Chapter 17- What's the issue

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"Andrew we have an issue" Aidan said glaring at Andrew

"Lexi, go upstairs I'll see you in a bit" Andrew said to me with a fake smile

"Well what's the issue, is it me again?" I asked Aidan with a smirk on my face

"Alexis just get upstairs" he replied annoyed

"No, go on tell me if it's me, because I can take another hit from you" I replied trying to anger him

"Lexi please just go upstairs, remember what I said about why we keep secrets from you." Andrew said to me with a calming voice

He's the only nice one in this family

"Whatever" I said. I hopped up the stairs slowly trying to hear their conversation

"Alexis can you go any faster" Aidan said with a hint of annoyance

"Sorry I'm injured and it takes time to go up the stairs" I replied annoyed

"I swear to god Alexis, if you back talk to me one time, I'll take your-" he said before getting cut off

"Hey, this is no time for an argument, Lexi just go upstairs, and Aidan stop yelling at our sister so much" Andrew said

I got up the stairs and went in my room and fell on my bed. Today was fun but I was exhausted. The bed was so cozy and comfortable, next thing you know I was asleep.

I woke up around 10pm, shit I forgot to eat dinner. I go downstairs and everyone was there watching a movie

"Finally you're awake" Jaden said

"Yeah I was tired" I replied with a awkward tone

"Yeah we could tell" Ryan said while smirking

"Umm is there any food already made" I asked while searching the fridge

"Yeah we ordered pizza, it should be on the counter" Andrew said while paying attention to the screen

I checked the boxes and the only pizza left was full of veggies, and I hate veggie pizza. I looked through the fridge to find any food I can find. I ended up grabbing cheese and bread and started making a grilled cheese.

"Why aren't you eating pizza" Jaden said from behind me

"Ahh, shit you scared me" I said while smacking him with the bag of bread.

"Sorry" he replied while laughing

"I'm not eating pizza because I hate veggie" I replied

"You should have told us" he said

"Well I didn't know you're getting pizza for dinner" I replied hangry

"Sorry, we should have asked" he said with a sincere tone

"It's ok, I'm fine eating a grilled cheese, I make a mean grilled cheese" I replied with a laugh

"Ok bet, make me one then" he said

"Ok" I replied

I made two grilled cheese one for me and the other for jaden. I pushed the to the end of the counter where Jaden was.

"Here you go" I said

"Thanks" he replied

We both ate the grilled cheese

"Damn Lexi, this grilled cheese is amazing" he said with a surprised face

"Told you" I replied with a smirk

"You guys gotta try this grilled cheese Lexi made" he shouted to them

All my brother came to the kitchen and took a piece from Jaden's plate

They all had shocked faces

"Wow Lexi your grilled cheese is amazing" Andrew said

"Thanks" I replied

"At least she's good at something" Aidan mumbled. I'm pretty sure he didn't want anyone to hear that but I heard it and it stung. Why is he so cold to me, I expected it from Ryan but not Aidan.

I quickly finished the grilled cheese and grabbed my medicine. I didn't want to stay in the room with him any longer.

I tried grabbing my medicine but it was on the top of the shelf. I almost slipped but I caught myself before I did. Close call. I took my medicine and started heading upstairs.

"Hey Lexi watch the movie with us" Andrew said while I was exiting the kitchen

"Nahh it's ok, I'm pretty tired from today" I replied

"Come on, don't be like that" he said

"Sorry, I'm too tired to watch anything" I lied

"Ok, you're missing out" he said

"It's ok, another time" I replied

While walking away I heard Aidan say something but couldn't hear it but I heard a lot of ughhh and "what the fuck aidan". Knowing he was saying something about me.

I went into my room and I wanted to cry but I have to be stronger. I never wanted my mom more, than right now. She would always be there for me when I was sad and bring her cookies she made for me. It is hard without her. I needed to get out of here, I couldn't stay in this room any longer but I couldn't just sit down and pretend nothing happened between Aidan and I. He didn't even fucking apologize to me for saying those things. He's an asshole. I decided to open my window and sit on the ledge of the window. I didn't realize how high my room is from the ground. I wanted to run out of the house but I couldn't jump because of my crutches and cast, and if I did the boys would somehow find out. I sat on the ledge and saw an access to the roof. It was a risky move because I can easily fall, but what's life without a risk. I threw one of my crutches on the roof and climbed up. I got up and holy shit it was worth the risk. The moon and the stars were so pretty. I thought of so many things while on the roof, it was relaxing and much needed. It was peaceful until I heard someone voice

"Lexi you in here?" Someone asked but I couldn't tell.

"Lexi seriously come out here" the person said again, seemed like it was Jaden.

"Lexi this isn't a joke seriously get out here" he said in a more serious tone

"Shiiittt" he said while running towards the window, I ducked down

"GUYS, she isn't in her room and the window was open" he yelled from her room. I hear everyone in my room.

"Where could she have gone"

"Did someone take her"

"Shit someone took her"

"We need to find her now"

"She's in danger, and she could find out"

Why would I be in danger and find out what.

I hear everyone leave my room and that was my cue to go back in my room. I threw my crutch back in my room and climbed down. I was debating whether or not to tell them I'm ok. Ehh they will figure it out sooner or later.

30 minutes later my room door opens and all four of them plus other men come into my room

"Who the fuck are they" I questioned while pointing to the men

All of there faces had a shocked face. Guess they didn't expect to see me here

Hope you liked this chapter, I'm lowkey having writers block so sorry if this chapter was shit. This might be my last chapter until Thursday because I have an AP exam and I have to study. Sooo why do you guys think Aidan stone cold to Lexi. Who do you think the men that came into her room were.  Why do you think the guys thought Lexi got kidnapped. Comment what you think. Plz vote and comment. See ya later

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