Chapter 18- So who are they?

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"Anyone wanna answer my question? Who are these people?" I questioned them

"Where were you"

"Are you hurt"

"You're in so much trouble"

"Are you dumb"

All of these questions they kept saying to me.

"Shut up" I replied loudly getting their attention

"First of all I was here the whole time, secondly I'm not hurt, third why would I be in trouble and fourth I'm not dumb." I replied to all their questions

"You weren't in this room when Jaden checked, so where were you" Aidan asked a calm look but inside he was pissed off

"Yes I was" I replied holding my ground

"Stop lying Lexi, just tell us where you were?" Ryan chimes in

"I'm not lying for god sake, I was in this room" I replied

"Maybe not in the room" I mumbled

"What did you say" Aidan questioned

"Nothing" I replied

"Alexis you better tell me what you said or I'll take your phone away, computer, tv, everything" he snapped

"Seriously, you're gonna take all of those things away because I didn't tell you where I was?" I questioned with a laugh

"Don't test me" he replied with a angry tone

"Fine, I was on the roof" I replied with a defeat sigh

"You're an actual idiot, you know that right?" Ryan said

"You could have gotten hurt, you literally have a cast on and have crutches." He yelled

"How did you even get up there" Aidan asked

"How do you think" I asked in a sarcastic tone

"Don't give me that tone" Aidan snapped

"I threw my crutches up and climbed up, it wasn't that hard" I replied, leaving the part out except where I almost fell

"Why does it matter so much, I didn't leave the house I was on the roof watching the stars" I questioned. They were being really suspicious, like I was on the roof watching the stars nothing else.

"It's nothing, we just want to make sure you're ok" Andrew said

"You never answered my question, who are the men" I pointed towards the guys behind my brothers

"Security" Jaden replied

"Why do we have security" I asked

"Umm, we don't it's the gated community security guards, we wanted to make sure you're still here and we needed backup?" Andrew said but in a question

"Ok everyone just go back to your room, and Alexis don't do that again" Aidan replied giving me the death glare

"Whatever" I said

They all left my room, and I plopped down on my bed. My mind was racing with all these questions. Why do they care so much the needed security to find me? The security guards looked more like body guards then normal security guards. Why didn't they just call my phone? My mind was getting tired, and I knew I was about to fall asleep. Sooner than later I was fast asleep.

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