Chapter 89-Its on the house

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"Who's letting you go" someone said behind

I turned around and it was Aidan

"I'm still on the team, I'm going" I said

"You were never suppose to be on that team, and you never asked for permission" he said

"Aidan you're the one that caused me to be in this situation. You're the one who caused me to hide about going to basketball, and you're the cause that I can't play basketball professionally. So don't say I can't go because you have caused so much damage to me that I don't care what you say. There's no more damage that can be done, you already took away basketball." I said

"Lexi, if you never hid basketball from me, this wouldn't be happening" he said

"You wouldn't let me go, you took away one thing that I had left from New York. I already lost mom and David, I had to move away from my life. The one thing I had left was basketball and that's gone now" I said. I was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry you lost mom and David, but we couldn't just let you stay in New York. But I'm putting my foot down, you're not going" he said

"ROT IN HELL AIDAN" I yelled, I grabbed my crutches and crutched out

"LEXI" he shouted

I didn't care anymore, he ruined my life.

I was having trouble getting up the stairs

"Here let me help you" Ryan said

"No, I can do it myself" I said

I grabbed my crutches and hopped each stair. I almost missed and, but I latched on the railing

"Lexi let me help" Ryan said

"Just leave me alone" I snapped

I got up the stairs and went to my room. I slammed the door and went to the window.

I let the tears out, I let them out and didn't stop. It may seem like I'm a brat, but basketball the only thing I love to death. I didn't care if he took everything away, i just needed basketball.

After calming down, I call Lucia to my room

"Can you drive?" I asked

"Yeah, but not the greatest" she said

I tossed her my keys,

"Can you drive me, it's a 10 minute drive" I said

"Sure, do any of your brothers know?" She asked

"No, and I don't care. You better not tell them either" I said

"Ok, I won't" she replied

We went downstairs and snuck out. She was going to cover for me and would drop me off at the cafe.

"You can turn left" I said

"Are you meeting a guy here?" She asked

"No, they make amazing acai bowls, and I go here to get away from everything at home" I said

"Ohh, well when I come to pick you up bring me one back" she said

"Ok, I will" I replied

She pulled in, and I got out.

"Thanks again and don't tell them anything" I said

She zipped her mouth and threw the key

I went inside and sat at my normal table

"I thought I'll never see my favorite customer again" Tyler said

"Hey Tyler" I replied

"Woah, Lexi what happened?" He asked

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