two chapters in one day whoop whoop. I felt like I couldn't leave you guys on the last chapter so I wrote another one. I hope you like this one. I'll start writing another chapter later today. See you guys later, byeeee

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