Chapter 74- You ready to go

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I slipped away and went downstairs, and I saw chloe

"Hey" I said

"Hi" she replied

"Sorry I woke you up last night, I didn't mean to" I replied apologizing.

"It's ok, I'm used to it. Noah always brings girls home all the time" chloe said

Did she think me and him hooked up. He brings other girls over?

"Ohh noo, him and I didn't" I replied

"Oh, that's different" she said

"Well, if it makes it better, you're my favorite out of all the girls" she said

"Thanks" I replied confused

She left the room and went upstairs. I went into the guest room and changed into a top and sweatpants.

I checked my phone and Robert texted me

"Hey sweetie, plans got changed we leave tonight to Italy" he said

Shit, I leave today.

I packed my stuff and went upstairs, and Noah was starting to wake up.

"I thought you left" he said

"No I went downstairs but I do gotta go" I replied

"Already?" He whined

"Yeah, my plans changed, I'm going to Italy today not after New Years" I replied

"Oh, that's fun. I hope you have fun, text me when you reach" he said

"Thanks" I replied

He dropped me off to my car

"Send me pictures" he said

"I will, and thank you so much for letting me stay" I said

"Anytime, I'll see you soon" he said

I waved and drove off. I stopped at Starbucks to get a bagel and coffee. I grabbed it and went home. I drove home and it felt weird being here.

I opened the door and went inside, it was empty.

I went to my room and started packing for the trip. I looked up the weather and it was going to be cold.

I needed to know how much am I allowed to pack

I went downstairs and checked the kitchen and he wasn't in there. So I checked the guest room.

I knocked on the door

"Come in" he said

"Hey Robert" I said

"Lexi you're home" he said

"Yeah I got back about 10 minutes ago" I said

"That's good" he said

"Yeah, umm quick question" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Is there a specific amount of luggage I can bring" I asked

"However much you want, but I would make sure you have extra space for items you buy in Italy" he said

"Ok, thank you" I replied

"We leave for the airport at 10pm" he said

"Ok" I said

I left the room, and went back to my room. I grabbed the luggage's I have.

I packed a lot of clothes, for the trip. I packed a lot of winter clothing, jackets, shoes, accessories and bags.

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