Chapter 1-family day

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It was a sunny day in New York, it was around 10am when I heard my door creak open. I pulled the covers over my face so I can sleep more but instead the covers were ripped off my bed.

"Ughhhhhh! Why did you guys interrupt my sleep" I said

"It's family day, come on I made waffles, it's your favorite!" Mom said

"OK IM UP NOW" I ran towards the kitchen and grabbed the waffles

"Woah slow down kiddo" dad said as I began eating the waffles

"So what's the plan for today" as I said eating the waffles

"Well we are thinking we can do a family day, since we haven't had one for a while" mom said as she made some more waffle batter

"Ok I am down with that" I said while putting my plate away

"Ok start getting ready we are going to Central Park in 30 min" mom said as she began eating

I walk into my bathroom, and started playing my music, I walked into the hot shower. It felt so good feeling the water through my hair. I got out and put on my brandy Melville tank top and shorts and paired it with my high tops. I left my hair natural and put some makeup on. I walked out and see if  my mom and dad were ready

We got to the park 30 min later. We had so much fun and we felt like a family again. We walked around and went shopping. I bought a new pair of shoes, and some clothes. After a long day in the city we went back home.

When we got home we were all exhausted, from the day.

"Hey alexis, do you want Chinese food for dinner" my mom said as she walked into the house
"Sure, can you get me the usual" I said as taking my shoes off.

"Ok, your dad and I are going to pick it up so pick a movie and we will all dinner together and watch the movie" she said as she walked to the family room grabbing the car keys.

"Ok see you later" I yelled

I changed into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, I grabbed a snack while I wait for the food. I finally picked a movie after 15 minutes of not knowing which one. I decided to FaceTime one of my friends while waiting for my parents to get back.

"Hey Jenna" I said as she answered the phone

"Hey alexis, I didn't hear from you the whole day I thought you died" she said.

"Haha no, don't worry. Are we still on for next Saturday at Jason's?"

"Ummm obviously, he's throwing the biggest party, we are going!" She said.

I talked to her for another hour when I realized the time and I became more hungry. I was wondering how long they would take.

"Hey Jenna I'll call you in a bit, my parents were suppose to be home by now with food but they aren't." I said with a worry tone

"Ok call me back" she said as I hung up

I called my mom first and no response, then I called my dad, no response. I got worried because they would have been here by now. I started to text them I got a knock on my door. Woo finally they are here. As I opened the door I didn't expect who I saw.

"Hello?" I said in a confusing tone

"Hi are you alexis whitmore?" the nice lady said to me with the police officer next to her.

"Yes, why?"

"Hi alexis, may we come in?" The officer said to me

"Yes, but am I in trouble?" I said with the same tone.

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