Chapted 120-Why is he back

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I drove to Jenna's house at around 6pm.

"Ok, here's the plan. I made a reservation under a fake name, at 7:30 and I made sure we are in the back. We will see who Aidan is on a date with. We will stay and eat then leave before they leave" I said

"Ok, it better not be Rachel" she said

"If it is, he doesn't know what's coming" I said

We got ready, and changed into outfits we would never wear. The place was 45 minutes away so we we had to leave in 10 minutes.

We took Jenna's car just in case if Aidan noticed my car. We went in her car and drove to the place.

We finally reached the place, and headed inside

"Hi, we have a reservation. It's under Jessica tamag" I said

"Ok, follow me" she said

We followed her towards a table in the back.

"Your waiter will be right with you" she said

We sat down and started looking at the menu, I had view of the front, but they couldn't see us.

The waiter came and asked for our drinks. He brought us drinks then asked what we wanted. We ordered our food and it was about 8:00pm. I was watching the door open and seeing who comes in and out.

At 8:05 Aidan walked in with a girl. My mouth dropped


He lied, he fucking lied

I should have not told Joshua to withdraw the papers.

"He lied" I said

"What?" Jenna asked

Jenna looked over to door and saw Rachel and Aidan

"Lexi, I'm so sorry" she said

All the pain and suffering coming back.

"Lexi lets go" Jenna said

"Wait, let me take pictures" I said

I grabbed my phone and took pictures of Aidan and Rachel together.

"Ok, here is your food" the waiter said

"Thank you" Jenna said

We decided to eat the food and I kept watching Aidan and Rachel. They were very touchy and in love, as if they never broke up.

We quickly ate the dinner and payed. We left right after

We went to the car and sat inside

"Lexi are you okay?" She asked

I felt broken, I slowly started trusting my brother again, especially Aidan.

"I thought he dumped her, I withdrew the papers because he supposedly dumped her" I said

"I'm gonna kill him" Jenna said

"I'm gonna kill Rachel" I said

"Can you take me home?" I asked

"Yes, of course" she said

We drove home in silence beside the radio being on.

"Thanks Jenna, I'll talk to you later" I said

"It's ok Lexi, Aidan and Rachel won't last" she said

"And you'll be 18 in 4 months" she said

"Yes, 4 more months" I replied

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