Chapter 30- I dont want you to hang out with them

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"What the fuck is happening here"

All of us shot up, half awake.

"Huh" I asked

"Why the fuck were you snuggling with James" Ryan asked.

I realized James arm was hugging me and I was under it with a blanket around us

"Oh my god, we were not" I said annoyed

"Uh huh sure, next time I'm kicking you out" Ryan said glaring at James

"Aidan said to call you for dinner, and your friends could stay." Ryan said

"Ok, we are coming" I said

"Y'all wanna stay" I asked

"Sure" they both replied

James gave me a piggy back ride to the table. I didn't see anyone there, but I saw all of my brothers outside, with dinner plates. I guess we are eating dinner outside.

We got outside and all of my brother gave James and I, a glare. Seriously he's like my brother.

He sets me down on the chair, and grabs me a plate of food. My brothers got used to my friends being around and they got comfortable. They were talking about embarrassing stories about me.

"No no, don't tell them" I said

They did anyway

"Haha, these stories are priceless" Andrew said

After dinner we had dessert.

"Hey can james and Jenna sleep over" I asked

"Yeah why not" Andrew said

"But James is staying the guest room" Aidan said

"Ok whatever" I said

They finished eating and James Jenna and I stayed outside and talked. We caught up on each other's life. We were out there till 11:00pm

"Lexi, medicine time" Andrew yelled from the door

"Ok" I said

He came out with 1 tablet and water. I took it without hesitating.

"Wanna watch a movie" I asked

"Sure" they said

I told them to turn on the projector and pull the screen, and turn on the projector. We watched fast and furious. After a bit we all fell asleep.

I woke up when the birds starting chirping. I was still outside but a blanket wrapped around me. I couldn't find Jenna or James near me. I looked towards the pool and I saw both of them floating on a floatie in the water. I texted Ryan to come outside with an air horn

After 10 minutes he finally came out groggy and shirtless only wearing pajama pants.

"How did they get in the pool" I asked

"I don't know," he said with a smirk

"Did you have something to do with this" I asked

"Maybe" he said

Then Jaden appeared

"Did you have something to do with this I asked"

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