Chapter 27- Your new medication

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I woke up in excruciating pain. My foot was throbbing, it felt worse then I originally hurt it. What the fuck is wrong with my foot. I shot up on my bed. I checked the time it was 6 am. I tried getting up but my foot was not willing to move. I couldn't just stay here. I made my body move. My foot kept getting random pain shooting through my foot. I hopped and went to Jaden since he was next door. I knocked on his door. I kept banging on it until Ryan opened his door across

"Lexi what are you doing" he asked groggy

"F-foot" I said. The pain was horrible and I couldn't form sentences

He came toward me.

"What, what happened with you foot" he asked worried

"It hurts like hell" I replied

"AIDAN ANDREW I need you NOW" he yelled

They came out of there room, confused then saw me. Than ran towards us

"What's wrong Lexi?" Andrew asked

"My foot hurts like hell" I said

"Ok we need to take her to doctor O'Shea now" Aidan said.

Andrew picked me and rushed towards the door. We got into the car and drove to the doctors office.

"When did it start hurting" Andrew asked

"Last night but I thought I could manage because it wasn't too bad." I replied

"Ok we're almost there, just hang tight for a bit more" Aidan said

We reached his office, and surprisingly he was walking into his office.

"Doctor O'Shea, Lexi's foot is in excruciating pain" Andrew said

"Ok let's check it out" he said leading us to his office.

We went into his office and sat down on the bed.

"Ok when did it start" he asked

"Last night, it wasn't bad and I could handle it but I woke up in pain that was unbearable." I replied

"Ok let's take some X-rays and see what's up" he said

We went to go get the X-rays done and I went back to the room afterwards and waited.

The doctor finally came back into the room.

"It seems like your foot isn't healing properly and it's doing the opposite, that's why you woke up with the pain" he said. (Also idk if a foot can do that I just made it up).

"Have you been walking on it?" He asked

I felt guilty because I knew he told me not to but I kinda did

"Yeah" I replied

"And when I replaced the cast that probably did some damage since you needed a new one" he said

"Well now you know, no falling into the pool and you have to not use your foot. Not even your crutches" he said


"No buts missy" he replied with a stern voice.

"So how do we fix the issue" Andrew asked

"Well we are going to have to do the surgery again, and repair the damage. It's also gonna be more of your foot is damaged so it's gonna take longer for you to get full function" he replied

"What about basketball?" I asked

"Lexi now not a good time to think about basketball" ryan said

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