Chapter 81- They came

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I checked the last right before stepping in the court.

I saw my dad, Andrew, Ace, Ryan, Jaden, Maddie, and Kenzie. They were all wearing T-shirt with my face on it. They just had to do that. Couple rows down I saw Noah, and his friends.

I made eye contact with Andrew and they cheered for me.

I went to my position, Lauren was tipping the ball. She tipped the ball and one of my teammates got the ball.

I was already down the court, so she throws the ball, and I go for a layup. I made the shot and everyone associate with my family cheered as loud as they can.

I wanted to hide, people were looking at me and my family.

It was now halftime and we were up by 8.

"Ok, I want the first 5 in." Coach said

She hasn't subbed me out, I'm not super tired but I do need a break.

"Ok, get out there" she said

We all went on the court, the other team kept pushing. We were tied, and it was now the end of the third quarter. I needed to sub out,

Coach saw me tired so she subbed me out.

I sat on the bench and caught my breath and drank water. There was 8 minutes left and the other team was up by 2.

We kept pushing and trying to get back.

It was 3 minutes left, they were still up by 2

"Lexi, sub in" coach said

"Ok" I replied

I subbed in and knew we needed a 3 pointer.

Lauren brought the ball up. She faked pass to the right then passed it to me. No one was blocking me so shoot a 3 and I made it. They all cheered for me.

It was now a minute left we were up by 1, we had to keep it that way.

The other team had the ball, we had either get the ball or make sure they don't shoot. We all blocked and made sure the ball didn't go in the hoop

3,2,1 buzzer.

We won, we won our first game.

We went off the court and cheered for the other team.

"They are the eagles" coach said

"Ok, eagles on 3 1,2,3" Lauren said

"Eagles" we all yelled

"Now ours, Vikings on 3, 1,2,3" Lauren said

"Vikings" we yelled

We lined up and high fived them saying good game.

"Good job guys for your first game, we have so things to work on. Practice on Thursday." Coach Megan said

"Ok" we said

I changed my shoes and grabbed my bag. I headed toward my family when my eyes caught someone

Rylie my sponsor

I never expected her to come to one of my games

I ran to her to give her a hug.

"Eww you're sweaty" she said

"Good to see you too" I replied

"I didn't expect you to come to my games" I said shocked

"Well, seeing this is your outlet, and what helps you dealing with stuff, I wanted to see how good you really were" she said

"Soo was I good?" I asked

"Ehh I've seen better" she replied

I faked being hurt

"How dare you, I guess I'll have to get a new sponsor" I said

"Noo, you did amazing." She said

"I know I'm messing with you" I replied

We both started laughing.

"Lexi who is this" Andrew said

"This is my sponsor rylie" I replied

"Rylie this is my brother Andrew" I said

"Hi" Rylie replied

"Hello" Andrew said

The rest of the people came down.

"Umm, this is Ace and his girlfriend Maddie, Ryan and his girlfriend Kenzie, Jaden and my dad" I said pointing to everyone

"Hello" she said

They all said hello or hi

"Lexi you did amazing out there" my dad said

"Thanks, I tried my best" I replied

"This deserves a celebration, let's go get food" Ryan said

"And rylie you're invited to come join us" Andrew said

"No, it's fine I don't want to-

"No I insist" he says

"Ok" she replied

"Ok, I'll be right out. I have to grab things from the locker room" I said

"Ok, we're gonna go to California pizza kitchen so meet us there" Andrew said

"Ok" I replied

I started walking towards the locker room

"Lexi wait up" Noah said

"Hey Noah" I replied

"Hi, you did great out there. Without the 3 pointer the team would have lost" he said

"Thanks, but it wasn't only me out there" I replied

"Well, you shined out of all of them" he said

"Thanks" I replied

"Well I will see you later, but good job today" he said

"Thanks, I'll see you later" I replied

I went to the locker room and changed my jersey to a normal shirt. I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the locker room

"Hey princess" Zane said leaning on the wall

"Hi Zane" I replied

"You did great out there" he said

"You watched my game?" I said confused. I didn't expect him to watch it

"Yeah I watched it a bit. Your three pointer was clean" he said

"Thanks, I work on those mostly" I replied

"I can tell" he said

"Well thanks for coming out" I said

"Yeah, it was fun watching your game. Maybe I'll swing by another one" he said

"Ok bet" I replied

"I'm not lying" he said

"Ok I'll see there then" I said

"See you" he said

It was like a competition between him and I.

But I never expected the next thing to happen


A cliffhanger

I know I know, y'all hate cliffhangers but I'm about to start the next chapter after posting this one so don't worry.

What do you think happened? Did Aidan come? Find out next time, see you later byeee

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