Chapter 38-Wanna go to the spot

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"Who's Caden?" Aidan asked

Oh fuck, I'm in trouble

"One of my friends New York" I replied.

"We've never heard you talk about him, and never mentioned he's from New York" Ryan said

"Well because we aren't super close like Jenna and I" I replied

"Why is he in California" Andrew asked

"Umm he moved here before I did" I replied

"Ok, well you're still late" Aidan said

"It's not my fault that the car broke down" I replied

"You should have told us" Andrew said

"Sorry that I was waiting on the side of the road, been all over trying to get a car. It must have slipped my mind. This day has already been shit, so I'm so sorry Aidan I didn't call you to come help me." I said Annoyed. You can hear the frustration and attitude.

"Lexi cut the attitude" Ryan said

I wanted to shout back but it would just result in my more yelling and I'm tired.

"Are we done here, or is there more you want to say" I said

They all started walking out of my room, Last was Andrew.

"Just text us or call us, we were worried sick" Andrew said leaving my room.

I fell on my bed frustrated, angry and annoyed. They didn't even bother asking why I was upset or why I had a bad day. They didn't care, did they?My mom would ask about my day either if she got home late and tired. It was these moments I missed. I wanted her here. Couple tears falling from my cheek, I wanted her here so badly. I wiped away the tears and
went to my desk and started the homework that the teachers gave. I already ate dinner so at least I didn't have to stop so I can go to bed and be done with this day.

It was 10pm when I started my homework. I kept dozing off. At one point I fell asleep, I felt someone pick me up but I just let him happen because I was too tired. The person put me in my bed and put a blanket over then kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Lexi" he whispered

I think it was Ryan.

Ryan p.o.v.

I was so angry she was with a guy. I'm fine with her having guy friends but I knew all of her guy friends. Caden was a mystery. I'm just happy she's home, but she should have called one of us. I should have made her stay at school with us so we could drive her home. When she get home I could tell her mood was already bad. I could tell she was stressed and tired, that's how I would look whenever I was.

I went to Lexi's room and wanted to ask her if she's alright, but I saw her asleep on her desk. I didn't wanted her sleep on her chair so I picked her and put her on her bed. I put the blanket on her and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Lexi" I said

I turned off her light and shut her room. She looked so peaceful.

Lexi p.o.v

I woke up in my bed but I don't remember going in it last night.

I grab my phone and make my way to the bathroom. I got ready, and headed downstairs.

"Good morning Lexi" Andrew said

"Good morning" I replied back

I ate breakfast and waited for Jaden and Ryan outside the car.

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