Chapter 21- so you guys are having a party

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I was home alone, and it felt so nice

"Hey Alexa play my vibing playlist"

The Alexa started playing. I got in the shower and got ready.

Can y'all hang out today-Alexis




How you gonna drive-Audrey

Shit I forgot about that-Alexis

I can pick you up- isabella

Thanks- Alexis

I'll meet you at 1:30-isabella


I went back downstairs, made waffles. They were amazing. I was singing, and eating, I felt free

I don't really care if you cry
On the real you should've never lied
Should've saw the way she looked me in my eyes
She said baby I am not afraid to, die
Push me to the edge
All my friends are dead
Push me to the edge
All my friends are dead

I sang with the top of my lungs. I haven't done that in a while. I heard a knock on the door and didn't know who was here. I checked the time and realized it was 1:30

"Hey Izzy, sorry I didn't realize the time" I said while opening the door

"It's ok, I could tell by the music" she said laughing

"Yeah I have the place to myself for today" I said

"Here come inside I gotta clean up real fast" I said

We both entered the kitchen, she started helping me clean up

"Hey you don't have to do that I got it" I said

"No you're injured, let me help" she said

"Nooo" I replied

"Sorry already helping" she replied laughing

We finished, and headed towards the door. I grabbed the keys, and headed out.

"Thanks for picking me up" I said

"Of course, anytime" she said

We reached the park and saw everyone. Izzy helped me and we went to the court.

"Hey guys" I said

"LEXI" they shouted

"How are you" jack asked

"I'm good, pretty sad about the cast but whatever" I said

"Here y'all can sign it" I said grabbing a sharpie

They all signed my cast and we started to talk and hang out. It was so much and it cleared my mind.

"Y'all wanna take a swing" Sean said while pulling out a flask

"Hell ya" Alex replied

"Sure" I said

"Why not" Izzy said

We all agreed and drank from it. It was vodka.

I haven't drank in a while, so I kinda forgot how strong it is.

"Damn it's strong" I said chuckling for the burn

We still hung out till 5ish. I wasn't drunk from the alcohol but I wasn't fully sober. Izzy drove me home

"Thank you so much" I said

"No problem" she said

I went inside the house and no one was still home. Strange usually they are home by now. I started to get hungry and checked the kitchen. I didn't find anything.

Hey order some pizza, I left money under the note-Andrew


I found the money and ordered pizza. I put on a movie while waiting for the pizza.

I heard the doorbell ring, and grabbed the money

"One medium cheese pizza and garlic knots for Alexis" the pizza delivery guy said

"Yup, how much" I asked


"Here" I handed him the 20

"Keep the change" I said

"Thank you" he said

I put grabbed the pizza and garlic knots and brought it inside. I opened the box and it smelled like heaven.

I brought the boxes to the couch and ate it. I watch the movie and finished the most of the food. Damn I was hungry. I put the boxes away and sat back on the couch. It was around 8pm no sign of my brothers. I put on another movie and sat on the couch with a blanket.  After the movie ended it was around 11pm, still no sign of my brothers. I thought they would have texted me by now saying if they would be home or not. I put on another movie, and fell asleep halfway through.

I woke up around 11am confused why I'm on the couch and then I remember me falling asleep on the couch. I saw no one in the kitchen. I went upstairs and checked the house and no one was home. Strange. I texted Andrew

Hey, wondering why none of you guys came homelast night?- Lexi

Jaden and Ryan slept over at a friends house, and Aidan and I had business to take care of and we ended up falling asleep at the office- Andrew

Ok, do you know when you're gonna be home?-Lexi

"Ryan and jaden should be home soon, but Aidan and I still have work to do-Andrew


I got up and ate the leftover pizza. I took my pill and my medicine. I went upstairs, and put on pajamas shorts and and a tank top. It was around 2pm and no one was home still, I thought Ryan and jaden would be but I guess not. I was pretty bored, I couldn't play basketball, or go swimming since I couldn't get the cast wet. But they never said I can float on the floaty. I changed into a swimsuit, and blew up the floaty. I got on the floaty and sat on it. I floated around for a while

I saw someone in the house, my rush instinct it was a robber so I immediately got off the floaty but ended up me falling in the pools

"Lexi you're not suppose to be swimming with a cast on" jaden said

"Shit I thought you were an intruder, and I wasn't swimming I fell in trying to get off the floaty" I said

"Well you're gonna have to get a new cast, so get out so you don't ruin it more" jaden said

I got out of the pool and grabbed the towel.

I went inside and overheard the conversation between Ryan and jaden

"Ok so we get couple kegs outside, we need some snacks, cups, and more alcohol. Tonight will be so much fun" jaden said

"So you're having a party" I said walking towards the kitchen

They both looked at me with the glare

I hope you liked this chapter, it should be fun to see Wild Alexis. I might write another chapter today but depends how tired I am. I will see you guys next time, byeeeee

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