Chapter 24- FOUND IT

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He pulled me in, my heart racing, butterflies in my stomach. I've kissed guys before but I've never felt like this, he was looking at my lips

"Yo Noah, Jaden is looking for you" someone shouted

We both pulled apart and gave a awkward chuckle. He scratched the back of his neck.

"I'll see you later Lexi, and try not tripping on anything. Don't want you to get even more hurt" he said with a small laugh and walked away

I mentally groaned. That fricken annoying ass dude just had to call him.

I finished cleaning the kitchen but always had him in my mind. I needed to get him out of my mind, but I couldn't.

My foot started to hurt because I was on it more today, so I needed my pain medication. I was looking through the cabinets but couldn't find it.

"Jaden, Ryan have any of you seen my medication" I yelled

No one responded

I went to the backyard where I heard people.

I saw Ryan cleaning up the cups in the pool.

"Ryan, have you seen my medicine" I asked

"It's in the cabinet" he replied

"No it's not" I said

"It should be" he replied

"I looked, I didn't find it" I replied

"Go ask jaden then" he said

"Ok" I said

I walked over to Jaden near the kegs picking up the cups.

"Have you seen my medicine" I asked

"Should be in the cabinets" he replied

"It's not there, and don't say it should be" I replied

"Well I don't know then" he said

"Ugh, you guys are no help" I replied

While walking back, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I said

"It's ok" Noah said

"You ok" he asked

"Yeah, just can't find my medication" I replied

"Here let me help you" he said

"No it's fine" I replied

"Come on, let me help" he whined

"Fine" I replied

We walked back into the kitchen

"There should be in the cabinets, but I couldn't find it" I replied

"We will check the whole kitchen" he replied

"Thank you don't have to though" I said

"Well I want to, it's fun helping you" he said

"Aww thanks" I replied

We checked the cabinets, and couldn't find it. We checked the whole kitchen

"Found it" he shouted

"Where" I replied

"Behind the toaster" he said

"How the fuck did it get behind there" I laughed

"Haha maybe ask the toaster" he said

We both laughed.

I grabbed a glass of water and grabbed the pills.

I took the pills and swallowed

"Thanks for helping me, I probably wouldn't have found it" I said

"No problem, I rather help you then clean the backyard." He said

"Haha I would too" I replied

There was a bit of awkward silence.

"I'm gonna go to bed it's getting late, and then won't notice if I left" I said

"Yeah, I should probably head back before they notice" he replied

"Goodnight Noah" I said

"Goodnight Lexi" he replied.

I headed upstairs and went into my room. I wave up exhaustion hit. I still had makeup on, so I went to my bathroom and washed my face. I went back into my room and snuggled into my blankets and fell asleep instantly

I woke up around 1pm. Hopefully everyone is gone by now. I went downstairs, and head into the kitchen. I didn't see or hear anyone so that's good. I started making mini waffles for myself. I sat down on the island stools and started eating it

Where did you go last night-Izzy

Sorry long story but my brother made me go upstairs. I saw you hooking up with someone and I didn't want to disturb you-Alexis

I got time tell me-Izzy

Ok call-Alexis

I told her what happened last night. All she said was that dude was an asshole and that I have a big fat crush on Noah, which may be true. Audrey was also on the call with us.

"Hey you making waffles" Noah asked.

"Ahh shit, you scared me" I said

"Sorry didn't mean to" he replied with a small chuckle

"I thought you guys left" I said with a curious tone. I noticed his he was only wearing pajama pants I'm guessing her borrowed from Ryan. He had a toned body, 8 pack, muscles, v line. Damn

"No everyone just hung over and tired" he replied

"Hey Izzy, Audrey I'll call y'all back" I said

"Sorry I was on the phone" I replied

"it's ok" he replied

"I just finished making waffles" I said

"Dang it" he replied

"I can make you some if you want" I said

"No, you're injured I don't want you to use all your energy" he said

"No it's fine really" I said

"How about you tell me how to but I'll do all the work" he said

"Ok that's fine" I replied

"Ok grab the waffle mix and mix with water then add the chocolate chips. After that spray the waffle maker with butter. Then put it in the maker and let it sit until it dings" I said

"Ok, easy enough" he said

Couple minutes later passed the whole counter was filled with flour.

"How are you this dumb" I said

"It's harder than it looks" he said

"I can do it and I'm injured" I replied

"Well it's not my fault I'm not talented" he said

I come over and grab some flour and threw it at him

"Oh it's on" he said

He grabbed some flour and flicked it at me.

This meant war.

After a good 10 minutes of us throwing flour we were covered in flour.

"We're gonna be in so much trouble." I said

"Uh huh" he agreed

We heard footsteps, coming towards the kitchen

We both gave each other we are so dead look

I didn't expect to see him


I hoped you like this chapter comment and vote. Who do you think they saw? Find out in the next chapter. See you later, byeeee

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