Chapter 114-We will fly out soon

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"It's about Lucas" Aidan said

"What about Lucas?" I asked

"They are jealous over the fact you have a better relationship with Lucas then any of us" Andrew said

Wow he was straight up forward

"No we're not" ace said

"They don't want him around because you grew up with him and we didn't." Andrew replied

"No, we just don't think he's good company" Aidan said

"Bullshit, he is my brother, he was there for me from the beginning you guys were kinda there for me since a year ago. Obviously it is different, he has seen me grow up. You guys weren't there, he was. You guys are jealous because he saw me from diapers to heels. He was there throughout my basketball career, my modeling, my first boyfriend, to my first breakup. I understand you are jealous, but you can't tell me to stop being friends with the guy I grew up. It's like you are telling me to stop being friends with one of you guys" I said pointing to each of them

They realized I was right

"Lexi, we never thought of it that way. We would never want you to stop talking to one of us. When we were sitting at the table seeing Lucas talking about memories of you two together we all were sad and jealousy. We don't have those memories, and it made us realize we never saw you grow up to who you are today. We were all sad, and wished we were there" Andrew said

"I understand you never saw me grow up, it was sad not knowing you guys or my real family till now. We can make new memories, but you shouldn't be jealous of him" I said

"Yeah, we can make new memories" Ryan said

Only if they knew

"Lexi, it's getting late. You should head up to bed, we can talk more tomorrow" Andrew said

"Ok, goodnight guys" I said

"Goodnight Lexi" they all said.

I went upstairs and headed to bed. I woke up the next day and went to school. The rest of the week was boring and it was now Saturday and James Jenna Lucas and I are going to Disneyland.

"Ok, we have to try going on every ride and we have to stay till fireworks" Jenna said

"Ok, but we're gonna be dead by the time we come back" I said

"Yeah luckily I have a late flight" Lucas said

We reached Disneyland, we waited in line for our tickets, then waited in line to get in the park. We eventually got in and spent the whole day waiting in lines then going on rides. We bought Mickey ears and churros. We had an amazing day and it was my top ten. Now we were on the way back on the tram right now to our car. We were all tired, fucking exhausted.

The tram stopped

"Nooo my legs are tired" Jenna whined

"Mine too" I replied

"Can we just stay here" Lucas asked

"Come on guys" james said

James surprisingly wasn't too tired. He grabbed all of us and put us in the car. He grabbed my keys and drove each of us home. His car was at my place so he dropped me off and drove his car home. We all were in the car and drove home. He dropped Lucas off first then me.

"Thank you, we will meet up tomorrow for lunch near the airport before Lucas leaves" I said

"Ok, goodnight Lexi" James said

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